Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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School Computer To Be Returned (Unsure of when replacement device is acquired)

Well-Known Member
I pretty much laid it out for you in the title.

Tomorrow is my last day of school before finals week (this week), and at some point before Graduation (June 3rd), my Chromebook (My only computational device worthy of type-age) will have to be returned.

As such, I will not be able to write once that happens, for an undefined amount of time. I'll see what I can do to chat around and other stuff like that, but on the whole my RPing is going to be extremely... limited. That's putting it lightly.

I will say however, if there is a will, there is a way. If I feel the need to, I'll pull out my tablet and figure something out.

I figured I'd give a warning though, as I'm not sure when I finally have to give this up :/
Well-Known Member
News update: My computational device shall be confiscated on Thursday, in which time I must resort to using the screwing "keyboard" on my Tablet :/

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