When it came to the Knights Obsidian, that was the impression that the Echani received. A few months ago? They had been one of the most powerful fighting forces in the Galaxy. Folk from Geonosis to Eshan knew who they were - and how much bite they brought. Yet, after an artifact went haywire...the atmosphere shifted. There was a cloud which loomed over the survivors. A cocktail of survivor's guilt and despair for the most part. Better days were coming, of course. A new Commander had been chosen, recruitment was up; on paper things were on their way back to "normal." But, how normal could things be when the memory of killing a mutated friend still haunted the mind? How normal could things be when even the Roon facility remained broken.
Construction had begun, yet there was quite a long way to go before things were restored. Even then, it would never be the same. Var could tell by just looking in the eyes of his peers. He was fortunate enough to have evaded the Cataclysm. His obligations had not yet sent him walking down the Obsidian path. Yet, part of him wished that it had. He might have been able to lend a hand to these sorry souls. Help in the fight. Something. Because, as it stood now, there was no hope in many of their faces. Just a thousand yard stare. Oddly enough, the atmosphere was enough that it gave the Echani a swift kick in the posterior. It motivated him to look inward - to ask himself, really, did he have what it took to survive something like this.
He was confident in the training of his past. Confident in his experiences in supermax or as a mercenary. But against Hell itself?
Honestly? He didn't fare much of a chance. So, the time came to do something about it. He was talented enough in the Force, enough so that the Knighthood named him a full-fledged member on the spot. However, against monsters, he had no bags of tricks. He wasn't going to be reanimating legions of the dead - or whatever new tactic the Jedi brought out on the battlefield these days. But, he had to do something. That resulted in a trip to the Archives. Or, what was left of them. If nothing else, he could take a look at some literature and find something to work on. Figure out a path. A routine. Something tangible. Thus, as the clock hit noon, the Echani busied himself in browsing the surviving shelves.
Carelessness saw that, while stepping down the lane, he damn near collided with one of his peers. One that he'd recognize as, technically, a superior. "Oh chit," he said, offering an apologetic grin. "Didn't see you there."
He chuckled, and out of manners alone, introduced himself. "Name's Var, looking for some training literature. Any suggestions?"