The shuttle loomed through hyperspace, the low hum of it's engines relaxing Vereshin, who leaned by the window idly as he waited for the passengers to quiet down. There were few of them, which would make it easier for him to conduct his experiment. He gripped the strap of the black satchel which hung around his shoulder, shifting with an antsy eye gazing over the one or two passengers who had to sit down. A Twi'lek mother cradled her child, whose cries split Vereshin's eardrums and made it nigh impossible for him to concentrate. Curling his fingers into a fist, he shot around abruptly and bore his lime green eyes into the woman's face, his lips trembling in frustration.
"Shut that thing up, would you?" He hissed.
The woman recoiled and held her child closer to her chest. Sliding a hand into his pocket, Vereshin produced his watch and noted the time that had elapsed since the shuttle left the spaceport. They were well and truly into hyperspace by now, meaning that it was time for him to go through with his plan. Hitting the timer on his watch, he put it back in his pocket and stood, then strolled past the woman and her child, as well as the other passengers, before stopping at the entrance to the deck. He leaned against the frame and hit the button to open it, then turned around and gave everyone on board a wide smile.
"Strap yourselves in, folks, chit's about to get relative." Vereshin chuckled. Nobody else did and the other passengers screwed up their faces, dismissing his words as some poor joke they did not get the reference to, but Vereshin continued to laugh. The doors slid close behind him and hen slunk into the corridor outside, where he found a staircase leading to the engine room below.
The door was locked, which was not a problem to somebody who broke cardinal laws of physics on a regular basis. Placing both palms against the door, Vereshin dissipated the mass of it and effortlessly phased through the metal to the other side. Beeps echoed off the narrow corridors of the engineering deck, where as far as Vereshin could tell, he was alone, all except for an engineer hard at work below the hyperdrive. Entwining his fingers, the dark sorcerer strode forward with his hands placed calmly against his diaphragm. He walked to the hyperdrive and stood still, attracting the engineer's attention before too long.
"Move." Vereshin ordered.
The engineer stood at his full height, which was a good few inches taller than Vereshin and looked at him, astonished as to how he had got down there. Vereshin stared at him plainly, twiddling his thumbs patiently as he waited for him to step aside, which the engineer did not do.
"What? No!" The man shouted, rubbing grease onto a rag. "You're not even supposed to be down here! Get the hell out!" He shouted, throwing a finger towards the door.
Vereshin did not move. Brilliant, lime green eyes stared the man down, his eyelids lowering as he raised his hand. With a snap, he broke the man's neck with a thought, then lowered his hand and watched his corpse slump onto the floor. Brushing his hands, Vereshin stepped over the dead engineer and shoved his body aside with his pointed-toed boot, giving the room he needed to get into the hyperdrive. The machine stood in the center of the back wall, circulating hypermatter around the mass of the ship. Twiddling his fingers in anticipation, Vereshin skipped over to it and tapped a lever, then wrenched it forward, accelerating the output of hypermatter.
Taking a step back, he slid off his satchel and lowered his hands over the hyperdrive. As hypermatter was pumped around the system at an impossible speed, the ship jolted forward, bypassing the speed of light in the process. The impact threw Vereshin into the machine, but he picked himself up and coiled his fingers over it, inserting his telekinetic reach between the particles which surged around inside.
"By the matter which moves beyond the speed of light, surpass the constant by which it holds and proceed." Vereshin uttered the spell clearly, moving the spell along with the hypermatter as it accelerated the ship. With the added speed, he dragged it forward, bypassing the rate it kept prior to entering hyperspace. Upon moving faster than the speed of light, the ship was pulled into a later point in time, which Vereshin reached by propelling it beyond the constant at which could travel no further. "Stretch the rate at which it travels and bypass the point from where it begins, vary the speed." He said, extending the limits of the hypermatter.
"Shift to frame where it has yet to arrive." Splaying his hands against the air, Vereshin threw the hypermatter into total disorder, sending it racing past the point in time where the ship was directed. Once he bypassed the light speed of light, he caused the shuttle to jump, skipping a beat in time with the reference frames it bypassed. The meters on the hyperdrive revved out of control, with some of the glass screens shattering. Backing away, Vereshin looked up in glee as the ship shook around him and waved his hands in excitement.
"Yes, yes!" He exclaimed, then grabbed his satchel and turned around. The body of the dead engineer was gone, having been moved by one of the crew members in the past. Vereshin was practically squealing with joy and darted across the deck, then up the stairs.
Upon arriving at the deck above, Vereshin was greeted with the arrival of another ship which had docked the shuttle's holding bay. At the landing ramp, a young woman was standing over the engineer's corpse, along withe crew members. Withdrawing a breath, Vereshin hissed in frustration when he realized that she was on to him. A few of the crew members aimed their pistols, at which point he simply collapsed into space and transported himself to the command deck. Some lady and a few pilots were not going to take his triumph from him, not today.
"Reee!" Vereshin hissed. The space behind him curved as he jumped straight through it, sending the gravitational pull in the docking bay into a frenzy. The y0ung woman, as well as the crew members would be uplifted by the force of the wall being collapsed, before falling into a heap. Upon flying out the other side, he arrived at the command deck and found that the navicomputer was unguarded, much to his delight.
"Haha!" He cackled.
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