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Science Fiction or Fantasy?

So I was recently asked the question by my girlfriend "Is Star Wars Science Fiction?"

This question is something that has always stuck with me as a long time fan of Star Wars and as someone who studies the various lore and mythology. So when I was asked I had to actually stop and think for a few minutes. The question as to whether it is science fiction or fantasy really bothers me. Part of me says science fiction while the other part says fantasy. Then there is a middle section that points to it having elements of both.

Figured it would make good discussion. So discuss.

I honestly think it is more fantasy than science fiction because of the lore. It isn't about humanity and Earth. It is its own universe with its own history and species and languages. I will happily explain farther if anyone asks however I'll leave my answer as that for now.
I've always seen it as fantasy with a dose of science fiction, without the science :D.

I always think science fiction is something along the lines of Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke. Star Wars has always struck me as not being that 'true' science fiction.

So I would agree that it has things of both, but I think it has more in common with fantasy than science fiction.


Morality Policeman :)
I have always seen Star Wars as the penultimate sci-fi franchise. It's actually not too far removed from classic science-fiction, to be honest, and a lot of the technology is coming true even today. I would say the setting is absolutely pure sci-fi.

The story, on the other hand, is definitely along the lines of a fantasy epic--although it borrows from so many sources (both factually historic and fictional) that it's hard to pin it down. Believe it or not, Star Wars is partly classified as a western. I believe the fantasy bits of Star Wars--while vital to the story itself--often get over-emphasized by many people.

Star Wars has deep roots in Japanese epics and fantasies of the samurai, historical accounts of warrior monks, legends of the Knights Templar, cowboy gunslinging flicks, classic science-fiction, and even includes cyberpunk undercurrents.

I believe the unique blend of all these things is what has led to Star Wars being labeled simply as a 'space opera'. And, of course, it's the best space opera to ever be told. :)
That's a good question.

Honestly never thought of it in depth like that, all way's thought of it as science fiction. But maybe that was because I was a kid and I always associate space ships, holograms and the vehicles they had as "futuristic", which in turn made think that Star Wars was science fiction.

But now thinking about it and paying more attention of the movies, I can see it being a fantasy. Mostly because of the the different races and the cool worlds that are within the Star Wars universe. But that's just me.


Active Member
It's science fiction the attempt to break the genre up by elitists is silly. Trying to say something is one thing or another within a genre is trying to break us apart. So it's sci fi trust me perhaps a different flavor but it's sci fi.

Connor Harrison

Good question!

To me, it's sci-fi fantasy. Primarily sci-fi. Taking everything we know about science and making it fiction for audiences on Earth - from vehicles, weaponry and armour; it all is recognisable to something here on Earth but just ramped up for the galaxy far, far away.

However, I will bring in [member="Corvus Raaf"] as I know she gets on her high horse about this question...

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
I think Star Wars is a good documentary. You know... space, ships, aliens... So much information

Or a drama, as for Anakin and Padme's love.

Or Sci-fi, special effects, story and lightsabers...

So, Star Wars is many things, you can't say it's just a Sci-fi movie.

:D :D

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
[member="Connor Harrison"]

What can I say? :D

Fantasy, despite being marketed as Sci-Fi. It might be set in space, etc, but the majority of what it involves is far too airy-fairy to be tied to any literal matter how hard Lucas tried to make it *seem* like there was a scientific theory behind everything *cough* midi-chlorians *cough*


Active Member
Again all Sci if Is really is a fictional setting where science and tech are not as they are here irl. I don't buy into the labeling of science fantasy cause it serves so purpose.
"Lucas later proposed that terms like 'space fantasy' or 'science fantasy' better fit the story."
Source: Wookieepedia, cited from a George Lucas interview.

"Genre: Fantasy"
Source: IMDB

Star Wars is a setting where space ships firing lasers at robots occur alongside knights and magic. The science-fiction elements are prominent, but are almost never founded in actual fact. Star Wars has been called "soft" sci-fi, a space opera, science fantasy, space fantasy, and many, many other genres. It doesn't fit into one single subset, by Lucas' own admission.

"As a kid, I read a lot of science fiction. But instead of reading technical, hard-science writers like Isaac Asimov, I was interested in Harry Harrison and a fantastic, surreal approach to the genre. I grew up on it. Star Wars is a sort of compilation of this stuff, but it's never been put in one story before, never put down on film. There is a lot taken from Westerns, mythology, and samurai movies. It's all the things that are great put together. It's not like one kind of ice cream but rather a very big sundae." - SW:ANH novelization introduction interview
Star Wars is many things. It is science fiction (of a sort). It is fantasy (of a sort). It's a grand and beautiful amalgamation of the two genres that has become iconic to the culture of our entire world.

So yes. It's science fantasy.

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