Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did Someone Order a War?

Are you tired of drawn-out Aggressive Negotiations?
Have grenades got you down?
Detonate your impaled problems instead!

  • Classification: Sonic Concussive Javelin
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Single Shot
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: None
  • A ten-meter area of effect. Sonic concussive explosives rupture and puncture their targets, unlike a sonic wave that envelops or transfers energy.
  • The weapon's ammunition relies on the wielder's ability to carry several javelins; drawing a new one takes a second.
  • Each weapon requires priming on the handle to activate the sonic charge.
  • Sonic weapons have a disorientating effect on the senses and the nervous system.
  • Dual action: The javelin features a piercing tip and a concussive sonic discharge upon impact. Even if intercepted, the area around the landing site should experience a sonic discharge.
  • Lightweight: Easy to carry multiple javelins on your back without issue.
  • Force Enhancement: Force techniques can increase the weapon's lethality and accuracy.
  • Disorienting: Sonic weapons can damage hearing, senses, and the nervous system, creating a disorienting effect.
  • Controlled Detonation: The charge only detonates if primed, allowing the javelin to be used for stabbing or dropped without triggering an explosion.
  • Single-use: The weapon discharges once; there are no second chances.
  • Evasion: Techniques like Force Push, swift movement, or gravity manipulation can avoid the effects entirely.
  • Vulnerable to Sabers: Lightsabers can cut through the javelin, but must avoid the head landing nearby to prevent being hit by the concussive charge.
  • Time-consuming: It takes time to draw and throw another javelin.
  • Limited in Melee: Too light to be effective in melee combat beyond being a distraction or a stabbing weapon.


Surprisingly, this weapon design originated from the Uos Family during their latest triad war with the Exchange in the core worlds. Ever since the death of their leader at the hands of a powerful Dark Jedi, the Uos have been in a downward spiral, their story growing more elaborate with each retelling. However, they noticed their enemy's lack of a dependable counter to sonic explosives.

The current Uos Patriarch, as cold-hearted as his predecessor but increasingly opportunistic, gleaned design ideas from smaller Triad gangs fighting duels for family honor on the rim. The Javelin is a rarely seen weapon, born of necessity and improvisation by rimworld gangs with nothing to lose—precisely the kind of innovation for mischief Fire for Effect appreciates. When the Uos presented this idea, Fire for Effect eagerly agreed to create a new weapon—then proceeded to test it on the Uos themselves.

The results exceeded expectations. Witnessing an Uos leader not only pierced through his chest but also detonating most of his nearby underlings, one FFE weapon tech was quoted as saying, "Daaaaaaaamn."

Well-placed words, dear reader, if ever I heard them. This is Underworld Tales signing off. Remember, long live the Triad Wars, your source of inspired intergalactic disharmony and every arms dealer's and black marketer's best friend.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Sere Reene Sere Reene

Very creative and cool!
  • In the 7.0 the Rate of fire is no longer part of the ratings (those are not in the fields what Tefka added to the new form), because of this are +3. I would like to ask you to edit this.
  • There is no rating N/A in the Recoil. I would like to ask you to modify it, the ratings are:
    Recoil: (How much recoil does the weapon have? Generally speaking, the lighter the weapon and the more damage output it has, the more recoil it will have. Also, certain types of weapons will not have recoil. Choose from Extreme, Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low, and None.)
Did Someone Order a War?
Thanks for your tireless effort here, and sure.

  • Rate of Fire: Single Shot
  • Recoil: None

If we count recoil in the ratings, and discount fire rate, i'll table this concept. It might work better as a melee weapon in that case.
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Did Someone Order a War?
Someone has mentioned that the range would likely be down to the thrower, so it makes more sense as a melee weapon. I'll put one up and see what you think:

Hopefully, this keeps it more simple.

I formally request this one to be archived. Thanks.
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