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Approved NPC Scor Ch'Dar

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  • Intent: To create a crew mate for Remi
  • ​Image Credit: Taylor Fischer
  • Role: Mechanic
  • Links: Ranat
  • Age: Prime
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-force user
  • Species: Ranat
  • Appearance: Tan colored fur, with a white underbelly and white markings around his left eye. His eyes are red. He is typically wearing a long overcoat with many pockets and loops for tools and gadgets. He also tends to wear a mask over his face, obscuring his eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Name: Scor Ch'Dar
  • Loyalties: [member="[/B]Jeremiah wynarn"], Archive Station
    [*]Wealth: Not extremely wealthy, but he tends to have enough for both his needs and desires.
    [*]Notable Possessions: Scor's Gas Mask, Scor tends to make specialized tools for problems that he faces, each is special and unique.
    [*]Skills: Scor is a master level mechanic, trained by archivists with Archive Station. He keeps Cloudreaver, Remi's ship, running in tip top shape.
    [*]Personality: Scor is a bit twitchy, as if he is scared of the things around him. He truly isn't, just trying to observe everything at once. He tends to view everything as either a mechanical problem, or something entirely out of his purview, and therefore beneath him.

  • Weapon of Choice: Scor likes to use grenades if he hasn't been able to make a custom tool for a fight.
  • Combat Function: Combat is not Scor's primary function, and though he isn't a coward, he isn't a warrior at all. He is mainly meant to be behind the scenes, fixing damage. When he is in a fight, he tends to go overboard, flinging grenades at the enemy to try to over do the damage so he can get back to his machines.
It might be cliche to say that a member of a ratfolk race was born into the underworld, but such is the beginning of Scor Ch'Dar. He never knew his parents, instead he was raised by the community. He was always one to tinker, even before he could scamper promptly. As he grew, his tinkering became more advanced, and more elaborate.

At the same time that he hit the scanners of Archive Station, he was about to be on the outs with his contemporaries. One too many explosions that drew down the wrong kind of attention on his warren of criminals. The Archivist sent to bring him into the fold, [member="jeremiah wynarn"], saved him from being spaced. Since then, Scor has traveled with Remi and kept the Cloudreaver, Remi's ship, in tip top shape.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Hello there, [member="Jeremiah Wynarn"]. I shall be your friendly neighborhood Codex Judge, today. Please give me some time to read this over and gather my thoughts. If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to give me a ping! :)


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Essentially, the only issue I have is the image credit. If possible, I would like to see a more specific credit: the artist specifically, in fact, not just a blog post featuring it.

[member="Jeremiah Wynarn"]
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