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Scorpio-class Artillery Emplacement


  • Intent: To provide a defensive emplacement for Lucerne Lab's customers
  • Image Source: here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Surface to space railgun
  • Size: Extreme
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Ammunition Type: Plasma / Slugs, power
  • Ammunition Capacity: Effectively unlimited

  • Reload Speed: Low
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Recoil: Extreme

  • Variable ammunition (plasma / slugs) (can only carry up to three types of munitions at a time)

  • Roughly equivalent to a v-150 Planetary Ion Cannon in terms of scale and power

  • Killshot: Like many larger planetary defense weapons, the Scorpio packs a significant punch, with each bolt or slug designed to inflict notable damage even to star destroyers.

  • Orbital Range: Scorpios accelerate their slugs or plasma projectiles so quickly that they have little trouble crossing vast distances in matter of seconds, allowing the Scorpio to target ships in the outer orbits around a planet. Scorpio operators can dial down the power of the gun to reduce its range and acceleration, thus allowing it to use different trajectories to hit targets not directly in their line of sight, including ground targets.

  • Variable Damage: Scorpios can utilize a variety of different plasma types, in addition to basic, solid slugs, which makes them highly adaptable in the type of damage that they can potentially inflict.

  • Low Rate of Fire: Scorpios have a slow rate of fire, as it takes time to build up the charge needed to accelerate their massive slugs or plasma bolts.

  • Stationary: Scorpios are stationary because of their great size and power requirements. This means that they cannot evade enemy attacks and many enemies can simply navigate out of the weapon's field of fire without fear of pursuit.
The Scorpio is a large planetary defense weapon in a vein similar to the famous v-150 Ion Cannon and the w-165 Planetary Turbolaser. Unlike those weapons, the Scorpio is not a conventional energy weapon, but rather is an type of plasma railgun derived from Lucerne Lab's earlier Onager-class Plasma Rail Cannon and the even earlier Firestorm-class Plasma Turbolaser. This massive weapon is mounted in turret on top of a buried support structure which holds the weapons power supply, ammunition, and crew station. From this vantage point, the Scorpio can lash out, sending searing bolts of exotic plasma or mundane slugs at nearby enemy fleets or invading troops. While this basic function and form is unchanged from many of its contemporary planetary defense weapons, the Scorpio has a number of differences compared to its purely energy based competitors because it fires projectiles.

Projectiles have a noticeable mass, which means that they can be fired at a trajectory to hit non line of sight targets, such as troops hiding behind a mountain range. Unfortunately, mass also means that they encounter friction which can burn up the outer edges of the projectiles as they travel through an atmosphere, making the projectiles less effective at its maximum firing range compared to many of its purely energy based counterparts. But perhaps the largest advantage afforded by using projectiles is the versatility of its payloads. The massive railgun combined with its associated plasma rotor allows the Scorpio to fire a wide variety of plasma types besides simple solid slugs. Almost all of these plasmas burn with an intense heat, capable of melting thick armor plating and wearing down heavy ray shielding. While it is nearly impossible to classify the effect of each individual gas that could be used by the plasma rotors, gases can roughly be categorized by their secondary effects.

Pure thermal: Or no secondary effect. The molecules in these plasmas are highly excited, either kinetically or thermally, which causes them to quickly release heat upon impact, making it useful for quickly overwhelming defenses. Many gunners compare it to a supervised version of the FlakBlaster Ten's bolts.

Corrosive: The molecules in these plasmas are excited, though not initially as much as in the pure thermal variants. They tend to release energy at a slower rate, slowly corroding through the target in the same manner as the plasma used by the Incinerator-class plasma railgun.

Explosive: These bolts explode on impact because of the molecular, imparting almost equal amounts of kinetic and thermal damage. Most gunners compare such plasmas to the plasma bolts used by plasma throwers.

Electromagnetic: These plasmas can cause massive electrical disturbances on their targets, allowing the Scorpio to largely mimic the M-68 Planetary Magnapulse Cannon in effect and performance. Ionic shielding and ionic surge shielding can lessen this payload's effectiveness, but this in turn cause the radiation to briefly flare out from the target, like a miniature ion storm, afflicting other nearby targets.

Biohazard: These plasmas are exceptionally unstable at the molecular level. They produce large amounts of Bremsstrahlung radiation, which can cause radiation sickness or even death of organic or the destruction of organic-based technology.

The basic thermal damage dealt by the Scorpio's plasma is affected by both standard ray shields, which can absorb some of heat from the plasma, and by particle shields, which protect against the actual physical aspects of the plasma itself. Against unshielded targets, the large amount of plasma combined with its high acceleration can superheat and penetrate through a hull before it tends to rapidly disperse within the hull itself. Oddly enough, this can actually make heavily-armored warships and vehicles more vulnerable, as their thick hull plating tends to contain this destructive heat rather than breaking to vent it out. Against area ground targets, such as groups of vehicles, droids, organics, and buildings, the plasma produces an intense combustion at its point of impact with that lessens the further away from its point of impact. The further away from the impact, the more secondary effects begin to inflict more damage than the bolt's latent heat.

As exotic and flexible as all of these plasmas are, sometimes it is difficult to procure satisfactory gases, or there is more of a need for a purely kinetic solution. To that end, the breach can accept massive, simple slugs of ferromagnetic metal. These are typically formed of fused ferrocarbon or Iridium, but other materials can be used. In these instances, the plasma rotors are not utilized, and the Scorpio acts purely as a massive, conventional railgun.

Such destructive power from these weapons means that they need significant internal and external protection. To that end, the Scorpio's turret and base is covered with Argentum series Matrix Armor, allowing it to with some bombardment and direct fire from enemy weapons. Beneath the ground, the bunker that contains its actual crew station, ammunition bunker, and power plant is made out of ferrocrete with internal agrinicrete shielding. Access to the inside of this bunker is controlled by code cylinders or locally used biometric devices. While the Scorpio only needs a crew of almost two dozen individuals to function, many users do not use organics at all, preferring to staff the Scorpios almost entirely with droids in order to minimize the possibility of infiltration and sabotage from the inside.

Image Source:

Base image:

Light CannonLight Laser Cannon, Light Ion Cannon0.5
CannonLaser, Ion, Blaster, Autoblaster 1
Heavy CannonHeavy Laser Cannon, Heavy Ion Cannon, Repeating Laser Cannon, Rail Cannon2
TorpedoesProton Torpedo, Concussion Missile2 (One launcher with four missiles)
Heavy ordnanceProton Rocket, Proton Bomb2 (One launcher with with two bombs)

  • Intent: To provide a planetary shield generator for Lucerne Lab's customers
  • Image Source: here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Shutter-style shield: Like the Nyalsan II Planetary Shield Generator, the Bulwark uses interlocking shield facets to form a single cohesive barrier. These facets can be lowered individually to allow ships and weapons fire to pass through at the operator's whim.

  • Roughly equivalent to a GenCore Level I Shield Generator in terms of scale and power, making it effective at protecting up to a planet's hemisphere from moderate orbital bombardment or even more concentrated bombardments over smaller areas.

  • "Smart" Generator: The Bulwark uses programming originally derived from the Aspis-class Shield Generator, allowing it to instinctively react to the battlefield based on programmed parameters.

  • Expandable Coverage: Bulwark's hemisphere of protection can be expanded and decreased to cover different areas, allowing it to better adapt to different situations.

  • Automatic Management: Sensor feed can automatically adjust shield positions to optimal positions based on written protocol or by priorities set by the shield operators. Because the machines and programming can react quicker than most organic operators, this makes surprise attacks or sudden shifts in fire less effective. Bulwark's shields can also automatically programmed to block incoming craft trying to navigate through the shield.

  • Density Shifts: As Bulwark expands, its individual shield facets become more elongated and consequently less dense and easier to penetrate.
  • Auto-Deceived: The Bulwark's auto-direct system can also be fooled by canny opponents because it only reacts to stimuli, rather than trying to figure out enemy tactics. This means that canny opponents can use feints, tactical misdirection, or electronic warfare to trick the Bulwark's auto-direct feature.
The Bulwark-class Planetary Shield Generator is Lucerne Labs entry into the planetary shield generator market. As a shutter-style planetary shield, Bulwark is typically more flexible than the older encasement-style shields like the WorldArmor-9 because it uses individual shield facets and arranges them to form a cohesive barrier. This means that the individual facets can be switched off, such as to allow ships or weapons fire out of the barrier, or the facets moved around to buffer areas of the shielding under considerable attack, effectively making it a layered shield system. The Bulwark's shield can also be expanded and shrunk at will, allowing it to protect areas as large as half-hemisphere of a typical world. It more commonly is used to cover smaller areas, such as large cities, military bases, or geographic regions. When covering smaller areas, the shield facets have a much greater density which makes them more resilient against concentrated attacks. In this regard, the Bulwark's basic shutter shield technology is utterly unremarkable. Most of its competitiveness on the marketplace is actually comes from its partially automated command and control features.

By using the ability of Lucerne Labs proprietary Bio-computers to better distribute load-processing, Bulwark's control systems not only are able to easily maintain static control over the individual shield facets, but they also have more computing power to manage individually manage individual shield facets in a dynamic environment. This means Bulwark can easily move multiple individual facets or turn them on and off at will. But to do this, it needs to do this smartly based on information and programming parameters. Information to the Bulwark is typically fed by a local defense sensor network comprised of nearby friendly starships, ground-based sensors, and satellites. Parameters are set by the shield's operating crew into algorithmic software derived from the Aspis Shield System. This software allows Bulwark to instinctively react to stimuli at far greater reaction speeds than most organics can muster. A Bulwark can quickly layer areas of shielding to better withstand a sudden assault or to block an incoming craft. Conversely, it can better account for the actions of friendly forces in the area, such as briefly dropping a section of shielding to allow a damaged craft to pass through while blocking its pursuers. But this ability to instinctively react to situations also makes it possible for skillful opponents to exploit openings that might not otherwise exist, such as through hacking or skillful electronic warfare. Because of that, the shield's operating crew needs to carefully monitor and oversee Bulwark's automated reactions while they continue to provide strategic direction for the Bulwark unit's overall mission objectives.

Because of the potential power of a Bulwark to hold back enemy offensives, the Bulwark has significant internal and external protection. The outer infrastructure, such as the projection dish and its support, is layered in Argentum series Matrix Armor. But the majority of the Bulwark system is typically buried underneath the ground. This includes the bunker for its crew of a dozen individuals, the actual shield generator, and often the power supply. These subterranean areas are contained in bunkers made out of ferrocrete with internal agrinicrete shielding. Access to these areas is typically controlled by biometric devices such as code cylinders and beskar blast doors.

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