Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scorpios Riley

Name: Scorpios Riley
Number: F87BDG
Age: 21
Faction: The Soverign Imperial State
Rank: Recruit
Species: Coruscanti
Sex: Male
Height: Six Foot Two
Weight: 172 lbs
Eye Color: Bottle Green
Hair Color: Dyed Jet Black
Hair Style: Short back and sides
Skin Tone: Tanned
Body Tone: Muscular, well built, athletic
Languages: Galactic Basic, Hutteese, Chiss, Mon Calmari, Dug, Droid and Binary.
Force Sensitive: Unknowingly yes
Sharp Shooter - Scorpios went through intense training, most of which included a blaster. This means he is a great shot when using blasters but a better sniper.
Open Minded - Scorpios is willing to listen and learn from anyone. If someone points out his faults he will go back to training, spending hours upon hours removing that fault.
Pilot - Scorpios is a great pilot, again due to the hours upon hours, years upon years of training. He can fly most ships from a tie fighter to an x-wing.
Force Strength - Unknowingly a man who can manipulate the force, he has great strength within it. If anyone trains him they will find it near simple to get him to learn.
Perhaps both's;
Senseless killer - Scorpios went through all that training, it was drilled into his mind to follow perfect orders. He will kill anyone on the order. This means he will kill innocents when given the order.
Emotionless - It's rare for Scorpios to show emotion, thus he can hide any dislike he has, but unless he tells you most people find it hard to find out what he thinks.
Evil - Simply, he is pure evil. He's the kind of guy you'd see shooting puppies. Scorpios is the guy who'll always volunteer for the executions.
Headstrong - Scorpios believes he can fight anything, normally ending in him getting mauled and beaten or shot. He believes that his blaster can get him from any issue.
Quick to anger - Scorpios is stupidly quick to anger. It's that simple, he kicks off over the slightest thing, again relating to his headstrong ability.
Speaks his mind - Scorpios says what he thinks, meaning most people just find that they get annoyed with him really easily.
E-11 Blaster Rifle,
Plain White Durasteel Stormtrooper Armour,
Plain Black Utility Belt,
Two Frag Grenades,
One Incendiary Grenade,
Plain White Durasteel Boots.


Wounds and Injuries;

Force Powers;
Color Codes:
Red - Untrained, used only one or twice, normally 1-10 posts
Gold - Learning, Trained quite well, normally 10-50 posts
Pink - Mastered, normally required to have use in 50-100 posts
​Green - Excessively used, used in a lot of posts, normally 100 posts or more
Cyan - Naturally Gifted, Select few things are gifted like this

Lightsaber Forms;
Color Codes:
Red - Untrained, used only one or twice, normally 1-10 posts
Gold - Learning, Trained quite well, normally 10-50 posts
Pink - Mastered, normally required to have use in 50-100 posts
​Green - Excessively used, used in a lot of posts, normally 100 posts or more
Cyan - Naturally Gifted, Select few things are gifted like this


Main Story RP's (Earliest First):
1.) The Legacy of The Empire - A new recruit, fresh, arriving home. Scorpius Riley is home, The Imperial State, Asteroid Base Alpha.

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