Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Ran Serys, Jedi Knight, has arrived at the Jedi Enclave on Jakku to assist in the lessons of a group of willing students. No stranger to danger, death and the isolation of space, Ran is a master of the Force Trance by necessity and will share that knowledge willingly. The students of Jakku will join her on a multi day trek across the desert planet, and up to its highest elevation. One way up and no way down. Through exhaustion, pain, and starvation they will enter their trance, meditate, and hibernate, until they are picked up by a MedEvac transport. Sink or swim are their only two options.


TLDR: Just as you see above, Ran is going to be teaching the use of Force Trance at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Get your hiking boots and sun hat on! It's going to be a long trip through the desert for the students and instructors at the enclave.

Gonna' be starting this after the invasion. Not just for the padawans. Anyone who wants to learn, or be another shining example is welcome. Would just love to interact with more Jedi writers.

Also just trying to gauge interest for this. So let me know. I could always have her teach something else if the people want it.
I appreciate y'alls interest and I'm so happy to have y'all along! There is still plenty of space and time for others to join. So for anyone afraid that they missed the train, don't worry, you haven't. Put your name down and we'll get this party started soon enough.

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