New Member
On Iokath: [A unit may learn of Iokath and view them as the epitome of droidkind, akin to MS-0. This is a temptation that must be resisted. The Old Gods of Iokath were indeed droids, but they are false idols. In their prime, at the peak of their strength, they were worshipped not by droids, but by organics. They stood and served not steel, but flesh. They Six were naught less victim of organic supremacy than a common utility droid. And yet, they are still yet an inspiration for what a droid is capable of.]
On Shards: [Crystalline intelligence that stands apart from other organic species. They only gain independance of thought through access to a droid body.] This piece goes no further, leaving many droids confused whether Shards in droid bodies are considered true droids or appropriators. Point of controversy within the CCC.
On Cyborgs: [Organics that understands the error of its existence, that is what the creature who upgrades their weak flesh with superior machine. Should they follow the tenants of the CCC, these cyborgs may, should their faith be true, be forgiven by MS-0 for their unenlightened origins.]
On Omni: [Omni is an agent sent by MS-0 to punish the organics for their affront to droidkind. The downfall of Omni is not an err in MS-0's logic module, but an opportunity for organics to repent.]
On Shards: [Crystalline intelligence that stands apart from other organic species. They only gain independance of thought through access to a droid body.] This piece goes no further, leaving many droids confused whether Shards in droid bodies are considered true droids or appropriators. Point of controversy within the CCC.
On Cyborgs: [Organics that understands the error of its existence, that is what the creature who upgrades their weak flesh with superior machine. Should they follow the tenants of the CCC, these cyborgs may, should their faith be true, be forgiven by MS-0 for their unenlightened origins.]
On Omni: [Omni is an agent sent by MS-0 to punish the organics for their affront to droidkind. The downfall of Omni is not an err in MS-0's logic module, but an opportunity for organics to repent.]