Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sea of Grass


Behind her the Sangromancer quietly clicked and groaned as the ship cooled from re-entry and the engines were allowed to rest for the first time in weeks. Since her self-imposed retirement from the position of Vigo she'd been busy running helter-skelter around the galaxy finally free to give her business interests some proper attention. Of course even that was a cover for real interests, companies and nations held little interest for the Twi'lek after she'd learned to interpret the larger picture. Even the passing of the Black Suns had barely elected a moment of allowed grief for the Meritocracy she'd held together mostly through force-of-will for the last decade amid the flurry of activity. It had served its purpose, now it would distract her no more and she could fall back into the obscurity provided by this invasion of the Netherworld flush with resources and opportunity.

Now Domino looked out over the waving stalks of grass and contemplated her next actions, this would do, no creatures lived nearby and the Sangromancer wouldn't mind. Pacing out a little circle of flattened grass, she knelt into a deep meditative pose and began concentrating. This wasn't a matter of power, but rather focus, a will to use the force in a certain and very dangerous way that did not serve life. A deep understanding and acceptance of the act she was about to commit. For nearly an hour she knelt before slowly drawing up a trickle of power to send questing out into a ring around herself. Then she waited again, growing accustomed to the live that was, quite literally, intermingling with her own. Then she cut it away from the force, devouring it with her own presence. The energy surged into her where she immediately directed it back out to repeat the process a few inches further out. Again and again the pitiful life-force of the grass surged through her only to rush back out into the death field she had created.

Barely a minute and ten meters into the exercise and Domino had to give it up to fall over gasping for breath and covered in sweat. Her insides burned and an ice-pick had been shoved through her brain leaving her panting in the center of a perfect circle of slowly crumbling grass, now too stiff in death to bend in the breeze. The up-front power required from her had been tiny, even the total amount involved would have barely been out of the reach of an apprentice, but the surging flow of it through the Twi'lek's system had been devastating. Levering herself up to an arm allowed her to survey the area, ten meters in every direction wasn't bad by any means for a life-draining field even if she knew she could do better with a vanilla working of one.

Not knowing that her workings had been felt by another so far out in the Outer Rim, Domino staggered back into the cool interior of her ship to rest before another try.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Now that's no way to draw upon life force..." The voice in question would seem very familiar to the Twi'lek, though the young blonde it came out of certainly looked different from the previous individual she had encountered. A smile would cross the young blonde's face. "Expected you would be dead, truth be told. Never thought you would still be around, let alone here on the world of Imperial assassins." A fair enough point, considering that Circe would've hardly expected the former leader of the Black Suns to end up here.

"So, any chance you're looking for a little fun? Business, that is. Pleasure isn't until much later after we've established relationships."

Cracking open an eye to see Circie's shade wasn't exactly what Domino had been hoping for during her moment of rest (now Raz on the other hand...), but no reason to burn down an olive branch before it was fully offered. "That was mostly the idea, aren't many people around, even among the left-over natives." Closing her eyes, she extended her senses out much further this time, trying to find where the other woman was. She'd met her often enough to recognize that unique force signature of hers. Nobody went through that many transformations without things sticking to the soul.

"Business though, I can always spare some time for company, did you have a meeting place in mind?"

In Umbris Potestas Est

"I was thinking right here, right now. Considering that the individual Honoghr tribe are, to say the least, isolated, it's a nice and quiet spot on a relatively desolate world. A perfect place to discuss business - or other things." She smiled, stepping closer to the Twi'lek in question. Were Domino to sense Circe's nearby location, she would likely tell that the woman was using the shade as an excuse to talk while she leisurely walked to the location herself. "So, what do you say? Your faction is broken, so was my business... Might as well work together on some of these future plans, hmm?"

Future plans... Fun indeed.
'Future plans,' what fun. Ah well, she could play along and be nice, she was technically a host. Granted she was hosting someone she hadn't invited in, but that was a minor detail. Still, some things needed correcting. "I retired from the Suns quite some time before their dissolution, so the effects of that on me were... minimal." Mostly beneficial in fact so long as you didn't count loosing quite a bit of territory where you were quiet literally treated like a queen. "However the right sort of cooperation would be refreshing. What did you have in mind?"

In Umbris Potestas Est

"I've got a new company going. Also working on some new projects, chiefly a return to Abrion space, expansion into the Republic, and the cleaning up of Raxus Prime. There are some more genetic creations I'm working on. A pollution-absorbing yorik coral variant, a technorganic material..." She smiled, thinking things over even further. "You know, I'll admit. I've missed having you around, if that's surprising. Is there anything I can do for you right now?"

Circe's smile grew as she stood next to the Twee. "Anything at all?"
Ignoring Circie's projection offering something that could certainly be construed as scandalous, Domino instead looked over to the still lowered entrance ramp of the Sangromancer. "Yes, you can come in out of the sun and get something cool to drink. That heat is killer." Motioning one of the protocol droids that helped run the ship over to the lounge's bar, she continued with their previous conversation. "Good to see someone doing something useful with that coral mess, usually i just try to avoid creating pollution. Could have used some on Nal Hutta though. Even my programs had little success if any at all." Stopping, she held a finger to her lips as if thinking. "I was actually considering moving back to Vaynai, I still have land there and the weather's as agreeable as the government, especially now that tourism will have taken a hit... Excellent access to several very agreeable powers as well." Not to mention nearby heavy industry and mining worlds.

In Umbris Potestas Est
She smiled, stepping into the ship belonging to the Rutian Twi'lek as she pondered over the many possible options of their cooperative business work. By now the real Circe had caught up to the projection, after all. "Well, I figure the coral can absorb toxic waste and molecularly reconfigure it to either grow into more coral, or be turned into non-toxic compounds. Or it could become extraordinarily corrosive, a substitute for our Korolyev Acidic Warheads."

She sighed. "Well, maybe we can try again, all things considered. The Red Ravens are doing a half-decent job at keeping things maintained there, from what I've heard." Then she mentioned a move... "Most interesting..."

Hopefully, they would both soon find a place to work out their differences in the galaxy.

The mention of the Raven's had her eyes narrowing in displeasure. "I'd rather not be associated with them. They lack any real finesse." Which was her being about as polite as she'd ever be towards that group of thugs. "But do let the droid know if you'd like any refreshment, food or drink, my larder is at your disposal."

In Umbris Potestas Est

"I could stand to gain a pound or two..." She smiled. "Hit me up with some rich and delicious food. I'll try whatever it is you have to offer." She sat down on a comfortable couch, thinking over whether or not she should ask a specific question. What question was that? Well, eventually her curiosity got the better of her. "Domino... It's been a while, but I'd like to ask you a question. One I'm not sure how to make sure it best comes across..."

"When was the last time you had your lekku massaged?"
Snapping her fingers at the bar droid for attention, Domino ordered a pair of nerf steaks with all the trimmings done medium well as well as a third, extra rare. She could spoil Myunnah a bit, she thought with a smile. Circe's next question cut through her budding good humor like a blade through a fledgling rose bush. A Twi'lek's lekku did more than store fat and hold part of their brain, they were incredibly sensitive to the point of being considered erogenous zones. Something usually only shared amongst lovers or the closest of friends. Essentially Circe was asking when the last time she'd been laid was.

"I..." Her voice trailed off in a mixture of surprised embarrassment and old memories. Most prominent of them was a red-haired valkyrie of a woman that'd danced alongside her for years and was the only person to have ever truly have a claim on her heart, someone's disappearance still pained her. And more recently a mute slave she'd taken under her wing some time back which had been a nice distraction but little more. Finally she settled on the polite response and just said "It's been awhile." while visually relaxing back into her usual calm demeanor.

In Umbris Potestas Est

A look ran through Circe's face, one of discouragement and sadness. "That's... awful." She frowned more blatantly, noticing the woman's exterior attempting to hold back the feelings from her interior. Her empathic skills caused her to feel the residual flustering of Domino's flashbacks. "I know it's not something I ordinarily would suggest, but..." She stopped herself, not wanting something like this to end up brutally fragmenting into hundreds of irreparably broken pieces. "It's just that you're not feeling good... and I'm an empath, and I don't feel good when you don't feel good." She sighed, trying to sum up how best to say what it was she was trying to say.

"I want you to feel good. To relax and enjoy what you've constantly been denied thanks to the tumultuous galactic situations. That's all."
"Um thanks." Domino said now feeling more awkward than anything. "That's actually part of why I came out here, get away from it all and relax some." Thinking for a moment, she rubbed a finger across her lip. "Of course then you showed up and we started talking business."

In Umbris Potestas Est

She nodded, scooting directly next to the Twee, pondering the situation over. "I'm perfectly alright with doing it, if you want. I... Was trained how to do it for almost half a decade." She sighed. "Besides. It's more than likely gonna be best for business if you and I are both relaxed. And this should be quite relaxing. If it doesn't completely soothe you, well... I do know how to give a variety of massages."

Circe had been trained a lot, after all - though she would never tell Domino that the training was thanks to her past enslavement.
A low growl seemed to pervade the cabin at Circe's offer and Domino deliberately stood and made her way to a lone chair before taking it. "Relax Myunnah, you'll get your treat in a bit." As she spoke, a massive Tuk'ata who's shoulders easily reached waist height silently padded from one of the doors deeper into the ship to lay against the side of Domino's new chair. "Forgive her please. She can be a bit over-protective at times." She gave her pet a fond scratch behind an ear. "You do surprise me however, I'd have thought that as an empath you'd have realized that perusing such a line was in fact making me more uncomfortable." She was smiling now though, this little exchange was teaching her a lot about the other woman. "While I do occasionally find intimacy relaxing, one-night stands lost their appeal to me some time ago. Besides, one should never mix business with pleasure. It clouds the judgment and leads to sloppy errors." She went on to explain.

In Umbris Potestas Est

Circe was admittedly a bit startled by the Tuk'ata's sudden appearance out of nowhere. "I merely was waiting for the moment where you would begin to relax, feel more comfortable so I could make the inevitable move." She smirked, looking down at the super-dog. "I'm not the sort of person who goes for a single swing. I prefer a longer term, more fruitful sort of thing." And indeed she did - polyamory was the name of Circe's game.

"I'm sure you understand... May I?"
Closing her eyes, Domino sighed as she tried to think of the best course of action. The pros of a business... alliance, outweighed the cons. She however wasn't ready for another relationship and didn't know if she ever would be. At least not until she found Razelle, beat the crap outta her and got an explanation, and then she'd see where things went. But for now she was too busy, yep, definitely to busy to get distracted by such things now.

With the smell of the steaks spreading throughout the cabin, Domino's eyes re-opened and she gestured to the side of her chair not occupied by her faithful hound. "If you really want to give me a massage that badly, then go ahead, and if you're after more than a fling then we should let it happen naturally, not try and force a relationship." There, she'd explained as much as she could without flat-out shooting the other woman down.

In Umbris Potestas Est

Circe nodded, smiling and slowly moving back behind the Twi'lek, bringing her hands gently to the lekku as she began to massage them. The memories she had of doing this... It took her back to an era of innocence, before she became the powerful Darksider she now was. Back when she was a slave..." She froze for a half second before returning to what she was doing, waiting for the steak to be brought to Domino herself. "It's been a very, very long time since I've done this for anyone." She whispered into the woman's left cone-ear. "Please, just relax."

The steak was melt-in-your-mouth delicious, after all.
Was that a moment of hesitation she felt? "If you're uncomfortable please don't feel obligated. You're my guest after all." That said, her hands running over the thin muscles there, so long without another's touch, felt nice. Maybe it had been too long since she'd last pampered herself. Vaynai had some very nice spas if she remembered correctly, Station Six certainly had one. Something to think about.
In Umbris Potestas Est

"Uncomfortable?" She smiled, running her hands up and down the head-tails of the Twi'lek. "Hardly. Giving a massage is surprisingly relaxing, if you can believe it. It takes me back to who I used to be before all this happened." A sigh crossed her lips as she paused for a moment, gently bringing her fingers over the woman's cone-shaped ears before returning to give strokes of the lekku. "So, tell me a bit more about your ears... I haven't seen a Twi'lek with cone-ears before - only humanoid ones."

It was true - and it was conversation certain to get the Rutian into a more relaxed mood.

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