Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sean O'Brien


NAME: Sean O'Brien

FACTION: The Sith Empire

RANK: Sith Knight

SPECIES: Human-Miralukan Hybrid

AGE: 26 (Standard years)

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'2"

WEIGHT:223 lbs

EYES: Yellow Sith eyes

HAIR: Light blonde.

SKIN: Paler then a ghost.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Enhanced force sight from being half Miralukan

(+) Has photographic memory.

(+) Highly intelligent, being a scholar he is very knowledgeable in the Sith.

(-) Can't fight head to head, he is not great in battle but is adequate enough to defend one's self.

(-) He overthinks situations and regard too many scenarios in search for a perfect solution.

APPEARANCE: His face comprises of a strong jawline, cheekbone dimples, light freckles on his cheeks and a sharp nose, as well as defined eyebrows and long feminine eyelashes. He has small ears and short thick hair, couldn't care less about how it was styled. He has a lean physique and his legs are bit on the smaller side. He has a long scar starting from his right breast down to his left kidney, a shorter one from his upper chest wrapping around him, a multitude of smaller ones around him, wrapping around his back and shoulders and one on his face beside his left eye going down to his chin under his mouth.These scars were inflicted by force lightning.

EQUIPMENT: A dual phase lightsaber pike, the hilt being jet black and the saber powered by a red synthetic crystal that can be strapped vertically on ones back.
An ammo bag he carries around.
Born in the capitol, he was discovered as a force sensitive from a young age. This resulted in his parents grooming him into the Sith doctrine. He was rose to believe the Sith order, all its propaganda and such. He was trained with a vibro blade to practice his combat, in which he was adequate at but did not excel in. He sought knowledge. Upon reaching an adequate age, he was sent off to the Academy, at which point he took his trials, he barely passed the trials and at the end of them, dueled one who he was fond of. At first, he was hesitant to do so, but he knew that he had no choice, so he commenced the battle. His opponent struck him with the power of force lightning, unprepared he was caught in the bolts and the flash temporarily blinding him. The dueling area was filled with his screams until he took his vibro blade and throwing it at his opponent, his enemy being consumed by the darkness whilst using the lightning, saw this coming, stopping the blade with a deflectionary parry. The vibro blade was hit away but he was not done. Focusing on the force the vibro blade was sent back the other way, cutting down his former friend. His body charred from the lightning he walked up to the body, grabbing his vibro blade as he turns to the trainer. That was his entry into the academy. Upon entering the academy he built himself a Lightsaber Pike, believing a polearm to be effective due to its reach and capability to manipulate its length mid-battle. At this point he was not interested in lightsaber combat, instead studying the ways of the ancient Sith in his quest to gain knowledge, he practiced on his force abilities learning a multitude of abilities. Though he did practice lightsaber combat, his expertise in the area would pale in comparison to his knowledge of the Sith and the Force. At this point he has gotten enough skill and reached an adequate age. He chose to take his Knight Trials. The trials for him were simple, he excelled in it. After completing all his assignments and all the others falling, there remains two. A former colleague now he was prepared to kill him. Having a pike and their status as a less common the weapon, his opponent was not so familiar with fighting a polearm user. The fight was short and quick, at the beginning of the fight he had the upper hand of superior reach whilst using augmentation to enhance his fighting capabilities. Though later on the opponent had breached his guard, he utilized the shaft of the pike to block strikes, sparks flying he force pushed his opponent back. His opponent struck, he caught his swing and then extended his blade, the saber impaling. He deactivates his saber as his opponent falls to the ground, a clean cauterized hole through the enemy. He held the pike upright and slammed it repeatedly against the floor triumphantly as he turned to the host of the trials. He succeeded, his culmination of work leading up to this, he was now a Sith Knight. With this promotion his parents received certain "Perks". One of which he used to purchase his own private shuttle and protective gear. Now being a Knight he had access to more information, as well as traveling around to various other worlds. He resided in various temples in the Sith territory, never staying in one area. All that was left to do to advance is to be apprenticed

SHIP: The "Reality"




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