Well-Known Member
Damien stood in deep meditation, his eyes closed, arms folded across his chest. With a simple urge, the man had recently cast aside the woman he had come to know as a lover, and wanted to regain that certain...darkness he had come to cherish in his life. Thus leading him to his current situation; attempting to divine from the Force itself, what his next step should be.
Up to this point, the only thing he had gotten was the repeated image of Tera Lush from space, and an old entity he had taught to Force Imbue a blade. He believed the man was named [member="Krest"], but he couldn't be sure. After meeting the man, his power had gone to unheard of levels, by first binding Lord Ergast to his person, then a dozen others, only to have them stripped away by Rave Merrill. Next came the literal death of his body, simply to have been saved by a sect of Sorcerers. Since, things had gotten kind of hairy, with him losing control of the double hunger felt by the new body and consuming the entirety of a township's populace. Among other things.
As well, had come plans for weapons and armor's all combined with Sith Magic and Alchemy to become something better - to which he had planned to send Rave one, before she had come to the decision that she hated him.
Slowly casting his eyelids from the blockade they had become, Damien sighed and called over his shoulder, "Jess? Search through our old payment records, manifests, the whole lot. Find me the one named Krest."
"Yessir!" Came a reply through the door of his office.
Damien sighed, maybe the man he sought would have answers as to what the Force was asking of him.
Up to this point, the only thing he had gotten was the repeated image of Tera Lush from space, and an old entity he had taught to Force Imbue a blade. He believed the man was named [member="Krest"], but he couldn't be sure. After meeting the man, his power had gone to unheard of levels, by first binding Lord Ergast to his person, then a dozen others, only to have them stripped away by Rave Merrill. Next came the literal death of his body, simply to have been saved by a sect of Sorcerers. Since, things had gotten kind of hairy, with him losing control of the double hunger felt by the new body and consuming the entirety of a township's populace. Among other things.
As well, had come plans for weapons and armor's all combined with Sith Magic and Alchemy to become something better - to which he had planned to send Rave one, before she had come to the decision that she hated him.
Slowly casting his eyelids from the blockade they had become, Damien sighed and called over his shoulder, "Jess? Search through our old payment records, manifests, the whole lot. Find me the one named Krest."
"Yessir!" Came a reply through the door of his office.
Damien sighed, maybe the man he sought would have answers as to what the Force was asking of him.