Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Searching for Ancient Relics


Well-Known Member
Damien stood in deep meditation, his eyes closed, arms folded across his chest. With a simple urge, the man had recently cast aside the woman he had come to know as a lover, and wanted to regain that certain...darkness he had come to cherish in his life. Thus leading him to his current situation; attempting to divine from the Force itself, what his next step should be.

Up to this point, the only thing he had gotten was the repeated image of Tera Lush from space, and an old entity he had taught to Force Imbue a blade. He believed the man was named [member="Krest"], but he couldn't be sure. After meeting the man, his power had gone to unheard of levels, by first binding Lord Ergast to his person, then a dozen others, only to have them stripped away by Rave Merrill. Next came the literal death of his body, simply to have been saved by a sect of Sorcerers. Since, things had gotten kind of hairy, with him losing control of the double hunger felt by the new body and consuming the entirety of a township's populace. Among other things.

As well, had come plans for weapons and armor's all combined with Sith Magic and Alchemy to become something better - to which he had planned to send Rave one, before she had come to the decision that she hated him.

Slowly casting his eyelids from the blockade they had become, Damien sighed and called over his shoulder, "Jess? Search through our old payment records, manifests, the whole lot. Find me the one named Krest."

"Yessir!" Came a reply through the door of his office.

Damien sighed, maybe the man he sought would have answers as to what the Force was asking of him.
[member="Lord Daemos"]

FILE: Krest, the Zabrak

Information: Red skinned Zabrak male. One mechanical leg, one mechanical arm.


Most of the above information has been redacted. Real arm. Real flesh.

Location: Tatooine. Small town deep in the desert, local bar.

The red skinned male sat down at a rather worn bar. In his hand was a small ceramic cup, clearly his own. He never did like drinking from the cups other people gave him, it was just one of his paranoias. Yet he sat there, drinking his tea as he had nothing better to do. No one else save for the silent bartender remained in the place, but Krest seemed content regardless. He had no goal to go on for the moment, and he'd not even move from his seat.


Well-Known Member
Daemos smiled at the message that showed on his screen; it was the very information he had requested from Jess, his secretary. Nodding to himself, Damien went to his office closet, drew forth his Cater Coat and slung it over his shoulders, his arms sliding in with ease. Drawing the hood upward, he moved to the door, and while the average secretary would be caught off gaurd by the sudden change in their master, Jess just smiled, asking, "Leaving for the day, sir?"

"Yes, I will likely not be back for a few days. You know what to do, and how to run it all." Damien said without slowing, his coat billowing behind himself.

- - - - -​

Quite a bit of time passed before Damien found himself in the Arcangel, the Freighter his team used when on delicate missions. His men, the Demon Gang, were in the rear, doing whatever it was they did when unhindered by Damien and his commands. Fenrir stood to his side, her black hair pulled back in a tight bun, one that held every hair tight in its perfection. She bore her Beskar'gam, and was all but ready to do battle if the need arose.

Staring out a viewport, Damien reexamined his idea to approach his long ago client without armor. It would show he meant no hostilities. But of course as always, on his belt rested Kallig's scorching saber, and around his neck was his Talisman of Concentration; just because he was not willing to begin a fight, it didnt mean he was not wary of one.

"Bring him down gents. I will be needing a few minutes to get reacquainted with an old client." Damien called to his Pilot's, then sending out his mental essence he sought the man his intel told him would reside inside a bar under their position. Krest, I believe you were apt enough to be able recognize a Force Signature, and if not, I am Damien Daemon, the one whom long ago taught you to create Force Imbued weaponry. Is it acceptable that I come to your position? I need to converse with you.

Turning his eye's to Fenrir he smiled, "There, I dont always have to be rash and evil."

There was no change with Krest as he sat in his bar, save for a refill. He continued to sip his tea, smiling faintly. He really did love his tea. But then he started to daydream about his possible adventure for the day. He could go out for a walk within the desert itself, wandering endlessly till he got bored. Or stumbled upon a Krayt Dragon. The latter would be far more entertaining, that much was apparent.

But he wasn't going to now. For now, he was going to sit and sip his tea. The Zabrak doesn't even know [member="Lord Daemos"] was looking for him.


Well-Known Member
(LOL I had typed a 'mental message' he was supposed to send you, but it didnt even show up some how.)

In but a few moments, Damien strode through the door of the very bar [member="Krest"] sat sipping tea. Moving directly to the man, D removed his hood and offered a low bow, "You sir, are one sight for the sorest of eyes. Do you recall who I am?" Damien asked, then reached out with the force, and yanked a chair nearer until he simply sat, where it slid into place underneath him, "I attempted contact, but something interfered before I could (lol). Either way, I helped you quite a bit ago, to create Force Imbued weapons."
Blue eyes shifted to look at [member="Lord Daemos"] . The Zabrak was quiet at first, not knowing the man in his knew form. It wasn't until he mentioned the Force Imbued weapons that his eyes lit up with remembrance. Watching him as he sit he spoke, smiling. "Ah, yes. Daemos correct? How are you good sir? And.. How did you find me?" He was curious how someone who seemed to want to talk to him found him. Not that he was hiding, but it was something he'd like to know.


Well-Known Member
Damien smiled, more a humorless twitch of the lips, "My apologies, I tend to forget I am in a new form. But that is a story for a later date. How did I find you?" Damien then smiled true, "I own a multi-million cred company. Few are out of my reach. Besides, as is obvious, you are not hiding. It was all about looking for you along video footage, droid sightings, etcetera.

"Any way, I come with a certain question: recently I have meditated upon the Force, and have found that I get a repeated pull in your direction, alongside Tera Lush, and am pondering, have you any excursions planned there, or felt the same pull or anything similar?"

"Tera Lush you say? I can't say I have, honestly. But then again I'm not looking for a pull or what have you." He offered a shrug to [member="Lord Daemos"] before moving to stand up. Nope, he hadn't heard of the planet. But.. He did feel a pull to somewhere. Perhaps Daemos spoke of the place, but he wasn't about to just up and say it. That wasn't his goal after all. "Well. Shall we be off?"


Well-Known Member
Damien grinned, "So quick to jump to action. Have to say, I like that. Thats admirable." Rising he walked alongside [member="Krest"], showing he felt him an equal, something he rarely did with any other, "I have a ride," Damien pointed towards the atmosphere where the small-ish Freighter still hovered in place, "If you need one.

"Also, if you come on my ship, we can meditate on what it is we're supposed to find and if it has to do with Tera Lush after all."

Without awaiting an answer, Damien charged away from the nearest wall, after clicking a hidden button on his wrist cufflink, "If you want that ride, keep up!" He called over his shoulder as he took a leap at the wall, flipping off of it and performing an elgoant forward-backflip that resulted in himself landing on the roof of the small building. From there he jumped high into the air, and gripped the thick cable that was now dropped beside himself, connecting to his ship.
"Well, I suppose it's good you have a ride. Sadly I find myself without one these days.. I should really get myself a ship.." The Zabrak trailed off, his gaze going off to focus on the nearby desert. He new these sands rather well, with all the time he had spent on them. Too much time.. At least [member="Lord Daemos"] offered a way off, and he was sure to take it. Lost in his own thought, he didn't even notice Damien run off, well, jump off to his ship.

Looking up Krest let out a deep sigh. He'd follow in suit, but not to do much fancy. With both hands in his pockets he'd leap up to the roof in a single bound before jumping up to the rope. Of course, a hand would be out then, but it would be the one with a gauntlet. He'd grip a hold of it before looking to the man.

"At least give me a warning.."


Well-Known Member
Damien laughed aloud as the rope pulled them quickly into the ship, "Warning? Me? But then how would I be spontaneous?"

Stepping onto the solid plating of the ship, he spotted Fenrir, along with the rest of his crew and nodded with a smile, "Its ok everybody, no need for you all it would seem. But be ready, we may still need you all in a bit." Then he gestured towards the nearby exit to the room, and walked through it himself. Heading for the front of the craft, speaking over his shoulder as he went, "Well would you like to do the meditating or just go off my first check?"


(Im going to PM so we can discuss what it is we want to find.)

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