Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Searching for new direction.

Hello all lately have been a mood to do more stories with my favorite. Char kinda want to embark on new stories as an Imperial Warlord ruling his own little holdout on Mustafar. Be it hunting relics of the Force, Jedi. Or himself being hunted. Hell even being stricken with amnesia and living a new life entirely. I am open to ideas. Yet curious if people wpuld be down to thread some fun arcs. Let me know! :)

Darth Koaaon

I say lets do it! How about this: Your on a ship when it gets hit by some kind of new Ion Weapon it is then you crash in the middle of my operation attempting to construct the weapon. Thing is i am missing a key component to complete is design and the part im looking for is deep in uncharted territory. what do you think?
[member="Kyrel Ren"] My character & his pals are currently dealing with a disgraced Jedi sect and we're working towards kicking their preachy backsides off our lawn planet. If that's something you'd be interested in, send me a message :)

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