Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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searching for purpose(Open to any and all)

Goosebumps painted the yellow skin of the Zabrak called Salvor Arnex as he wandered the archives of The One Sith deep under ground. It was cold, devoid of natural light and conforting. Salvor had come down here after realizing he knew next to nothing about the people he had chosen as his own. He combed the archives searching for answers to questions he didn’t even begin to know to ask.

He found holo-records detailing centuries, millenniums even, of history, of war and gods. He combed the histories seeing the power that some of these ancient sith once commanded and he knew, he knew that he would do what ever it took to be a name mentioned in these records.

He wanted nothing more than to be a hero of the sith, a name mentioned in reverence and fear. All he needed now was some sort of clue of how to make that happen.
Javik had been previously wandering the archives for history of Sith and Jedi. There was little on the Jedi Portion but Javik didnt mind. His 9'8ft cloaked body took up alo of room and he often made popping or clanking noises to see through Sonar. Holding two books in lower set of arms he had been reading both books at the same time, A true display of his Collected and Intelligent Nature.

Sensory Hairs nose up and Javik stood still smelling the air, A new sent. Interesting. Javik's Blue marks bewteen his scales glew slightly in the dark areas of the Rooms and Javik looked around with his With Blind eyes, Apon seeing the overall figure of a Zabrak Javik Tilted his head and smiled. Comforting to see another species from Dathomir, to bad he was Sith. The Massive Creature was now fully loyal to One Sith, He was loyal to the Yuuzhan Vong clans. But that mattered little. Looking down at his books again Javik reached out to [member="Salvor Arnex"] mind speaking Telepathically to him,

<< " What is it you seek? Zabrak..." >> Javiks Telepathic talk was not through the Force and felt slightly odd. Something that would pass in time though.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

An unnatural shudder traveled the length of Salvor’s spine as the disembodied voice spoke in his head. He could not directly see who had “spoke” to him but Salvor could sense them. Large was an understatement, while he could not see the figure his sense was pronounced enough to tell this was the largest sentient he had ever encountered, and not just large but intelligent and male. What he would want with Salvor was a mystery, it could just be curiosity or boredom.

“Glory.” was his only response, social interaction was not his specialty.
Javik smiled hearing the response and walked out in the Open revealing his full height and Various Features. His cloak hid most of his Belongings, Letting his Primary arms hang and his 2nd and 3rd set of arms cross against his chest, Javik stopped giving the Zabrak some space and asked << " Vague... Just like those before you. Darth Revan, Darth Krayt, Darth Vader, All Sithlords of times Past who will be Remembered for their Acts and motives. They Gave Much for Glory to be gained, How Far will you go to Achieve Glory? Zabrak.." >> Javik's blind white eyes looked down at [member="Salvor Arnex"] the Zabrak that stood couple feet from him.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

The creature that stood before him was unlike anything Salvor had ever seen or even imagined. Hulking stature, many armed and from a purely observational standpoint there was a certain beauty to the creature. Salvor’s face did not betray his thoughts, he stood stone faced as he tried to get used to what he was seeing.

The shudder traveled once again through his body as the creature spoke to him of Sith lords past, Names Salvor did not know but one day hoped to be mentioned amongst and their importance to the order.

“As far as required.” Salvor would do what it took to achieve his goal of reverence, no sacrifice would be too large and no task too small.
Javik Adjusted himself and looked down at a HoloBook he was reading. Bewteen his chitin like scales glew Blue marks that showed slightly all over his body in the Dark room. Javik Continued << " Many come to this place in Search of Things lost and Glory is not something found, But something Gained. But Let me Ask you this Zabrak, Glory once achieved is worth what?" >> Javik asked, his voice in Teleplathic thought came from a place of reality, the way he spoke clued that he was no average Sentient.

[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

Salvor did not quite know how to answer the question. He was no philosopher or scholar, he was a slave, trained to kill and enjoy it, to revel in blood soaked victory not think about the cost. What was this glory he sought after worth? He was tempted to say everything or anything, but he had nothing so it was an easy thing say.

“What do you mean?” he inquired further.
Javik Blinked several times, he could see that Zabraks were warriors but did this one have a Brain? Javik shook his head slightly. << " Glory is is what comes After its the Reward. To put it simple terms, You are given a task to Fullfill by your master, It takes you time but in the end you complete it and feel Ecstatic! You Return to your Master and you are given high Praise and a New Weapon or Armor. How long does that Feeling last for you? Because Glory is exactly that but on a bigger scale. Takes Sacrifice on a large scale all for a Feeling and Affect that wont last forever." >> Javik stood up and tilted his head slightly. [member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

Maybe this creature was right, Maybe glory was nothing more than a feeling. Perhaps glory was just a warm bowl of chuba stew after a long hunt, but Salvor did not think so. The way the mandalorian had taught him, glory was something tangible something one strived to achieve because once obtained it could never been taken. Here they sat in a hall of knowledge filled with the lives and accomplishments of Sith long dead and yet this creature still spoke as if glory was something fleeting, no the proof was all around him. His glory would be eternal. Centuries from now, young Sith would look to his example when searching for their own purpose, he would leave a legacy to be remembered.

“I will have my glory, no matter the cost and it will last forever.” big words from a boy who didn’t even know where to start.
Javik rolled his eyes looked down at a Holobook. Javik thought about the Zabraks simple words, they were said as if he true believed it but yet he was lost. << " Foolish, I will never understand the Arrogance the Zabrak race has naturally inherited. Perhaps your Evolution has failed and your race is condemned to mere words that hope for more. Thus far you are a Boy.. In a Room of Knowledge. You are lost more then you know, You do not admit it but you feel it..." >> Javik Paused. << " Your comparable to a Clone... No Purpose, Serves Endlessly and Desires to be more." >> Javik threw his thought to [member="Salvor Arnex"] in a rush. The Words followed quick and some images of other Acolytes flashed, Javiks examples of the past.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

He was lost. He knew it to be so and the truth this creature spoke drove the doubt further into him. He was free but had no idea what to do with his freedom, he came here searching for things he couldn’t even explain and like a defiant child he stood here now claming he knew the end of a road he couldn’t even find. Anger welled inside of him. Anger at his aimlessness and transparency. Anger at the words this creature spoke that stung more from the truth than the insult.

“Glory is the reward.” he spoke the creatures words softly barely audible. He had struggled to understand them at first, even denied them but after the visions the creature sent him Salvor had a new appreciation and perspective for them. Glory was not what he sought, it was only the by-product. What he needed was purpose.

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