Darth Eversor
Burning Forever
It was as vacuous as the hunger Kasa Shi felt, perhaps even less so. There was little else that could satiate the woman's hunger, and ever since her disappearance from that of the Sith's ranks, she sought a deeper root to pull from the proverbial soil. Aboard a ship without a name, and even less purpose other than drifting through a blackened abyss with hints of light speckled across its formless vastness. There was a truth the Atrisian sought, but she could not place a finger on whatever it could possibly be.
Through countless moments of mental breakdowns and hallucinations of both auditory and visual stimuli, she could not help but wonder through the fog of madness and delusion where she fell short of glory. She had impressed the one woman akin to her, was made to be praised for such a strong sense of ruthless vigor - but yet, something was missing. No matter how firm the belief of being a vessel for the purity of the Dark Side, there was an underlining lack of quality. Were the Sith even truly aligned with what they practiced? Was there an even deeper meaning to the Force?
Kasa stared out of a port window as the stars dragged along slowly, placing her hand upon the cold transparisteel as she felt loneliness. For the second time in a long time, she was right back at square one. The ladder in which she used to climb out of the hole of isolation had broken, and right back into stagnant existence is where she fell. The ghosts of her miserable past attacked her conscience and brought pain.
Pain that was all too familiar and irritating, pain which led to rage and an overwhelming desire to lash out and usurp life to even begin to heal. But what difference would to make to kill again? Would it bring back the attention and glory of the Lords of the Sith Order? Maybe not, but it would allow a small sense of self-integrity to return.
Whose idea of worth was more important? Kasa's or those that would dismiss her as utterly unteachable and insane?
Time would truly tell.
For now, drifting along the emptiness was comfort enough.
Something called out to Kasa, and she needed to know her true potential.
Somewhere deep in the heart of darkness.