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LFG Season of the Witch!

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ
Hello all! It's October and so I believe it a perfect time to announce that I am looking for Dathomiri Witches to teach my character! Kaila Irons or "Darth Anathemous" as the sith have begun calling her, is something of a dark side Ronin who was forced into becoming Sith by her master. I've enjoyed playing her as a black sheep and secret heretic who begrudgingly follows her imperial faith for fear of her master, however, she has recently come into a position of newfound freedom.

I'd like for this character to explore her options as a dark sider, and the witches of dathomir have interested me lately, especially after learning that there are human nightsisters.(although Kaila is technically a Vahla)

if you are looking to teach a wayward sorceress turned ronin with an insatiable thirst for knowledge of all things dark and forbidden, but with a kinder soul than most sith, Kaila might be the student for you! Or if you're a witch who's just looking for connections, be they in the sith or criminal circles, kaila is always happy to meet new people and make deals, or study and help anyone she finds interesting.

If you're interested or just want to chat, i'm fairly active here and on discord(ellie.ex) and my dms are always open in both places if you'd prefer to speak privately <3

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