Her gaze remained on him with a cold expression as he attempted a smile.
"Lucky me." She replied sarcastically. With every encounter with the Jedi, she only grew to hate him more and more. She was unbothered at the prospect of there being an investigation. She had covered her tracks well so as long as everything went to plan, if it came to it, it would be her word against his and she liked her odds. Even as a Jedi which inherently made him more trustworthy, she had ways that she could manipulate the situation in her favour.
"Part of your job?" She repeated, a hint of amusement in her tone.
"Jedi really have to be the heroes of the galaxy, don't they?" She scoffed and folded her arms.
"Even though you're not particularly good at it." Her mind returned to the fleeting memory of Thustra when her home fell into Sith rule and it seemed - so did he.
"Hey-" She scowled when he grabbed her lighter and opened her mouth to express her annoyance but his focus was elsewhere. His apology came as a surprise and her face contorted in suspicion. Did he truly mean what he said or was he just trying to act like the insufferable Jedi with their saviour complex?
"I don't need Jedi to protect me from a problem they created in the first place." She replied, clarifying her stance on the Jedi and Sith, in spite of her own Force sensitivity. It was a curse and she despised it. The Jedi were indirectly responsible for the war that scattered her family and she hated them for it, though she was not totally neurotic and could recognise that most Jedi held no responsibility.
She didn't care much for his apology, it wouldn't change the past, but she didn't react too harshly either. Even though she judged it to be sincere, she was still willing to bet he would have only wanted to protect her if it prevented her from joining the Empire. Even in his goodwill, she doubted the true nature of his comments.
Her gaze followed him as he left the room and once he was gone, she immediately stood up and began looking for anything that might help her escape but he seemed to have covered all possibilities well. With no success, she resigned herself back to the seat she had been on with a sigh. She truly was at his mercy, for now. At least when she did get out, she knew his name, which was more than he could say about her.
It would make tracking him down a whole lot easier.