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Approved Starship Second Life Astromotive - Gozanti Freighter Refit

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Manufacturer: Second Life Astromotive
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

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  • Manufacturer: Second Life Astromotive (rebuilt from Corellian Engineering originals.)
  • Affiliation: Second Life Astromotive
  • Market Status: Open
  • Model: Second Life Astromotive - Gozanti Freighter Refit
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Standard Starship Components, Duranium, Titanium, Transparisteel
  • Reliable and sturdy spaceframe
  • Tuned Engines provide optimal speed and maneuverability in class
  • Ample armaments for defense.
  • External docking support for towing cargo, vehicles, or ships
  • Turret weapons are short range
  • Doesn't fit in small freighter landing bays

This first product of Second Life Astromotive is a promising sign for the future of the company. SLA acquired a hundred derelict Imperial Gozanti Light Cruisers which had been forgotten in a Corp Sector scrapyard. They had been collecting dust (and rust) for ages. Buying them for a steal, SLA transported the Gozantis to their planetside refurbishment facility. There, the ships were stripped, cleaned, and reassembled. New electronics and amenities were installed wherever possible, and the ships were optimized for both the carrying of cargo and the ferrying of passengers.

The old laser turrets on the original vessels were rebuilt and modified into Assault Laser weapons capable of taking on large pirate ships, and the engines were tuned up to provide maximum thrust and efficiency. This has resulted in these refit Gozantis being faster and more maneuverable than when they were new. Finally, the extendable docking ports were reinforced and given attractor node support, so that even exceptionally large and heavy objects can be affixed to them with ease.

Whether you are towing ships, ferrying vehicles, or transporting cargo cans, this Gozanti freighter has you covered- and for only 1750,000 credits each, they're a bargain. Get yours today!

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the first product of Second Life Astromotive - a refit Gozanti cruiser optimized for freighter operations while retaining its military pedigree
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Second Life Astromotive
Model: Second Life Astromotive - Gozanti Freighter Refit
Starship Class: Corvette (50-200m)
Starship Role: Freighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, and Titanium (Standard Starship Components)
Armaments: Three Twin Assault Laser Cannon Turrets (2 Dorsal, 1 Ventral)
Two Repeating Blaster Cannon Turrets (Aft)
Two Variable Ordinance Warhead Launchers (fwd)
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 13
Passenger Capacity: 12
Cargo Capacity: Large
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