intergalactic bird of mystery
Second Terminus Food Wars, 860 ABY (colorized)
Bun Intended's mobile food truck was doing a steady clip of business just like always. Terminus was a planet that never slept and there was always a shmorgishborg of hungry mouths to feed. It was hard to track down but they'd received a tip about its whereabouts for this evening. A few aircabs and speeder bikes loitered nearby, satisfied customers no doubt. Assistant Regional Manager Chad knew that sometimes in war, there were necessary sacrifices.
The hovervan's repulsor engine flared as it pulled up and swung around. Chad threw open the door, and his night shift crew unleashed hell on the Bun Intended logo and everything within its vicinity. Screams filled the skies. Several speeders spiraled out of control, their pilots wounded or already dead. Repeater fire wracked against their competitor and Chad felt the righteousness of a noble cause. Bun Intended's buns were too sticky. The madness must end.
During his hour of triumph Assistant Regional Manager Chad's eyes widened in surprised horror at the sight of a heavy cannon extending from the deceptively well armored mobile pastry dispensary. He had time to shriek a syllable of despair before a sea of blaster bolts riddled the hovercab and sent it hurtling down to its doom. A grinning vulture's face slowly peeled away from the heat of the flames.
Fast food restaurants across Terminus have plunged the world into a state of all out civil war. Post your company and eliminate the competition or pick an existing chain and step on the frontlines as a part time employee.
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