Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second time lucky, more specific this time

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
I enquired about starting a Jedi character a few weeks back and received good advice, which I dutifully followed. And a week ago Sorel came to life and I joined the Faction recommended and put this character out there for RP opportunities.

A week later and the Faction I chose has not been posted to in all the time since I joined. Not even once. Which makes me think it's not very active, despite the number of members. And I'd still like to be part of a Faction - but despite checking the likely ones out again, still can't decide. So I'd really appreciate it if any Factions that would like a new Padawan would let me know. Maybe do a thread introducing Sorel to their ways and philosophies. To see if we're a better fit than I first thought and (ideally) take a big step into being more active, pick up some training. Things like that.

I can carry on the solo route, but it is lonely and I'd prefer to be part of a group. A Padawan pack, something like that. And so if you've read this and simply fancy an RP, let me know. This character is flexible enough to be anywhere and under most circumstances.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"] well you know I am always around for training and missions. Matsu rather likes the inquisitive nature of Sorel so far and once I finish this food I have a post started for you.
The SSC is active, check out that faction to see if it's a good fit. I'm not sure about the availability of masters looking for padawans right now, but we have a dom in progress as well as some faction threads. I'd be willing to thread sometime too.

Good luck!

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Thanks again - I'll look out for the thread.

[member="Valae Kitra"]

Thanks to you too. If and when you're up for a thread, just let me know. I've checked out the SSC but was unsure as they seemed to have Dark Jedi too. But I'll give it another go :)

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Agreed. But dark does mean practising the dark side. And a Jedi is to maintain vigilance in order to avoid falling to the dark side. And the dark side of the Force was considered highly corrupting. And darksiders draw power from raw emotions and feelings such as anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, aggression, megalomania, and unrestrained passion. And the Jedi Order disagreed so strongly with the purpose of the dark side of the Force that they distanced themselves from anything possibly related to the dark side. They also made it part of their mission to neutralize any and all practitioners of the dark side by whatever means necessary, though killing them was usually a last resort.

I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying what I have read and understood.
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

That was more of the Older jedi before the times of the New Republic in Legends. For the most part those jedi ended up being wrong and the jedi produced by the New Jedi Order beneath look allowed emotions and connections as it wasn't as corrupting as the Jedi of old made it out to be. Heck there are at least several examples of jedi in the New Jedi Order that practiced both Light and Dark Side powers that didn't fall completely to the Darkside.
[member="Viru Lentus"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

Look up Kule Katarn. He is one of the best examples of a jedi who was both married and practiced both the light and dark sides of the force while being declared a master jedi.
[member="Viru Lentus"]

Well Jaden Korr was trained by Kyle, so I'd hope they were one of them. I forgot about Luke dipping into that area though as well.

Kyle is also an example of how you don't even really need another living jedi master to teach you. He learned a lot from the ghosts of ancient jedi masters in the Valley of Jedi and then adapted it with his own creative flair. He really is a fun character to read up on. My favorite jedi for sure.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Viru Lentus"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Thanks both. This is the sort of debate I was hoping to have IC. And I was focused more on canon than legend - basing my character on the movies, which is probably where I'm struggling to manage the way Jedi are here.

And it's not that I can't learn by myself. I just would prefer to have a Master.

And thanks again :)
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well to be fair, cannon has little info right now because of disney going in and saying that the legend stuff didn't happen. Even though if you pay attention to the newest movie they tip their hat to the legend events. Even the current movie arc plays out very similarly to some events from the legend events.

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