Au'Rus Rhaeyns
Hello all. I just have some questions about the state of Gray Jedi on the site. I am in the middle of
getting approved a Gray Jedi Praxeum on Jedha, one that has bee hidden for years but, soon will open it doors to any Gray Jedi or Wayward Jedi. Although there is a dedicated Gray Jedi Order in charge there, its more fluff and the praxeum is open to any sort of RP.
I am thinking of creating a dedicated Gray Jedi group who would be interested in acting as a "Jedi without Borders" styled operation. Weighing into battlefields, war zones, and criminal areas to help out in humanitarian and intervention operations. A sort of Justice League or Avengers of Gray Jedi. Nothing to demanding commitment wise, no faction kind of politics. I've played bad guys for a while and would love to try something new and truly good
But, I am curious. Are there any Gray Jedi around? By Gray I mean anyone on any spectrum of the Gray style from Qui Gon Jin to your own style. Would any Gray be interested in a secret congregation thread that leads to the creation of the secret Gray Jedi strike force? This also extends to any unaffiliated NFU Troopers, Doctors, Pilots etc. who want to be a part of some active fighting defence force in the galaxy???