Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Secrets of Dagobah

Dagobah not her first visit to the world of swamps. But it was here that she could feel all of life swirling around her the only sounds were natural. Rianna sat beside the small fire she had built she wondered what tomorrow would bring would she see the Jubba and would she be able to convince it to come to her.

Eh..This was a trip intended for the bird but it was also time for Rianna to take a break. Her body ached in places that reminded her what side of the mountain she was on now. A lifetime behind and who knew what was ahead.

It was so nice here tonight she could feel memory around her. Dagobah wanted to talk and she would listen.

It was like music where it began, what it had seen..who it had seen and the hidden places across the planet. Songs of the rain, and songs of the dry season and then it told its secrets of the thousands of herbs she could fine here.

She nodded, "thank you." The force a living thing knew more history than the greatest libraries on the galaxy. Rianna's safety was not assured but tomorrow the force would begin her journey here.
The force connected all living things and here on Dagobah it spoke loudly until it went silent. The dark places, the force caves that tested every living thing that dared to enter.

There was more than on Dagobah, everyone only focused on the one that Master Yoda sent Luke into. In her mind she could see the darkness like a black hole where nothing entered. How someone came out depended on what happen inside.

Tests didn't have to be at the hands of the force though tests came in many forms this one was just unique to Dagobah. Rianna poked the fire her memory drifting back once more.

Kashyyyk, one of her first assignments one of the first babies she had ever delivered. She never forgot it.

Tiny embers climbed up reaching upwards to kiss the sky, they never really got that high but if they were a lifeform you'd have to give them credit for trying. Rianna waved her hand the embers began to dance it was an old trick the use of air to move them about and fuel their flames. She liked the old tricks they made her feel young again.
She could feel her body as it grew tired. "I need to sleep." She felt safe here her senses would alert her to danger if any. The fire would burn for a time, and if a predator should by change come by again her danger sense would wake her.

She slowly settled back pulling her cloak and the blanket around her. Staring into the fire it slowly lulled to her to sleep.

Sometime later

"Why are you here little one?"

"I don't know really."

A dream of a day from long ago Rianna as a child looking up into the face of her Master. "Are you lost?" Slowly sinking down beside her Rianna faced Arala Minos, a togrutan and master healer of the Temple on Coruscant.

"I don't think so Master."

Arala looked at the youngling sensing a struggle within, "Tell me."

Rianna looked down, "I went home for my sister's betrothal and it...she's dead Master. I feel like..." Rianna struggled with the words, "I coulda, or shoulda done more ws dark and...I failed"

Arala had heard of what had happened. Special dispensation to allow the Organa child to go home to Alderaan should never been allowed. The emotional bonds were already strained and now the child was burdened with more guilt.

"How can I be a Jedi and fail?"

Arala smiled, "Everyone fails Rianna it is part of the lessons of life. You must find a way to accept your limitations and move on"

Rianna tossed in her sleep, had she ever accepted it and moved on? Even many years later when she found out House Rist had been behind the betrayal, the death of her sister...had she really moved on or had she merely pushed the emotions down and moved forward.

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