Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Secrets Of The Empire

During the Old Empire many hundreds of thousands of bunkers had been created, these bunkers contained everything from droids, to ancient war machines, to legions of Dark Troopers. Everything had been put into storage and safely been secured away in order to assure that in the future, these caches of weapons and arms would be used in times of need. Of course when the Empire had fallen, many of these bunkers had simply disappeared, the records for them deleted, or simply lost to the ethos of time.

Of course, when a new Empire rose, these bunkers were scoured for and eventually found.

It was one such bunker that contained a very special prize, something that would be found at the very center of the bunker itself, complete with an arrangement of ancient Type III Dark Troopers. At the very center of the massive armored droids, stood a tiny black figure, paled in size by the huge droids. Yet emblazoned on its chest in stark white was the Mark of the Empire.

It was hardly the only thing contained within the bunker. The massive fortress like facility contained AT-ST's, tanks, mountains of Stormtrooper armor, racks of E-11s, and even five ancient All Terrain Armored Transports deep within one of the Bunkers hidden garages. The facility was vast, and the boon inside was well worth taking, hence why the Imperial Remnant had come to reclaim it.

As the sound of cutting torches and stamping Imperial boots could be heard throughout the bunker, Red eyes flashed to light amidst the standing Dark Troopers.

Serco Savar

Serco watched the workers try to open the bunker. Serco had no clue why the Emperor was so interested in ancient bunkers or why he was even here to begin with. He assumed in had something to do with pissing off the Military as Serco had be prone to do recently.

Twirling an unlit Knight saber in his hand Serco walked carry a light in his other hand flanked by two troopers whistling softly a little tune his father had taught him as a child. When one of the troopers frowned at the noise Serco looked at him.

"What like the presence of blow torches and boot stomping didn't give our presence away hours ago?"

Serco looked at the man.

"Fine fine have it your way deathly silent it is then."
Soldiers everywhere. Troopers of the Crinan and the Stormtrooper variety. Yet they all turned their heads when I made my way through the halls. Even with the wings not turned on, my armor stood out in the crowd, which was fine. It was specifically designed for dealing with Force users and their lightsabers. Add in the fact that it was made of solid Phrik, with armorweave beneath, and it could withstand most energy weapons known to the galaxy. It had even withstood the Death Star before. Phrik was good stuff.

I strode through the halls in search of anything useful. This place hadn't seen any boots in a long time, as was plainly obvious by all of the equipment that they had already managed to find. There was sure to be more of it the more they searched, too. As I neared another grouping of soldiers, I spotted one of the Knight Cadet's amongst their number. Others were using torches to cut through a set of blast doors that they couldn't get open otherwise.

"Why so agitated, Cadet?"

I turned my visor to look at the troopers nearby, but they were too busy staring at my armor to say anything so I focused back on the Cadet.

"How close are you to getting through?"

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nigh"]
Bria stood a way from the others letting the wind take her own cloak in a dance around her. Finding her eyes upon those trying to open the bunks. This only causing her to flash back to the old days long past. In a way she had remember a different time with different key players. In a way just like this wind it blows in many ways but also it blows. Now she wanted to be able to see just what they had worked so long of their labor to find. It didn't take long to see that this would be tougher then one would expect to to inside. Finding herself unable to do anything but stay put.

Some low working speaking to her now. Miss miss as she turn with her blazing purple eyes of hers. As if she been put out with this very simple act of calling ones name like hers. "You may address as Knight Shadow-Tarkin or Ms. Shadow-Tarkin" , waving her own hands to a way of if she was deep in thought. In way she was belonging to another Imperial Empire one she help build up from the ground up. This only got her mind to thinking of other things from that time prideod.

@Nigh @Serco Savar [member="Sever Voss"]

Serco Savar

[member="Nigh"] [member="Sever Voss"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]

Serco turned to Voss clearly not as impressed by his mere presence as the others. Ignoring the first question Serco focused on the second.

"Without knowing for sure the precise layout of this particular bunker I couldn't say." "This could be the last door and there could be a dozen more behind it."

Serco turned to the other knew face with a chuckle but did not say anything.
[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"] [member="Sever Voss"]

For a second the red lights illuminated the empty hall, yet darkness still prevailed. At the center of the Dark Troopers the Droid did not move, instead it engaged something. Slowly it accessed long dead systems, plowing through firewalls and encryptions until it reached its goals. Eventually the Droid gained access to the systems it was looking for, and then it flipped a switch.

All of a sudden across the entire facility things came to life.

Lightbulbs burst into life, massive bulkhead doors snapped open, and all systems across the bunker came to life all at once as the droid took control. Automated turrets targeted the intruders, though immediately identified them as Stormtroopers, and therefore friendly. The bunker seemed to snap into life startling quick, its reactors forced to full capacity into an instant at the commanding presence of the droid.

At the same time the Dark Troopers within the droids champers also came to life, their massive bodies moving sluggishly at first, then coming to attention more smoothly.

As the doors all over the facilities slid open, the black automaton took a step forward, breaking its sleep and moving through the throng of massive Dark Troopers.

Serco Savar

[member="Nigh"] [member="Sever Voss"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]

Serco immediately stopped twirling his saber in his hand when all the bells and whistles started activating. Flipping the switch and activating it Serco spoke still looking towards the now open doors.

"Well this can't be good." "I think we woke something or someone up."

Serco went into combat mode addressing the present troops.

"Defensive positions men." "One squad holds the exit one squad leap frogs two by two with me until we figure out who or what we are dealing with and how friendly it is."

Serco stepped through the door in a low crouch scanning the new room for threats.
An unknown amount of time until they got in didn't really bode well. I figured I was about to be very bored with the whole situation. This particular bunker was well sealed. We'd been cutting through doors for what seemed like hours, and while we'd found a lot of good equipment, old but in working order, there hadn't been anything found that really stood out as exemplary. Each one of these bunkers was supposed to have something in it that really warranted the sealing up of the bunker. Not just standard equipment.

Of course before I could say anything further, or even acknowledge the strange woman that appeared with pinkish skin, dang aliens, all of the bells and whistles started up. The guys cutting the doors stopped as they opened. Well, mostly opened. The slagged metal made it kind of hard for the door to open all the way.

"Might be a good idea to let me go first. My armors nearly indestructible from what I'm told. No sense in letting a trap kill anyone if there are any."

I stepped inside and glanced around. More doors in front of us, waiting to be opened. This place seemed like it would go on forever.

"You using the methodical approach to this and checking each room as you go?" he asked Serco. No need to step on toes, right?

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nigh"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]
Alva had better places to be than on the ground. Rather she was in the local airspace with, aboard one of the Crinan Noble class frigates maintaining positions above the facility. They had been careful with the Imperial Craft as well when approaching the area in case defensive emplacements existed. When none of them were fired upon though they had made the approach to deposit ground forces. Crinan soldiers in their royal armor had deployed with stormtroopers to enter the ancient fortress. Alva herself was readied in Crinan Armor in the event that reinforcements were called upon. All the same though she hoped the 181st wouldn't be called. They were still in the process of handling some of the issues with the new trooper armor, and the TIE fighters were in the process of better production.

Still, the facility hadn't reacted yet and that was a good thing. If it had they would either have had to destroy it with a hail of missile fire from the Noble class warships missile banks or let themselves suffer heavy casualties. They didn't even know what was in there yet, so who knew if this was all worth it.
[member="Sever Voss"] [member="Serco Savar"]

The droid marched out of its room with cold determination, its footsteps sounded heavier than any mans could have, and were only echoed by a squadron of four Dark Troopers that followed on its tail almost eagerly.

With slow deliberate steps the droid, branded with the symbol of the Empire made its way through the maze of the bunker. Each and every camera within the facility fed data into it, each and every sensor and pressure point told the Droid where the Imperials were, and each and every facet of the bunker directed it towards the furthest most incursion into the facility. Within only a few moments the black droid stood before a massive group of soldiers, and two Imperial Knights.

The droid observed them for a few moments, its four photoreceptors each shifting into a different view mode. Thermal, infared, UV, and normal light. It studied the group of people in an instant, taking in sensory data and ensuring that they were truly Imperials. It watched them coldy.

It said nothing.

Serco Savar

[member="Sever Voss"] [member="Nigh"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]

Serco stopped moving as he heard the sounds followed soon by the inhabitants of the Bumker. A small army it seemed. Instinctively Serco raised his saber in a defensive posture waiting on the inevitable attack. Then the most unusual thing happen they stopped.

Serco noticed the emblem on the droid recognizing it immediately. Raising his hand to keep the Troopers from firing Serco went out on a limb.

"I am Serco Savar and Initiate of the Imperial Knights." "What is your designation?"
Something was moving. I couldn't quite tell what it was, but I knew it was there. I could hear it shifting and then I saw it as it approached. A small figure, dark colored. It was much shorter than me, an emblazoned with an old Imperial insignia that closely resembled the current one. It approached us, and stopped. It was pretty clear to me that it was studying us, curious about who we were and what breed of Imperial we happened to be. I found this ironic because even though I was working for the Empire, I was Crinan, not a true Imperial.

The Cadet spoke first, talking to it and trying to gets is designation. I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but from the mechanical nature of their movements I had to suspect that we were dealing with droids. I'd never seen anything like them before, but they were certainly there. I switched my comms over to the main frequency so as to report to [member="Alva Calvarona"], the ranking officer in space.

"We've encountered what appears to be some form of humanoid droid. It's small, but emblazoned with the symbol of the Empire. There are several big, black droids behind it. It hasn't spoken yet. Will advise when it does."

I switched my comms back off, so my every word wasn't sent to space, and focused back on the droid.

"What if it doesn't have a designation? Or a vocal capacity?"

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nigh"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]

Serco Savar

[member="Sever Voss"] [member="Nigh"] [member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]

"Well if it was going to be immediately hostile we wouldn't be standing here talking." "So I am going on a leap of fiath here that the symbol on it's chest means it is loyal to the Emperor."

Serco smirked.

"Look on the bright side if I am wrong then that is one last snot nosed Cadet you all have to deal with." "May even make a few people smile."
Ikki remained very still where she was, letting her body remain tense to fight and pounce while the small petite maid checked her gloves where the slicewire could come out and be used. Going through a facility she looked towards her princess and bowed speaking to [member="Alva Calvarona"] "Princess are we going after something important?" The look on her face didn't change, Ikki wasn't here for glory she was here for duty and a cause... well payment and duty. The cause she wasn't exactly certain of while she straightened the headpiece keeping her bangs back turning to move. "Shall I be heading down and see that they preform properly or shoudl I do as the maid does best my princess." Ikki held up her hands as one of the wires came out. "And tidy up?"
[member="Sever Voss"] [member="Ikki Ike"]

A strange droid?

Alva certainly had no idea as to what Sever may have been referring to. She wasn't receiving any camera feeds from anyone's equipment, it wasn't as if the Noble class warships had the capability. The Venerable class invasion carrier still sat on the ground along with the array of Imperial Shuttle craft still had plenty of soldiers on standby for reinforcement if this place became a battlefield, but by the sounds of it nothing was hostile yet. "Give me a clearer description, if they're Imperial design they'll be in the database. Give me more information please if you would. . . ."

Of course as soon as Ikki spoke up the Princess found herself highly tempted to take her maid up on that offer and send the servant down to deal with things properly. However, nothing seemed to be going really wrong yet, and if the Knights and Special Forces couldn't handle it then Alva definitely wasn't going to waste the lives of others as well. Especially her adorable and rather unique specimen of a maid. "I'm not sure, I'm merely providing logistical support now my sweet little servant. If you wish to tidy up though. . . .well maybe if they make a mess. Still, there's something else you can clean in the meantime." Grinning mischievously Alva stepped toward the other girl and gave her a quick kiss before chuckling and moving back to her command seat. waiting for the groundside troops report.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

Ikki remained very still and bowed to her princess at the speech of other things to clean. Her mind looking around as she retracted the wire and slid from behind her back a feather duster with a silver hilt. The feather shoto allowing her to dust off the screens and consoles while she moved around the few who knew what she could do not stopping her as they cleaned their stations quickly and thoroughly. Offering each of them a bow and a smile she found her way to the princesses command chair and bowed while she remained there standing off to the side lightly swishing her duster behind her back like a tail. Her headpiece sticking two triangles into the air like cat ears while the band pressed hers close to her head obscuring them in hr hair.
[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Sever Voss"]

(Sorry guys, I got busy)

None of the droids moved for a few seconds, instead they stared towards the two young men and their cadre of Stormtroopers.

After a few minutes passed the black Droid in the center stepped forward, its four photoreceptors covered by a haze of red for a few seconds as it gave the Imperials one final scan. With a mechanical mannerism to the droid turned away from the young men, its Dark Trooper escorts following suit. A single motion told the young men that it wanted them to follow.

The black droid moved quickly and soundlessly.

No servo's whirred, to mechanical footsteps clacked, no joints seemed to stiffen or flex when t moved. It was clear this was no ordinary droid. Quickly The droid moved through the facility, leading the party of troopers and Imperial Knights towards the core of the facility.

Serco Savar

[member="Nigh"] [member="Sever Voss"]

Serco watched as the droid turned and moved further into the complex without so much as a word or even a beep.

"Oh karking feth really?" "Hey here is an idea let's just follow a strange droid deeper into it's lair of dusty doom." "I don't get paid enough for this...................wait I don't get paid at all." "Fething Kark."

Serco followed the droid just ready to get whatever it was that happened out of the way so he could get back to sun light and clean conditions. The smell was starting to make his nose itch.
"Maybe you should let me go first then?"

Yeah, he'd heard what the Princess said, but since the droid wasn't talking, if it even was a true droid, and didn't look like anything he'd ever seen before, he wasn't going to say anything. Add in the fact that the regular Imperials, the ones that had been around for a while, didn't recognize it and he was certain the were more than likely dealing with something new. If that was the case, he wondered what it was that they were really dealing with here, and what was going to happen.

"My armor is nigh indestructible."

He followed after both Serco and the droid, though was perfectly ready to move ahead if the Knight wanted it. Not that he was trying to be a jerk in this instance, he was simply being reasonable.

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nigh"]


Colrenn had been monitoring communications from an nearby out post when heard about this strange droid, he immediately grabbed his blaster riffle and hopped on to the bunker the transmission came from.

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