Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sector Leaders: What are your laws?

So, this vaguely came out in a faction chat on Skype, but how do you guys run your sector of Sith scum?

I don't know my own laws really. Basically don't do anything to piss me off and you get to keep your freedom as an individual (with the alternative becoming my personal slave)

So, what are your laws and punishments?
My laws are simple: murder or unnecessary killing is punished by exile into the wastelands, without food or resources. Those who steal from the Empire shall serve it as punishment, via being drafted, and any minor laws broken shall probably incur a fine or a short stay in one of the Empress' fine prisons. Though any who disrupt the peace of the Empire through piracy, slavery or such are given the ultimate punishment, and simply eliminated. Painfully, and usually in a manner public enough to discourage further foolishness.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
In my personal territory, the standard punishment is different degrees of the draft. The most serious offenses result in slavery. Treason results in becoming a brain in a jar.

Sven Talith

Technically not in charge of my sector entirely, but since there isn't a Sith Master i currently rule over it.

Sector 12 has a fair rule of law. We have a normal justice system where Minor Crimes receive minor punishments, IE you wouldn't be sent to prison for 100 years just for stealing a loaf of bread. Murder is punished depending on the circumstance, if it was self defense and is proven as so you will not serve time. If it was ruthless slaughter and premeditated you will go to prison and will perhaps even be executed for you crimes.

We are fair in Sector 12 to all species, including aliens of all kind.
Sector 6 is also ruled fairly. Things are reasonable. However, some crimes are treated as capital primes, such as sexual assaults and the like. There is (usually) due process, as well.
Treason, High Theft, Murder are all crimes which send you to one of my laboratories, where you get to be a test subject. All slaves are property of the state, destroying or harming one is tantemount to destroying sith property which may result in your own enslavement. Theft, assault and vagrancy all result in conscription in the 4th Sector Military.
Its very socialistic.

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