- Intent: To create a picket/recon frigate as a way of getting II into First Order ship sales.
- Image Source: MaragrizX
- Canon Link: None
- Restricted Missions: None
- Primary Source: None
- Manufacturer: Ignus Industries
- Model: Seculus-class Frigate
- Affiliation: The First Order
- Production: Limited
- Material: Alusteel frame with Lightweight Composite Armor
- Classification: Patrol
- Length: 425m
- Width: 195m
- Height: 75m
- Armament: Moderate
H.A.R.P.E.R.'s - Turbolasers
- Ion Cannons
- Concussion Missile Launchers
[*]Defenses: Very High
[*]Hangar: Very low
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1
- Overlapping Shield Platform
- Shipwide Capacitive Defense Network
- Automated Interior Defense System
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensors Array
- Hyperwave Transceiver
- Holotransmitter
- IFF Transponder
- 840.z Holo-Targeting Suite
- 2 Tractor Beam Projectors
- Ranger Transceiver
- Hyperwave Signal Interceptor
- Long Range Dedicated Energy Receptor
- Moderately armed
- Very Heavy defense
- Excellent equipment designed for patrol and recon
- Lower maneuverability than standard
- No hangar