Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction See the World in a Grain of Sand

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"I have walked across the surface of the sun. I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast, they could hardly be said to have occurred at all. To be able to track a single snowflake across a blizzard on hoth, To see a micro-civilization rise and fall and rise again only to fall on the surface of an atom in the heart of a dying star a thousand thousand light years from our feet. To stare into the space between worlds where the precept lurk, their secret languages something to learn."​

THe dunes of Jakku were beautiful in the right light,..... ONe could spend much of theirr time here and the enclave Romi had built and restorred was a decent enough place. The jedi master sat there with her legs crossed while she was allowing the force to swirl around herself. SLowly she spread her hands outward as she spoke. The mantra was there and she allowed the force to move. "Through your fingers, pink grains are forming, haphazard, random, a disorganized stream of silicone that seems pregnant with the possibility of every conceivable shape… But this is an illusion. Things have their shape in time, not space alone. THe building blocks of the universe have statues within them, embedded in their future." SHe was shifting the sands and allowing them to form.. the makings of a floor and then a platform as it rose out of the sand... not high but visible. The stark white of the stone there against the sands. The square tiles making a circle others would be able to sand on and join her so they were not alone in the dunes.

The jedi master was speaking to herself whiel she waited to see if anyone wanted to come. She had opened it for them to learn the art of the small and how it could be applied. Healing and saber classes were well and good but sometimes being able to delve into the mysteries of the force was something others wanted to see. "There is great power in legends, in myth... somethings though are more then that. Thus wielding them requires something more then mere desire. It requires sometimes skills, sometimes items, sometimes another. I know this, I know that the act of learning, of controlling or mastering can take longer then there are breathes in this body in several lifetimes. Time itself is a but a barrier to those who fear its passing.... beyond vanity, beyond patience, beyond age there is an underlying thrum to the galaxy that binds all things.... and with that connection there is acceptence. With that connection the forbidden becomes the fulfilled... and anything becomes possible."

She spoke the worlds into the wind.. Standing there she demonstrated to it. Her body at first seeming to age to show on her what others without the force would look like. OLder, wrinkles, grey hair... her eyes going paler from time until she was more a withered woman. The look of age upon her and then slowly the skin seemed to crack and peel.. to break and become like a dissicated husk that broke away returning youth and looks. Black hair, pale skin and a renewed sense of vigor in her stance. She stood there as the winds blew the clacification away... dust in the winds adding to the dunes and her words finished. Applying the lessons to the class to try and make it so the students and others would be able to gain the understanding that comes not just from knowledge but wisdom as well... could take a lot when she was walking. A smile on her face as her hands came up. She didn't know if they had approached while she was renewing but her words had carried on the wind and the enclave was there.
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Matsu was becoming a far more familiar presence in the Zeltron's life than she might have anticipated. A very welcome presence, but it hadn't been on her mind when she had come to take Romi's endurance course so long ago to become so familiar with the Atrisian. Even being of a more petite build than those Lossa was accustomed to, Matsu Ike was far and above anywhere she stood in terms of knowing. The chance to learn was not a wasted one as Lossa found her way through the dunes to answer the pull of the Force. Her perception of the Force after Coruscant had become far more clear. A welcome change given the rather intuitive use she had been made to deal with prior.

The circle of tiles noted as she kept her hood up around her face against the sun as Matsu spoke. Almost in a trance as she opted to remain quiet. Observe. Be patient and listen until the Master was finished with whatever task her mind and body had taken to.

Interest held without any break from observation as skin became withered. Matsu's form shriveling and becoming something else entirely before it broke under the strain of itself. The Force itself seemed to shift and churn as Matsu performed this ritual. But it never broke. Never faltered. Merely shifted and continued around them as Matsu came back to herself. Smiling and observing those that had gathered. An intense stare of wonder and scrutiny on Lossa's face at the sight she had just witnessed.

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus had mentioned that she typically stayed at the Jakku Enclave. Honestly, Zaiya had never heard of it, but when she asked Shan, he mentioned that it was another Enclave that worked with the New Jedi Order and oftentimes would work together either for training or to assist. After asking Shan Pavond Shan Pavond if she could go visit Lossa and Zeriana and perhaps see what she could learn there -- and maybe continue some good conversations and updates regarding matters, the Lovalla teen received permission and had been flown along with another small group of Padawans that were also interested in joining.

Zaiya didn't realize just how much of a barren and desert world Jakku was. She had spent the entire flight reading about the world, amazed at its history, and wondering at the sort of relics and interesting places that she could find there. It was not an easy or hospitable place to live in, but perhaps this could help Zaiya get a little more survival skills in her belt and how to deal with tough situations.

She'd been greeted warmly by an attendant who appeared to be rugged and built for the wilderness. Sand... was everywhere, and the heat was a dry heat that seemed to suck out the moisture from the Lovalla's skin.

Deciding it would be prudent to have a water skin with her, Zaiya took her satchel, her cloak, which dimmed and blocked out not only the sun but also dampened her glow, and asked where she might find Knight Lossa. It wasn't long before she was ushered to an area where Matsu Ike Matsu Ike and another hooded figure were.

Her bangles and bracelets made little jingles as she walked; sneaky wasn't Zaiya's best attribute, but she curiously walked in, hoping that she wasn't bothering.

"Oh.. sorry... I don't mean to intrude." Zaiya apologized, although hopeful that she wouldn't be turned away.

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

She felt two approaching and opened her eyes, allowing the force to roll around herself and off onto the platform as she looked. Lossa was here, the new head of the enclave was learning... talented and had come a fair way since they first met in Romi's survival class. It has been a very different group then compared to here as she looked at Zaiya and spoke with a smile. "It is alright, the platform is open for all." SHe offered a smile as she walked with a look at Lossa. The look on the womans face said enough and the jedi master gave a nod of her head. "A small idea of todays lesson. It could take decades to learn how to renew the cells and the body to a point you were vibrant and young but it can be done." She said it as she stayed there and motioned for Zaiya. "Come and join, first tell me what you know about the art of the small?"

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