Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeing Red



As far as Dinner Theaters went, the Cornercase wasn't anything special. As far as Nar Shaddaa went, the Cornercase was a luxury.

It was a small establishment, aptly named for it's placement on the corner of a dark street. The lights advertising the showmanship were easy enough to see, bright pinks and blues displaying what productions the performers would showcase tonight. They were in luck; the troupe was performing "Pirates of the Hydian Way".

The Shark found himself in the back, in a booth sized to fit someone such as himself. It was a good thing too; he was enormous, especially while in his armor. While he got plenty of fearful stares, weapons were no odd sight in the Cornercase. Which was good, because Ghorua came dressed to impress.

Kitted in full beskar, helmet on the table, a verified arsenal on his person, Ghorua ate his meal in relative silence. His face was one of stoic amusement. His mouth, full of serrated teeth, curled into a bemused smile. His eyes, black as obsidian, glittered good-naturedly. The shadow of wrinkles on his otherwise dark, smooth face, crows feet highlighting his eyes.

He stuck fruits and vegetables into his gaping maw, and chewed thoughtfully. He was to meet an old acquaintance today. A woman who had done well for herself in recent years. The "Crimson Lady", they called her. The "Blood Matron".

Well, Ghorua was a Shark. And like all sharks, he'd follow the blood.

He vaguely wondered, as he snacked on his vegetarian meal, where this blood trail would lead him.

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Equipment, and Droids in Bio
Mood : Confident, Pleased

Zenva entered The Cornercase at a brisk stride, the helmet of her new Armor System tucked beneath an arm. Her bizarre death's head tattoo glowed vibrantly in the theater's neon lights, obscuring the Crimson Lady's sharp features. Behind her a matched pair of IG Droids, and a small floating sphere Droid followed the Matron closely. One could never be too careful on Nar Shaddaa.

The man she was looking for was difficult to miss in general. Here he stood out more than most. Ghorua was a Titan when compared to the normal thugs, and merc fodder that hung around the Smuggler's Moon. If his size alone wasn't enough the Bounty Hunter was a serious threat given the excellent equipment his success had afforded him. Zenva's gaze fixated on the massive man nearly instantaneously, and she cut a path straight toward him.

She stopped a few paces from the table Ghorua occupied. Her free hand came to rest on the hilt of one of the twin swords hanging from her hips. "Hello Ghorua. It has been far to long. May I sit?" She asked, gesturing toward the table. When her hand came down it settled at her waist with her thumb hooked into one of the numerous straps of the weapon harness that wrapped her statuesque figure.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
There she is.

Ghorua's eyes followed Zenva dilligently as she approached, taking stock of her. He noted the droid security detail, the weapons, and her rather impressive tattoo. His glowing white Black Sun tattoo hid under his armor, a relic of a time he had served a different cartel. That had not ended well.

Maybe things would be different this time.

As the Blood Matron stepped up to him, Ghorua intuited her guarded stance. Hand on weapon, or hovering near. It was smart. He was sure someone out there would pay a bounty hunter such as Ghorua plenty of credits for her head. And Nar Shaddaa wasn't exactly the safest planet. In fact, it was probably one of the least-safe planets in the galaxy.

Unless you were running it, of course.

Ghorua nodded to the Zabrak, smirking. "Ms. Vrotoa. By all means." He inclined his head at the booth across from him, and leaned back. There was an undeniable intelligence behind his eyes as he examined the woman, as one might read a particularly gripping book. The two of them, a Zabrak with a dangerous tattoo and an enormous Herglic, would certainly cut a figure in the Cornercase.

"I hope you like dinner theater," Ghorua said, his smile becoming genuine. The stage was one of his guilty pleasures. "Because this is one of the best venues on the planet. Only gets shot up once a month."

Ghorua flagged down a waiter. "They've got a little bit of everything here. I'll spot you this one time." Ghorua knew that Zenva was almost certainly more rich than himself, but it was the thought that counted. Besides, if this went well, her credits would be spotting him for some time.

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
The Zabrak flashed a vicious grin, her own serrated teeth flashing brilliantly in the neon glow. Her horn crowned head included as she glided into the booth with serpentine grace. Her eyes searched the Herglic's broad features leaving another, more coy smile on her lips. "Thank you." She said with a smirk.

She turned briefly to glance at the stage, and it's performance before quickly turning back. "I can honestly say I've never taken the time to watch such things. The performances I enjoy tend to involve more women, and less costumes." She said unabashedly. She chuckled slightly. "Well, let's hope tonight isn't the once, hmm?"

"Well." She exclaimed, a bemused smile curling her lips. "How very gentlemanly of you, Ghorua. Thank you." She inclined her head once more, very nearly a little bow. Once the waiter arrived, she hurried the server off with an order for a bottle of whiskey, glasses, and a carnivore's entrée. Her sharp focus turned back to the Helgric a moment later. "I gather you frequent such theaters?" She asked gesturing around them almost absently.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
It was Ghorua's turn to chuckle as Zenva was so candid with him. "To each their own, I suppose. Never been too partial to that kind of show, but I can see the appeal." Then, with a good-natured smile, "Just as much pageantry, though."

When the Zabrak thanked him for the meal, he simply shook his head. "Of course. As long as you pay for me next time." Ghorua's voice was confident, a statement without a hint of question, giving off his assurance that there would be a next time.

Ghorua removed his helmet from the table, and placed it at his side on the booth. He used the action to take stock of the area around him, and make sure that no one was within easy listening distance. He was jamming transmissions around the table, just in case, but one could never be too careful. At the Crimson Lady's inquiry, he didn't immediately answer the question.

"I grew up on Coruscant, the son of wealthy spice traders. My father was never very big on giving. He always said that the galaxy didn't suffer the generous. The Balin family based itself off of that. I grew up on that, but I never believed it. Because of my mother." Ghorua's eyes twinkled.

"Gala Balin was a giver. She let her talents bare for the entire galaxy to see, and did they ever see it." He chuckled, remembering old memories. "She was an opera singer for a house on the top level. She wasn't famous, but she was good. Taught me to appreciate the drama of the stage, the thrill of the performance." Then, with a more introspective tone, "I inherited my theatrics from her."

"Also inherited her need to share my gifts," Ghorua said, becoming more professional. "Which is why we're here, unless I'm mistaken."

Ghorua had talked enough. Now, it was the Blood Matron's turn.

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Zenva flashed a quick grin, winking knowingly to the Herglic. "I don't know about you Sir, but I live for pageantry. I thrive on it." She set her helmet on the edge on the table for emphasis. The Bounty Hunter across from her spoke, and at a surprising length. She hadn't placed him as the sentimental type. To be fair, she didn't know him well either.

"I grew up on Iridonia, without a father, and my mother hated me for not being Sith so," She shrugged almost absently before rummaging through a pouch for a cigarette case, and matched lighter. "Though I suppose that explains a good deal about me, don't you think? I certainly inherited a number of things from my mother. None as kind as yours I think."

She held out the tin, offering a cigarette to the man before taking one for herself. "I regret I didn't have the opportunity to see her preform. A gift to the Galaxy, I'm sure" she said softly, taking a long drag from the newly lite smoke.

"Indeed. We are here to discuss what is needful to secure your retainer. I have a very dangerous task coming up. Frankly, I need help I can trust. I would like, very much, to trust you Ghorua. I need someone to watch my back, and make sure the lunatics around me stay focused on the task at hand. Sound like something you are capable of?"

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Ghorua smiled conspiratorily with Zenva as she talked about pageantry. It was what the Shark was known for, after all. His thrill for drama, his bombast, were legendary in some circles, while others only mentioned him as an enormous, dangerous bounty hunter.

But then the tone of the conversation shifted.

Ghorua had expected the Zabrak to open up after his display of memories. He had counted on it, actually, to get a read on her, and decide whether or not he could trust her not to stab him in the back if he took her deal. But he hadn't expected so much. Ghorua analyzed her as she spoke, trying to pierce what mask may be there. She seemed so ambivalent. Ghorua wondered if that was how she actually felt about her past.

But he stayed silent. He doubted she wanted his wisdom, if it could be called that.

"She certainly was," he said, a little darkly.

Then there was the job. Ghorua knew vaguely what was to be asked of him when he'd agreed to the meeting. He relaxed his shoulders, and regrew his smile. "Buying my time ain't cheap," he said, mirth coming back to him easily. "But I'm sure it's more than affordable to you. Of course, I'll need extra for any jobs you want me to take part in, aside from twiddling my thumbs." Ghorua was, honestly, not concerned with pay. His pockets were filled with Zakuulian credits. He was here for his reputation. He had to remind the underworld he was here. What better way than at the side of a powerful crimelord?

"You can trust I'll do the job I'm paid for. Haven't disappointed a client yet." Then, with a laugh, "Although, depending on these 'lunatics' you've hired, I may be of little help outside of bonking their heads together."

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
The pair of Hunters seemed to gaze at one another for a long, silent moment. Zenva inclined her head briefly as the Herglic turned the topic away from their respective pasts. "You and I are both aware I can afford to pay you a reasonable, and fair rate for all your time. Naturally with additional risks, and potential obligations from mission to mission will require additional compensation. I'm sure we'll make agreeable arrangements when those situations arise."

The Zabrak took a moment to collect her thoughts, hiding her thinking behind another drag of her cigarette. "I aim to be as open, and honest with you a possibly, Ghorua. A man named James Justice is out for blood. You've heard the name? He's a little unstable with his desire for revenge, and I need someone I can trust to be clear headed, and professional beside me if he gets off mission." Smoke plumed around the Matron as she spoke.

The Crimson Lady fell silent a moment later, her glowing death head turning sharply to the server that approached the table once more. Taking the bottle of whiskey, Zenva poured two glasses and set them in the center of the table. It was an old habit she had picked up in The Red Ravens, a show that the drink couldn't be poison if the other person chose which one she drank from. "So, still interested in working with me, Ghorua?"

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Ghorua had taken the cigarette handed to him by Zenva, but simply palmed it. Smoking was one vice he saw no temptation in. It would ruin his voice, and he didn't care to have organs cloned for himself. But he accepted the gift, more symbolic than anything.

The Zabrak's mention of James sent another knowing smile across Ghorua's face. "I'm aware of Justice and his vindictive streak. I've been on both sides of it, in fact." He'd both taken up bounties, and been a bounty, from James Justice. "If he's got something in his sights, it'll either be resolved, or he'll die trying." Then, the Shark laughed heartily. "Or drown himself in a sweet-smelling something-or-other."

Then, the alcohol came, almost as if it had been summoned by James Justice's name. Ghorua noted the way Zenva poured the drinks. He'd had Red Raven contacts before. His mentor, [member="Julian Valentine"], did plenty of work for the former crime empire. He recognized the gesture, and returned it by choosing the glass to his right.

Ghorua considered the glass. Looked promising. Could be poisoned, but he'd never know until he took a sip.

Ghorua decided to take the sip.

"Why the kark not?" Ghorua extended his glass, to toast with Zenva. "May we never be burdened with empty pockets." He downed it in one. He barely felt a thing, too large to be affected by the little glass' contents.

"Now that I've dedicated myself to your cause, I got questions." Ghorua set his glass down, and placed an easy hand on his helmet. He turned to look at the stage a moment, admiring the costumes. "Who's Justice gunning for?"

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
A dark chuckle rumbled through the Matron as Ghorua recounted his personal opinion of James Justice. "I'm glad you understand what I'm having to try to handle. I don't know the man very well personally, but I have faith we'll be able to handle him." Zenva was quick to claim the remaining glass, palming it for the moment.

Bizarre yellow-red eyes watched the Herglic examine his glass from beneath her neon death head. She touched her glass to his as he raised his drink in a toast. She said a short word in her harsh native language, nodding to the other Hunter. "Cheers." She repeated in Basic before taking a swallow of her drink. She set the glass in the center of the table, and refilled it.

Sitting back once more, her drink left behind until Ghorua filled his, Zenva took another drag of her cigarette. "Honestly, I didn't care enough to take note of their name. It's some pathetic little government that decided to wipe out a colony James was building. They claim he invaded their territory and slaughtered a bunch of defenseless settlers. Women clutching crying children gunned down for no reason. They deserve what's coming, Ghorua."

Zenva paused to examine her cigarette, exhaling a cloud of gray smoke. Her gaze turned back to the Herglic. "I need you on this, Ghorua. I have plans, and this is only a stepping stone."

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Handling Justice? Not the easiest mission Ghorua had ever been given. But Zenva seemed capable, strong enough to keep James in line. He had faith she could deal with things, even as he understood the legendary stubbornness of the Justice's. He smiled, nonetheless, a good-natured, simple smile. One shared between gossiping friends.

When she mentioned the aggressors, Ghorua's smile faltered. How had he not heard of this? He made it a point to know everything going on in the galaxy, whether it be bounties to chase, rising and falling governments, or potential friends and rivals. He was surprised that a whole colony run by James Justice being destroyed was off his radar. "Yes, they do," Ghorua mused, refilling his drink. He would have to do some research.

Ghorua managed to rekindle a cocky half-smile when the Zabrak continued. "How candid of you. If you really need me, I could charge more for my services..."

He backtracked quickly, flashing a sharp grin. "'course, I won't."

The show was beginning it's final act. Ghorua didn't know if he would stay for the entire performance, but he had no doubt it would be one hell of a ride.

"If this is only the first stone, I can't wait to see where we step next."

- [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] -

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