
As far as Dinner Theaters went, the Cornercase wasn't anything special. As far as Nar Shaddaa went, the Cornercase was a luxury.
It was a small establishment, aptly named for it's placement on the corner of a dark street. The lights advertising the showmanship were easy enough to see, bright pinks and blues displaying what productions the performers would showcase tonight. They were in luck; the troupe was performing "Pirates of the Hydian Way".
The Shark found himself in the back, in a booth sized to fit someone such as himself. It was a good thing too; he was enormous, especially while in his armor. While he got plenty of fearful stares, weapons were no odd sight in the Cornercase. Which was good, because Ghorua came dressed to impress.
Kitted in full beskar, helmet on the table, a verified arsenal on his person, Ghorua ate his meal in relative silence. His face was one of stoic amusement. His mouth, full of serrated teeth, curled into a bemused smile. His eyes, black as obsidian, glittered good-naturedly. The shadow of wrinkles on his otherwise dark, smooth face, crows feet highlighting his eyes.
He stuck fruits and vegetables into his gaping maw, and chewed thoughtfully. He was to meet an old acquaintance today. A woman who had done well for herself in recent years. The "Crimson Lady", they called her. The "Blood Matron".
Well, Ghorua was a Shark. And like all sharks, he'd follow the blood.
He vaguely wondered, as he snacked on his vegetarian meal, where this blood trail would lead him.
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