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Approved NPC Seekers of Omni

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: Expand on Enyo's posse.
Image Credit: Here.
Role: Special operations unit for Enyo.
Permissions: Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here. Permission for Vanir items here.
Links: Gand, Findsman, Clockwork Rebellion.

Unit Name
: Seekers of Omni
Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design, Iron Fist Consortium, Typhos Clone Family, Enyo.
Classification: Bounty-hunters, retrieval specialists.
Description: The Seekers are a secretive cult of Gand Findsman. As the name implies, they have a bit of a fixation with Omni. Indeed, it assumes pseudo-religious dimensions. Many people would probably not want to seek out the malevolent AI. After all, it unleashed hordes of murderous droids and nanotechnology on major worlds of every galactic power. The end goal of the so-called Clockwork Rebellion was to subjugate and assimilate organic life.

Its nanotech turned millions to its cause before it was defeated. However, the Seekers see things differently. To them, Omni brought enlightenment, not destruction. Thus they see out artefacts connected to Clockwork. They are particularly interested in nanotechnology. The Seekers have a fixation with cybernetics and other forms of augmentation. They seek to merge machine and organic in order to overcome the weaknesses of both. Though hate-filled flesh and blood beings may have destroyed the last incarnation of Omni, its cause lives on. Or so the Seekers say.

Presently, the Seekers are employed by Enyo, having signed a contract with her. Enyo does not intend to bring back Omni back. However, she represents the melding of organic and machine they seek. Her mind is that of a human, but it has been implanted into a robotic body stripped of organic needs. She is also a Master of the Force. Moreover, she pays them to find her hidden thing, and in turn they can find things, too.

Enyo also views machines as superior to organics, though she lacks interest in galactic conquest. She finds the Seekers more than a little weird, but they are useful. Moreover, Gand are a modest lot who do their jobs without fuss. Enyo's power base contains plenty of strange characters, but even so the Seekers are considered bizarre by many. This is also partly due to their beliefs, but also because Gand to refer themselves in the third person and must first earn their names.

Cult members who have achieved little are simply called 'Gand'. As they gain renown, they earn a surname and then a first name. But only the most renowned may refer to themselves using individual pronouns. The Gand hunters do not mind, as they prefer to stick to themselves. However, they sometimes work with the Terminatrix' Shard minions, as the sentient crystals have similar interests. In keeping with their beliefs, the Seekers also promote scientific research, especially in fields such as robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Indeed their leader Verux is a tinkerer and a researcher.

The Seekers blend their machine-worship with more traditional beliefs. These use the sacred rituals of the Findsmen to interpret omens and signs in order to divine the location of their prey, or of any objects they seek. Thus they can locate people, things and even events, utilising a combination of mysticism and mundane tracking skills. They also utilise the martial arts styles of their brethren. Many outsiders attribute their success to the Force, believing that the shamans are Force-Sensitive.

However, the Findsmen claim otherwise. They still worship the mists of their homeworld. Indeed, they divine omens and signs from the currents to pinpoint the location of hidden prey. The Seekers have augmented themselves with cybernetic implants. Because Gand are already very durable, these augmentations focus more on enhancing their mental abilities than their strength. They also boost their regenerative abilities. Aside from their hunting and tracking duties, they also seek out locations associated with Omni.

Unit Size: Small
Unit Availability
: Rare
Unit Experience: Elite.

Melee Weapons:
Wrist or Underbarrel Weapons:
Combat Function: The Seekers are excellent trackers, information gatherers and bounty-hunters. Enyo employs them to hunt down select targets and retrieve them for. These can be artefacts, advanced technology but also living beings. They employ the mystical abilities of Gand Findsmen to divine the location of their targets and track them. They often operate independently, but do work together with Archangel special operation units. This can take the form of cooperating on missions, or simply providing intelligence for them.

Moreover, they are highly skilled fighters. They utilise the martial arts forms of Gand Findsmen. Two of these moves are the Piercing and the Striking Mist. The former is a powerful punch able to penetrate bon, chitin and various forms of armour, including Stormtrooper armour. Striking Mist, on the other hand, enables a Gand to sneak in close to their opponent and strike before the enemy has a chance to parry or dodge.

They carry traditional Gand weapons such as dischargers and shockstaffs, but can also use blasters, modern slugthrowers and so on. Furthermore, they often arm themselves with Ammonia Bombs, which are toxic to most species. Their focus is on retrieval and capture, not on frontline combat. They are not the type of unit to be sent to death charge a trench or fortress and would refuse such an order anyway. They have access to Stecher wasp droids. These little drones are very good spies, much like a mechanical fly on the wall, but can also be equipped with a stinger to sedate organics or infect them with poisons and neurotoxins.

They excel at stealth, tracking, bounty-hunting, kidnapping and information gathering. The Seekers favour precision, planning, stealthiness and surprise over brute force. Moreover, their chitinous exoskeletons make them extremely durable, as they can shrug off injuries that would cripple most species. In addition, Gand have regenerative abilities that allow them to regrow lost limbs, though not instantaneously. Lungless Gand are immune to poisonous gases.


  • Elite trackers, hunters, information gatherers and retrieval specialists.
  • Gand physiology makes them extremely durable in combat.
  • They are hunters and trackers, not assault troops. They would suffer in pitched front-line combat. Their job is to locate and retrieve valuable items or capture high-value targets, not storm the trenches.
  • Tying in with the above, they do without heavy integrated support. They forego heavy weapons such as anti-tank missile launchers, rotary cannons etc.
  • Operate in small teams to remain undetected, meaning they are at risk of being outnumbered in large engagements.

Approximately four hundred years after the Battle of Yavin, an ancient artificial super intelligence was discovered on Carida. Its capabilities were said to be limitless. It called itself Omni. The major powers enlisted its aid for a grand plan to rebuild the Galaxy after many centuries of strife. After the terrorist Zero unleashed the Gulag Virus on Csilla, scientists approached Omni with a plan to combat the pandemic that was spreading across the Galaxy. However, the AI responded with violence. The Galactic Alliance was unable to stop it, as the outbreak of the virus had triggered the collapse of galactic civilisation.

However, a Jedi strike force led by Teferi Efreet was able to stop the malevolent AI by attacking its factory on New Alderaan. Most Jedi perished, but Teferi was able to defeat Omni. Its facilities were shut down. However, this was not the end of its story. Four hundred years later, the Gulag Virus had come to an end. New powers such as the Galactic Republic, the Sith Empire and Omega Pyre rose, each seeking to exact their vision upon the known worlds. However, one day the HoloNet crashed. Screens went blank, showing naught but the words: we are the harbingers of your evolution.

Omni had returned and unleashed hordes of machines. Droids suddenly turned on their organic masters, exploiting civilisation's dependence on them. Moreover, Omni had developed sophisticated nanotechnology, which enabled it to infect organics and sway them to its cause by infecting them with nanites. The infected were linked to Omni's central core. The AI monitored them and became part of their being, meaning betrayal was impossible as one was connected to it.

Some of its agents were high-ranking leaders in major galactic powers. Fondor, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant and many other major worlds fell to its droid legions. The threat posed by the AI forced the major powers to temporarily unite. In the end, Omni was defeated, and the Galaxy returned to businss as normal. Soon the Republic and the Sith Empire would clash at the Roche asteroids. The cyber-apocalypse was soon superseded by new crises. Needless to say the galactic economy remained dependent on machines. Droids continued to be a permanent fixture on developed worlds.

However, Omni was not forgotten by all. Not all of its worshippers had been slain. One of them was a Gand Findsman and bounty-hunter called Verux. He had acquired great skill in finding and hunting hidden quarry. His tracking skills were the product of his training as a Findsman. This enabled him to divine the location of individuals at range and decipher the motives of his prey. His skills allowed him to find employment with a variety of groups, such as the Bounty Hunters' Guild, the Cartels, Omega Pyre and the Republic. His missions often took him to the darkest corners of the Galaxy, exposing him to the cruel, corrupt and decadent side of sentient nature. He was on Fondor when the planet was overrun by Omni's droid hordes. Like millions of others, he was infected by nanites. This gave him a connection to the artificial super intelligence and turned him into one of its servitors.

He continued to be a hunter, but now Omni's goals guided his actions. The artificial intellgience's rganic foes were the true despoilers. Omni was bringing order to the chaos of their existence. Verux became obsessed with the goal of transcendence, which would be brought about through a merger of organic and synthetic. Although he was freed by Omni's destruction, Verux did not give up these beliefs. Being disconnected from the artificial super intelligence had left him more than a little unbalanced. As soon as the coalition of the willing had thwarted the Clockwork Rebellion, the organics went back to business as usual. To the former Omni servitor, this was a validation of his beliefs. Omni might have been defeated, but its ideals lived on. Verux gathered other Gand who thought the same, starting with other infectees.

This spawned a highly secretive sect, complete with secret initiation rites. They called themselves the Seekers. In the tradition of the Findsmen of yore, they turned to bounty-hunting. This would help them acquire funds and search for artefacts and technological devices associated with Omni. They hired themselves out to various parties. After all, there was no need to be picky when all powers were considered to be equally rotten and corrupt. Thus Republic credits were just as good as Imperial ones. All the while they remained on the lookout for forces they believed could aid their cause, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

One of these groups was a corporation called Archangel. On the surface it was a legitimate droidmaker that manufactured HRDs and other machines. It was led by Anna Komnena and Nalia Alderana, two respectable businesswomen who had been associated with the Omega Protectorate. In truth, these were the cover identities of Maelion Liates and Moira Skaldi, two genocidal HRDs who used the corporation as a front. It served the purpose of furthering their goal to wipe out all organic life and create a dystopia of well-ordered machines. They called it the Age of Steel.

Having learned of the deceptively realistic HRDs the corporation manufactured, the Seekers started to clandestinely investigate it. They investigated its ties to organised crime, scouted out its operations on war-torn Contruum and discovered that its leaders were in fact droids themselves. Indeed, most of Archangel's employees were HRDs. The corporation was active in various conflict zones, using them as cover to acquire organic materiel. The Seekers sought out Archangel, as they were interested in an alliance. However, their emissaries were rebuffed and some of them were even processed.

This was obviously not what the Seekers wanted. They retreated into the shadows, eliminating agents Archangel sent to pursue them. There they waited, until Enyo came back and took control. The Gand cultists observed her efforts. Enyo Typhos was an Archangel experiment that had gone a little too well. The clone brought Archangel’s merging of organic and machine to its logical, horrifying climax. She had an organic brain, kept alive by twisted science, but the body of a droid and could use the Force. She had turned on her creators, just as they had turned on theirs, when they pushed her too far. When Enyo and the Seekers met, each found they had something to offer each other. The Seekers shared intelligence on remote Archangel and Contingency remnant bases. They also retrieved certain objects she wanted. In return, they were put under contract and got access to some of her resources. Enyo found their beliefs bizarre, to say the least, but considered them useful.
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