Keepin Corellia Weird
So, I know it's usually only Force Users that post threads with such titles, but I am legitimately seeking someone Ijaat can pass on the knowledge of smithcrafting to. If you're a mandalorian, or willing to become one, this would include beskar shaping/smithing. Though being or becoming a mando is not required for this idea.
As well, Ijaat is a pretty brilliant engineer/machinist type and swordsman, so he'd basically be willing to train someone in everything he knows. Depending on the character and story, it might even result in the old swordsman adopting the person in question as a son/daughter in the Mandalorian fashion. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
As well, Ijaat is a pretty brilliant engineer/machinist type and swordsman, so he'd basically be willing to train someone in everything he knows. Depending on the character and story, it might even result in the old swordsman adopting the person in question as a son/daughter in the Mandalorian fashion. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.