Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Seeking The Prophet Of Iridonia (Jairdain)



Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

”You know if you are going to provide a worthy enemy to a ‘weak human’, then you might want to learn how to fight first. I know a lady who stands a little more than half my height that better than me at this…” The Zabrak was barely listening, and simply charged in, drawing a sigh of annoyance out of Charles’s mouth. Taking up a basic fighting stance he readied himself, the sand shift beneath his feet as he readied himself… and waited until that exact moment that he would collide with his opponent. The Zabrak swung in, but the Sith simply stepped to the side catching his arm, and bracing his shoulder into the other the large male. Using the Zabark’s momentum, Charles quickly turned and flipped his enemy to the ground… eyes lighting up with a sadistic glee when he delivered a palm strike to the others chest,

”All to easy…” During the blow the Sith dug his metal fingernails into the other’s chest, delivering a very subtle dose of Force Lighting. The effect acting like a taser and causing the Zabark’s to go stiff, unable to defend himself from the blow Charles delivered to his face effectively ending the fight, ”We have another winner folks, but sense he had decided to not give a name he is simply going as a Fighter Number 25.” Standing up the large male cracked his neck side to side along with his knuckles as he stepped out of the ring grabbing hold of his long black robe were he had hung it up. Walking across the sandy ground and over to a nearby seat for the competitors, Charles flung the cloak up and around him first putting his holocron safely back around his neck, then put up his large hood to shield his face from view and the sun.

There was noticeable tension in the air around Charles, who had purposefully not wore his mask to have an impact any enemy who was mentally weak. It didn’t matter if these people saw what he looked like, he would erase any memory that he was here before he left to head back to the ZU. So there was a measure of disgust by some over his appearance as he made a person wonder why he was not dead, but there was the cold dead aura that came from just his glance. What also didn’t help was the fact that Charles continued to insult his opponents on purpose, and he had feeling that no one expected him to win as much as he did… at least not so easily anyway. His fingers came up to feel at his holocron, wondering if coming to the fighting tournament was a waste of time, true he was getting some hand to hand training out of it, but he had more important reason for being here… one that he felt directly effect Mir and her safety.
It wasn't too often that Jairdain was on Iridonia at the time when the town she lived nearby was having their summer festival. Any outsider that would actually visit in the summertime was very likely considered insane. Yet, she wasn't exactly an outsider any longer. In her days with the Sith, she had been taken in by a Zabrak family and trained how to fight like them. Then they had started the adoption process to make her one of them.

Physically, she would never be on, but on a spiritual level, she could be. Much like the Voss Mystics, she would never a Voss, but yet she was considered one by right of trial and passing that. It was the same for the Zabrak. She was one of them.

Something had called her here and so she had listened to the call of the Force and came for the festival. At first, she had thought she would be needed for healing. These things would get rather rough and medics were needed. This wasn't the case though.

As she walked through the crowd, a fight caught her attention and she stopped to watch it. Poking his head out of her pocket a small, green wolf allowed her to watch it through his eyes. She also watched the competition through the Force. When it was over in just a few moments, she knew why she was here. Now she just needed to fight her own round. Then perhaps, she and this other human would meet.

When the Prophet appeared in this small town, she was given respect and when she wanted to join in on the competition, none of them questioned her. Some surprise was felt, but this wouldn't be the first time this had happened. Comforting Sage, she was confident she would win. Without even using the Force, she could do this.

Taking off her jacket, she put it on a nearby chair. That green head would peak out and watch her every movement. Not taking any precaution to appear human, these people knew of her change from when they had met. Dark hair, pointed ears, and a black and silver foxtail along with pale glowing yellow eyes greeted the announcer as she handed him her entry ticket.

Shrugging off another layer of clothing, when Jairdain stepped into the ring, all she had on were some loose pants, her boots, and shirt. Everything was made for the desert world they were on and fit loosely to allow for movement and breathability. Walking to the center of the ring, she was announced and her fighting partner stepped forward. Bowing to her, she took up a fighting stance and watched her. Once this procedure was done, the fight would begin.

To say Jairdain didn't use the Force wasn't entirely accurate because she used it to see. Other than that though, all of her moved were those that had been taught to her. None of them required her to use the Force. The two women, traded a few light blows just to test their different abilities before the spar really began. When that happened, their movements were almost a blur.

Claws, tail, fists, feet, and legs. Every body part was used and soon enough the young Zabrak was on her back with Jairdain's claws at her throat. Victory went to the Jedi and she helped her partner to her feet. Leaving the ring, Jairdain took a seat in her chair and waited for the next round to be called. Even though she had just finished her bout, she hoped she and the other human here would be called to compete.

Charles Castex Charles Castex



Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

Someone was here… well that wasn’t an entirely accurate way to put it… another Force User perhaps? They were there and he could feel them in the crowd during the moments after his fight, but then the feeling was gone, and at the same time his own active attempt to find out who it was ended as well. If Charles knew anything, whoever this person was… the chances were good if they had come here with the guidance of the Force they could be looking for him. Chuckling to himself as looked into the sky of the arid planet, he had come here to find this ‘Prophet’ and entered the tournament to sharpen his skills. What would Tranquility say if she saw him letting paranoia creep in over such a little thing, yes diligence was wise, but… his eyes came down to study the next person entering the ring with a Zabrak, ”My my… what do we have here? I don’t think I have seen one of your kind before…”

Charles had to be honest his dark desires to have this person as a ‘research subject’ did make the knuckles on his fingers crack involuntarily with delight, but that was not what he was here for. Plus any gathering of research subjects on this planet would cause problems for the ZU. Sighing softly he leaned forward steepling his fingers, resting his chin on the tip, ”Show me with my own two eyes what you are made of… oh and aren’t we full of surprises…?” Whenever the stranger used the Force to see right there with his eyes on her, that was when he realized that this person was the stranger in crowd… the ripple he had felt. Oh what a waste it would be to use them as a test subject, when the language of combat would teach him so much more about them. Fair though he wasn’t sure if the two of them would end up fighting each other and personally Charles had zero desire to go to the finals just to do so. At that point containing the memory of his presence wouldn’t be possible anymore, so he decided to go with a simpler opinion… that is if the woman won her fight.

Given such a prospect, the male glued his eyes to his potential opponent, and began to take her apart just like a subject on a table. The ears and tail were canine, and he was sure that either could be used as a weak spot… especially grabbing her tail and slamming her to the ground. True it would require getting past those claws, but he had claws of his own, and a good pull on a tail bone or folding it up would induce pain down the nerves. Something else was off as well, the subtle use of the Force by this woman in a passive manner, what was she doing with it? Whenever he reached out, Charles quickly realized that she was hiding something, oh… was she… no that would require him meeting her face to face to know. As far as her fighting style he could see some relation to his friend Kom, something that combined feral strength and animal appendages… with training that Charles was left wondering if he could actually keep up without ‘cheating’… as he liked to call it when he used the force.

Well he had come here to learn something and there was no point in that if he was going to use the Force whenever he felt he was about to lose. Chuckling out loud as the fight came to an end, Charles would slowly stand and do a few quick stretches. Tongue running over his exposed lips and gums as he slipped off his robes to reveal his scared form, he would walk over to Jairdain laughing playfully, ”That was most impressive Madam Jairdain… your fight was the most interesting one I have seen all day. Oh do excuse me it seems I skipped the pleasantries and forgot to introduce myself. You may call me David… David Ryder. I felt compelled by your match to give my name because well… I want us to fight in tournament and I don’t have time to stick around so I will you what…”

True he had lied about his name, and instead used his favorite alias, which was only necessary given that he would have to erase her memory of him being here just like all the other's who saw him, but given she was force sensitive on some level he did have to be careful. Sighing softly a huge Cheshire Cat grin spread over his features, no tooth was hidden on his face given the nature of his disfigurement, ”That explains a lot…” Suddenly he leaned down close to her face to face… curiously and rather childlike in his mannerism, but never once did he actually touch her, ”Your blind aren’t you? That is why you used it… to see… interesting trick. Might need to learn it one day… anyway do give me a moment and I can go arrange for the next match to be between the two of us.” With that he straightened back up, cracking one of his hands, small tendrils of dark energy flowed around it as he hid the hand behind his back. Walking in the direction of those who decided who would face who and the judges… just a little changes to their memories and he was sure he could arrange something.
There was a clear sense of interest in her coming from the only other human present at the fighting. As if she could see him, she nodded in his direction after winning her spar. He approached her as she went to sit down and started up a conversation. Due to these people knowing her name, he already knew it. That was just fine with Jairdain though.

He gave her his name and she held a hand out for him to shake as she stood up from her chair. Nodding in respect...that was just how she was until she got to know a person. One that was rather formal. Almost always polite and rarely short-tempered.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mister Ryder."

Smiling in agreement, he was the reason she had signed up for the fighting.

"I agree."

Sensing he was looking at her face closely, she could feel his focus on her through the Force. Then again, they had just met so it was possible he was just very curious. This was proven to be at least partially true when he asked if she was blind.

"From the day I was born, Mister Ryder. Yes, I use the Force to see."

It was clear he was probably trained in using the Force himself or acquainted with those that could. Most likely he could use it. She wasn't one to try and learn about a stranger right away, but this time she couldn't help herself. Attempting to lightly touch him with her own focus through the Force. Pretty much right away, she got her suspicions confirmed. Withdrawing her contact with him, she wondered what he was planning to do as he walked away saying he was going to arrange for them to fight in the next match.

Of course, the fighting had continued while they were chatting and they would have to wait for the current one to finish. At the moment, neither of them knew just how much knowledge the other person had. This spar was going to be very interesting and Jairdain was looking forward to it.

Just a few minutes after he left, the fight ended and the announcer pronounced the winner. The two of the combatants walked out of the ring together to be ushered away by those waiting for them. After the applause ended, the next round was announced. As expected their names were called and she walked into the ring again.

Charles Castex Charles Castex



Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

Outwardly it was hard to judge the Sith’s reaction to the fact she had reached out to touch him with the Force, his damaged face lacked the ability to truly show such an emotion unless she knew what tells to look for. Oh he had felt her, and it amused him to no end since Charles now wanted to test Jairdian’s abilities and find if they went beyond just what she used passively in her everyday life to see. This fight would turn into a grand experiment and well… to be honest his excitement got to him. As the big guy walked over to the judges it was a single guard that approached and tried to question him… Charles didn’t even acknowledge the man putting his hand on his face and draining the memory of their encounter… shaping it to the fact that he was allowed back here. The Sith didn’t even miss a single step as he did then and it was the same with all judges… and people who decided fights… it was the last one whom he accidently went to far with it. Be time he realized it, Charles just sighed in annoyance, giving the person a memory they needed to go home… which to be honest they did. He had drained more than a month off their life,

”It matters not… they were so low on the totem pole when it came to the this tournament I doubt if anyone, but his wife, daughter, and friends would care.” The second made him pause with a moment of guilt for his actions. Shrugging the Sith continued on towards the arena, because to be honest there was nothing he could about it. Being guided into the area to stand across from Jair he tilted his head curiously watching her, before slowly taking his stance. This time he wasn’t going to hold back… he needed to test this woman. Take a very high back stance, the male’s front foot traced the ground in front of him, his open palm coming forward and his closed fist going back and then opening into a claw shape. Jairdian would be able to detect what happened next when Force Lighting flowed into his sharp metal fingernails and remained there… Charles was not hiding his intent for how they would be used. He knew she could detect the presence of the electrical power… and she seemed a capable enough fighter to figure out the rest, but how quick the fight would be well she would decide that now,

”Now my dear… let’s see what other tricks are up your sleeves… or is your fancy fighting your only trick.” The instant his words stopped the hand that was further out would point its palm at her and with all his strength he pulled at Jair with the Force. Charles goal was to drag her across the ring with the ability so he could slip around with a quick snatch using the hand that was pulled back closer to his body, and combined with a localized Force Grip on her tail to lift it… the Sith was sure he could bring about a quick surrender if he applied pressure… and shock therapy.

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Watching him through the Force as he wandered through the crowd and to the judges' table, Jairdain did not stop him once. Picking up on what he was feeling was quite easy for Jairdain and he took no effort to hide his excitement. When the match was arranged to his liking and they were facing each other in the ring, she shook her head a little. In the act of bowing to him, she whispered something only loud enough for him to hear.

"There would have been a much easier way to accomplish that. I'll show you sometime."

Standing up straight from her bow, she took up a defensive stance and waited on him to make the first move in the fight. This didn't take him long to activate what he probably assumed was his victory technique. He was a tricky fighter, she had to give him that.

Allowing him to pull her in with the Force, She felt her tail starting to rise and decided to curl it around her waist. This way, his pull on it was lessened slightly though it was a little uncomfortable. It wasn't enough to make her surrender. Since she was a full Zorren, she could go to all fours and back up quickly. Doing just that, she was hopefully able to avoid getting hit with either of his hands as he reached out for her.

Continuing with the forward momentum granted by his pull, she wanted to end up behind him and came back to her feet. A quick jab aimed at one of his shoulders and she hoped it was enough of a distraction to have him let go of her tail.

So far, she hadn't used the Force against him, just her fancy fighting to put it into his words.

Charles Castex Charles Castex



Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

”Oh if you had a much easier way then you should have volunteered, either you are bluffing, or you wanted to see what I would do. Regardless Jairdain… you way may be easier… mine is a tantalizing rush.” To be honest Charles didn’t see any such reason to delay their battle any longer, because he wanted to test to see how far this woman’s abilities truly went. The moment though that he began to pull her in with the Force an audible sigh left his lips as he began to wonder if he had been mistaken about her… well at least he could end it quickly. Then just as suddenly as he went to snatch for her tail… all Charles ended up doing is barely scraping the ground with his fingers and getting a slight handful of sand. It was like she had disappeared completely… and only to late did he realize were she was, as he could sense her standing behind him the moment the blow crashed into his shoulder.

Given his stance the force did require him to catch himself slightly with one foot as he turned and looked over his shoulder at her. Charles register no emotion that one might if they had been hurt, if anything the Sith was amused at his opponents ingenuity. She had yet to even fight back with the Force… well if that wasn’t enough to make her do so… then he would have to step it up a bit. Suddenly dropping down Charles would attempt to sweep Jairdain’s legs out from under her, and if he was able to succeed then the he would time a palm strike outward to connect with her stomach. Though purposefully right before it connected he used Force Push to launch her backward, Charles was trying to give it a downward slant to make the Zorren slam right into the ground in order to knock the wind out of her.


"Why should I wipe their minds of seeing me? These people know me, Mister Ryder. They have adopted me and taken me in as one of their own. Not likely to forget me."

And then the fight began. Her surprising move worked and her fist connected with his shoulder. It didn't appear to phase him at all though and he actually seemed amused by it. Luckily somebody had taught her something called Force Sense and as Charles started his attack, she had already jumped into the air to avoid getting her butt knocked to the ground.

On her way up, one of her feet came out and hopefully connected solidly with the front of his face. The nose was normally a very sensitive location and full of feeling. Noticing the connection, it distracted him enough that his Force Push had no effect on her.

Sensing she had caught him by surprise again, she pressed her own attack. As she landed, she raised her hands, and with the Force brought a hard gust of wind down on him. As a follow-up move, she almost launched herself to be on top of him. In a blink of an eye, her own claws were positioned at his throat.

Holding him there for a moment, the judges called an end to the fight and she climbed off of him. Reaching out with a hand, she would help him up if he accepted.

"An easier method would have to just play the Mind Trick on them."


Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

Charles very quickly realized that not only had he underestimated Jairdain as a fighter, but the woman’s command of the Force as well. So much so that she didn’t even need to use to such a level that he did to keep up, but instead simple and passive things, combined with fighting skills that reminded him of Major Kom. At the moment that his attack hit thin air and he looked up, the male knew that there was no dodging what came next… yet Charles acted on the animal instinct he knew so well. Oh yeah it would hurt, but purposefully as she hit the big guy would let his body start to fall backwards, and it only helped save him that his tolerance for pain was high anyway. What he did not expect was what came next as he had planned to simply roll back and then kip up, but what he got was a full display of how Jair outclassed him with the Force…

The air was knocked out of him as his large form was slammed into the ground by a hard gust of wind, the others sudden offence use of the Force caught Charles off guard. In fact he didn’t he have time to react and lash out at her like he might have on realizing he was up against someone more powerful than him. No instead the big guy found that before he could do anything, Jairdain was on him, the Zorren’s claws poking up to his neck… menacingly… the Admiral himself couldn’t help the soft laugh that began to escape his lips as his predicament. He had lost completely, a hand came up to cover one half of his face as he continued to laugh, a note of warmth that his voice had been lacking before was now there, ”Good show Jairdain, really good show, but I must say that usually I don’t find myself in situations where the ladies so readily jump on me like that.”

There was a playful impishness to his words as he also waited for the judges to call the fight, and Jairdain to climb up off of him. Pausing for a second Charles would eventually take her hand, but whenever he did so the male would suddenly pull her forward just a bit once he was standing. Curling his free arm around her shoulder so that he could lean in and whisper in her ear, ”Oh and Jairdain, by all means call me Charles… I think you earned the right to know my real name after all.” With that he released her and stretched a bit as they walked out of the arena, the male heading around to gather up his things as he looked back towards the Zorren, ”You know if you want to walk with back to my shuttle outside of the town, I would be interested in hearing more about this alternate method you spoke of.” Yes he had given her his name, but he planned on erasing her memory of him along with everyone else, so the matter on how much she knew was a moot point.

If he had been a normal Zabrak fighter, there wouldn't have been any real need to use the Force on him. However, he wasn't and Jairdain felt she needed to strike him down quick and fast. Doing almost everything in her power to do this, within seconds she was on top of him and the fight was over.

Before the judges declared her the victor, he commented about not having women jump on him very often. Joining him in the chuckle, she might have colored up slightly.

"Why might that be, Mister Ryder?"

Soon enough the intimate moment ended and they were on their feet. Pulling her close to him, his arm went around her shoulder and he provided her a different name.

"When I first moved here, I too had a different name. Then I was known as Aurai. Eventually, I returned to using my birth name and that is Jairdain Ismet. It is good to know I'm not the only one that has used other names."

Walking out of the ring, the next pair of fighters were announced and their names weren't mentioned again. Hers would eventually but not this round. Giving him a bit of an odd look when he invited her to walk with him to his shuttle, her intuition told her to decline but she ignored it.

Apparently this man had never heard of Mind Trick and wanted to learn about it from her.

"Of course. I would have imagined you learned the skill before the advanced one you used on the folk here. Very well, lead on. Though we could always go to my home, it's just outside of town as well."

Collecting her own belongings, she fell into step with him. He might notice there was a dark scarf around her neck and many of the people in town also wore them.

"What brought you here? I'm sure it wasn't just to fight a couple of rounds at the festival."

Charles Castex Charles Castex


Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival

Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along

-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain

”Then it seems I am in good company… we both have things we want to hide. So in a way that makes us even Jairdain Ismet. Is that name ok or is there something else you would like me to call you so that your actual name isn’t given away to the locals?” The way that Charles whispered when he spoke showed that he was someone who was well practiced in keeping secrets and in this case it was the woman’s names along with the details about him. It was then that she mentioned the Force ability that he had used on the locals which if anything he found curious… even more so than what she had used against him in the fight. The reason was that she placed one above the other when it came to the order that someone might learn them, and this might be true normally, but Charles story was anything except normal,

”Funny enough the answer to that is no I did not, but how you ask? Well my dear you have to earn the answer to that question. As the past doesn’t reveal itself so easily, and it is the same way I could ask you why a blind Force User is living outside of this city… competing in fighting tournaments. You see these are all questions that reveal the past of each other, but sadly I am not one who can afford to have my past so easily revealed.” Charles waited until they were a good ways out of the city before he paused and simply gave the other a look. Sighing softly, a note of sadness in his voice as he spoke, ”It is sad… I would have enjoyed getting to know you, maybe you could have helped me to find the Prophet whom I was looking for on this planet, but at this moment Jair… you know my name. You know too much, and as such I must make sure that you don’t remember anything… now don’t try to fight it. I am told that it isn’t as painful…”

With those words the Admirals hand came up and suddenly black energy began to be drawn out of Jair’s head, but the instant that it hit Charles fingers the energy was cut off… and a scream of pain rang out from the male as he clutched at his eyes, ”What have you done!... What have you done to me!”

What followed though was not a stream of curses, not a wailing attempt to hit the woman, but instead the large man dropped to his hands and knees. Feeling around on the ground muttering things about a young girl whom he desperately worried for, someone… no… people he couldn’t protect… the looming dark side user had been reduced to a mulling being. Almost child-like in his fear and worry in the helplessness he found himself, so much so that the instant his hand found Jair boot he didn’t hesitate to curl himself up around her leg.

Not once did he beg her for mercy. No he didn’t beg for mercy on himself. Charles seemed more worried about what would happen to others that wouldn’t be safe now that he was blinded. His own life and safety meant nothing. In was in that moment that another voice came on the scene, a dark yellowish red spirit floating up from Charles robes. A sickly melting image of a female Chiss with dark robes draped over her figure she studied Jair for a moment, and then looked at Charles and then up at the woman, ”Is this what he has now? A nurse maid? Did you get angry and poke out his eyes with the Force like a minx, oh back in my days we used to do that for fun to our prisoners. Oh allow me to introduce myself you may call me Darth Udezi. Charles does love to carry me around on his person thinking I am his prisoner, but like he said… the past is not that easily revealed. Still… it is not to my advantage to have him like this. I expect you will repair it… oh yes… Jairdian Ismet.”

Shaking her head in answer to his question, Jairdain wasn't worried about what the people here knew or didn't know. They already knew her name so keeping it secret wasn't an issue.

"Jairdain is fine, Charles. Here I'm known as a few names. Aurai and Jairdain. Who knows what other names they gave me. So I just go with whatever and live my life. Besides, the King calls me Jairdain and a friend so his people do too."

Allowing him to remain close to her and whisper into her ear, she didn't pull away as they walked together. Being one to go with the flow, this wasn't abnormal for her. Listening to his vague answer, she couldn't help but chuckle a little when he talked about the past not being revealed.

Stopping when he did, since she hadn't been actively trying to read him, what he attempted to do caught her by surprise. What surprised her, even more, were two words, "The Prophet". Attempting to raise a hand to stop him, he had already moved before hers did and while she didn't try to fight him, his actions caused her defenses to affect him.

There really wasn't anything Jairdain could have done to prevent what happened to him. Though he cried out in pain, her mental attack wasn't actually painful. Just surprising. If they had been younger, she would have taken this opportunity to get away. That didn't happen this time.

He wasn't mad about what happened, just very afraid. Maybe even terrified. Clutching at her feet, she started to bend down to try and comfort him. Not actually doing that though, she stopped in her action and stood back up when she sensed and heard another presence.

Waiting for the woman to finish speaking and introduce herself. Bowing to the Force figure, Jairdain didn't move an inch and allowed Charles to clutch at her feet and ankles.

"I am Jairdain Ismet, Jedi Master. But you already know that.

Since the figure wasn't trying to attack nor appeared to be violent, all she did was stand there. Motioning to Charles, she shrugged just a little and nodded.

"He'll be fine. His sight will be returned to him in just a few minutes. You are what gives him his power I assume?"

It wasn't phrased as a question, but the tone was there. Jairdain was a patient person and just waited for Udezi to answer her.

Charles Castex Charles Castex

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