Location: Iridonia, City of Middira, Summertime Festival
Wearing: A Long Black Version of his normal clothes with white flowers decorated all over it.
-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place
-His Surgical Tools are tucked away in his cloak along
-Two Lightsaber’s Hidden away along with Holocron on chain
”You know if you are going to provide a worthy enemy to a ‘weak human’, then you might want to learn how to fight first. I know a lady who stands a little more than half my height that better than me at this…” The Zabrak was barely listening, and simply charged in, drawing a sigh of annoyance out of Charles’s mouth. Taking up a basic fighting stance he readied himself, the sand shift beneath his feet as he readied himself… and waited until that exact moment that he would collide with his opponent. The Zabrak swung in, but the Sith simply stepped to the side catching his arm, and bracing his shoulder into the other the large male. Using the Zabark’s momentum, Charles quickly turned and flipped his enemy to the ground… eyes lighting up with a sadistic glee when he delivered a palm strike to the others chest,
”All to easy…” During the blow the Sith dug his metal fingernails into the other’s chest, delivering a very subtle dose of Force Lighting. The effect acting like a taser and causing the Zabark’s to go stiff, unable to defend himself from the blow Charles delivered to his face effectively ending the fight, ”We have another winner folks, but sense he had decided to not give a name he is simply going as a Fighter Number 25.” Standing up the large male cracked his neck side to side along with his knuckles as he stepped out of the ring grabbing hold of his long black robe were he had hung it up. Walking across the sandy ground and over to a nearby seat for the competitors, Charles flung the cloak up and around him first putting his holocron safely back around his neck, then put up his large hood to shield his face from view and the sun.
There was noticeable tension in the air around Charles, who had purposefully not wore his mask to have an impact any enemy who was mentally weak. It didn’t matter if these people saw what he looked like, he would erase any memory that he was here before he left to head back to the ZU. So there was a measure of disgust by some over his appearance as he made a person wonder why he was not dead, but there was the cold dead aura that came from just his glance. What also didn’t help was the fact that Charles continued to insult his opponents on purpose, and he had feeling that no one expected him to win as much as he did… at least not so easily anyway. His fingers came up to feel at his holocron, wondering if coming to the fighting tournament was a waste of time, true he was getting some hand to hand training out of it, but he had more important reason for being here… one that he felt directly effect Mir and her safety.