Maya Carrick
Shadow of Hope
Coming back into the temple, after a long time, it was her head that was spending still. Giving away to all sort of idea, and thoughts not only about herself thinking of her path she walked upon. To seek out the others, was it true they where killers, and had dark things they was hiding.
Giving a good amount of time to think to clear her mind, nothing like being back on the planet, knowing she had to get a good grasp again, finding herself going over the jedi code over and over in her mind. Then her mind wondering to the fact that the one sith she met wasn't at all like what was told her, about the sith.
Then there was the fact of how [member="Hasjo Hallu"] left her as if she done something wrong being with him, talking to him about different of how to view the force. If one had been watching her for the whole day that she had been back to the temple after a long mission. Some of the time sent in front of the blue crystal, looking deeply into it. Even to the point had sat in front of it meditating on the matters not closer. What she to do about this, who could understand what going through could she go to Master [member="Iella E'ron"].
Giving a good amount of time to think to clear her mind, nothing like being back on the planet, knowing she had to get a good grasp again, finding herself going over the jedi code over and over in her mind. Then her mind wondering to the fact that the one sith she met wasn't at all like what was told her, about the sith.
Then there was the fact of how [member="Hasjo Hallu"] left her as if she done something wrong being with him, talking to him about different of how to view the force. If one had been watching her for the whole day that she had been back to the temple after a long mission. Some of the time sent in front of the blue crystal, looking deeply into it. Even to the point had sat in front of it meditating on the matters not closer. What she to do about this, who could understand what going through could she go to Master [member="Iella E'ron"].