Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeking whats needs

Coming back into the temple, after a long time, it was her head that was spending still. Giving away to all sort of idea, and thoughts not only about herself thinking of her path she walked upon. To seek out the others, was it true they where killers, and had dark things they was hiding.

Giving a good amount of time to think to clear her mind, nothing like being back on the planet, knowing she had to get a good grasp again, finding herself going over the jedi code over and over in her mind. Then her mind wondering to the fact that the one sith she met wasn't at all like what was told her, about the sith.

Then there was the fact of how [member="Hasjo Hallu"] left her as if she done something wrong being with him, talking to him about different of how to view the force. If one had been watching her for the whole day that she had been back to the temple after a long mission. Some of the time sent in front of the blue crystal, looking deeply into it. Even to the point had sat in front of it meditating on the matters not closer. What she to do about this, who could understand what going through could she go to Master [member="Iella E'ron"].
Hasjo Hallu
The Nautolan marched across the open expanse that made up a courtyard. Golden, thin grass as sharp as a razor and as tall as a ewok swayed to the rhythm of the breeze. Pink flowers blossomed under the bright sun of Voss. Hasjo was very much out of place. He was marching in a thick snow suit that was lined in dense, white fur. Over his eyes he wore goggles to protect his eyes from the ice cold environment of Orto Plutonia, where without such goggles, his eyes would quite literally freeze. He was preparing for a mission to Orto Plutonia to discuss with Professor Sukh'Al'Lee the placement of prototypes upon their completion.

He entered the immense archway that reminded him of Coruscant, strangely. He needed to be quick, the ship was launching shortly and he didn't want to be late. Hasjo was always poetically punctual in his timing. Various others walked past him, most of him he recognised but many he had never spoken to. He was a relatively quiet fellow unless on a mission. His life was out there as a Guardian, doing his duty to protect peace, order and balance in the Galaxy. From the corner of his great eyes, his Nautolan vision superior to most races, he spied Maya in an open room. He halted. They could wait for me this time, he thought.

He quietly entered the room. His anatomy allowed him to maintain perfect bodily temperature, but to do so he required regular hydration. While he was neither warm nor cold in the thick clothes, he would be hot if he didn't get some water into his system soon. "Maya" he spoke sternly. It was the way an officer spoke to his men. He had carefully chosen that tone, hoping to convey the seriousness of the matter to her. "You shouldn't be telling blind dates about the Order. You do not know who they're, and who they affiliate with. It's a big Galaxy, and if the wrong ears hear, well. We will be history." The Order was formidable as a peacekeeping operation. But if someone came to wipe them out, they were hopeless to defend themselves. The Sixth Battalion was barely fitted properly, and the Rangers were only just coming together. And the Fleet was almost non-existent but from personnel craft.

@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]

As Iella descended the sweeping ramp that surrounded the large blue crystal formation in the main foyer of the Temple, she noticed Knight Hallu and Padawan Whitelight at the base. Her eyes watched them for a moment as they spoke and she could sense a disturbance within Maya, her aura pulsed with a sense of confusion or hesitation and Iella's face changed.

Ready to go out into the plains of Voss to perform a personal meditation, Iella looked the part in her form fitting robes that allowed movement and flexibility to use her saber. However, meditation will wait as she sensed her presence is needed by Maya.

"Greetings Jedi, I believe you wished to see me?", she said on approach.
Coming out of her trance like state to [member="Hasjo Hallu"] voice looking up at the black eyes that stared down at her, only to be puzzled at why he was wearing. Giving a sight chuckle, about to say something about it, before that getting up going to give him a kiss on the cheek but it was the vibe that was played off.

Holding her head down I know, I didn't give way anything as far as my blind date knows we just two rogue jedi that has gone to others ones that have question the jedi order, with our own believes... He that one to worry so much, after all she that young wouldn't know how to dance the dance, even those she did have a lot of questions. Or at less to who they really was in the peacekeeping of the galaxy.

Finding herself turning to the voice of Master @ Iella E'ron giving her a sweet smile upon her lips, in joy to see her. Giving Hullu a looked, I know whats at stake.... I'm not a fool, Hasjo... I understand..I really do...
Dropping her head some what only to have her lift it up again. As one could see she was trying to find the words. Yes Master Iella, I need guilelessness on the code we life by could we have it all wrong, could we all have darkness in us.
[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]

She stood for a moment in thought. Iella moved over to the base of the blue crystal and sat on the edge of the foundations that supported the large monolith.

"Don't be hesitant in asking such questions Maya it is something encouraged by myself, it is the only way to acquire knowledge of not only the code or the Jedi Way or to find out about oneself", she said with a slight smile. "Now come and sit by me". As she waited Iella began to form her opinion in her mind.

"For me, darkness is ever present within us all, it is what makes us sentient beings. Jedi are not Gods and we are susceptible to it, but as Jedi we work on a daily basis to fight it .. not only out there in the Galaxy but within ourselves. It is much harder to be good or doing the right thing because of this, as Jedi or lightsiders we have the harder position. Sith give in to darkness ..their hate and anger fuel their lust for power on an individual level, disregarding those around them, no matte what they will destroy whatever gets in their path to achieve this".

She thought on this more, "I will sugar coat this, I have seen Jedi do the very same thing in order to achieve what they believe to be the right cause of action and in so doing, caused more harm then good. It is the balance that takes great courage for a Jedi and great wisdom to recognise it".
[member="Iella E'ron"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Finding herself being guided over to seat on the bench folding her hands into her hands, that now being fully in her Silver Order Dress. Even then she shifting as to wearing so much clothing. Blocking this out this to listen to what being spoken of. Once again taken to heart whats being spoken, only to start her own search with in herself. To meet a cage, this cage would be what was taught to her by her mother to keep lock safely way. Only to release once knowing that one could control it to be able to cage it back in. It wasn't rage but it was more of a warrior that slept only to be awaken when in need or trouble was upon the horizon.

Master, is it wrong to know how to control what could lie with in you, to be taught how to cage what could be called a warrior with in the force.
Hasjo listened to Iella's words. What she spoke of was the very reason he left the Jedi Order. The one known as Vulpesen had ordered him to attack a group of citizens that hadn't committed a crime. Citizens. Hasjo had refused at the expense of the Jedi belittling him as though Hasjo were a child. The man made him seep with disappointment and anger, how could someone do that. It was atrocious behaviour for a Jedi to act that way. Hasjo was not the child in that case. Hasjo had been the better man. The Nautolan snapped out of his thought and looked to the two of them, a frown creasing his hairless face. He answered Maya, regardless of the fact the question hadn't been directed to him "Many consider me a warrior for my experience in the military and the field. You do not need to utilise passion or anger to be a warrior. Compassion for your fellow man, whether good or evil, kindness to all, and a calm mind. These are the things that have kept me alive. I have sworn to myself to never kill unless necessary to save lives, for all life is sacred. Yet I am still a warrior. Not once have I required a passion for victory, or anger to fuel my swing."

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