Seer Boudica
Redemption Seeker

[Seer turning on her master, killing him]
Basic Information
Seer Boudica
Silver Order of the Jedi
Jedi Padawan, former Sith Apprentice and Witch of Dathomir
5’ 10”
150 Ilbs
Pale Blue
Silver Blonde
Pale White
(+) Former Sith training gives her some knowledge of the Dark Side abilities and combat
(+) Committed to task when given, especially to prove her change from the Dark Side to the Light
(+) Has minor knowledge of magic due to time with the Nightsisters
(-) Training in the Dark Side makes her prone to her devotion to raw emotions for power
(-) Not quick to trust people, even when they’re being friendly
(-) Dispassion for all things Sith tends to cloud her judgements
Like all of her species Seer has very pale skin and silver blonde hair, often seen as white. From her time as a child of the Witches of Dathomir she has several tattoos, mostly on her face; the two most notable one each end of her lips going down to her chin. And from her time as a Sith Apprentice Seer still has dark clothing and robes befitting the position. Straps around her wrists down to her hands, leather shin and wrist guards, a corset tunic, and shorts underneath.
Lightsaber: Yellow lightsaber that was given to her by her master after she aided him in killing a Jedi. It is her only weapon.
Due to her time with the Sith Seer has issues trusting people, given that her master taught her to hate in order to be strong. Given her time trained in the Dark Side Seer depends on her emotions to give her power. Being raised by the Witches of Dathomir has also made her think less of men and males in general, coming from a Matriarch driven society. Given her hatred for the Sith she can often let it get the better of her judgments and actions. Seeking redemption Seer is quick to try and prove herself in the eyes of the Jedi, even if it means trying to show she's the strongest.
Despite these things Seer is still good at heart. She understands the value of teamwork and protecting those who cannot defend themselves. She truly seeks redemption and hopes through the Jedi she will find it.
On the mysterious and dark world of Dathomir the Nightsisters held a mutual, respectful relation with the Sith during the rebuilding of both orders. As signs of good faith some of the Witches chosen daughters would be given to the Sith to be trained as new warriors for their empire. Seer, when she was old enough, had become one of those chosen few.
Now a student of the Sith Seer was taught to use her emotions as her strength. Fear, anger, hatred and even lust became her focuses for controlling her abilities with the Force. Her master, Delos Crabe, trained her to be a weapon that felt nothing for those who served the light. All Jedi were the enemy of the Sith Empire and he would train her to be one of their greatest weapons against them.
Delos was furthered pleased by Seer's loyalty when the two were confronted by the Jedi Master Das Thoon and his padawan on Dantooine. As the pairs fought Seer did battle with the Padawan while her master Delos fought Thoon. In the ensuing struggle the Padawan was separated from Seer who, upon seeing her master in distress, stabbed the Jedi through the back to save his life. Impressed by her actions Delos gave Seer the Jedi's lightsaber as a gift, the Padawan escaping to fight another day.
For years Seer depended on the teachings of the Sith and her master to survive. When fighting against her enemies she did not waver on killing them. When using the Force she relied on her emotions and power to fuel her. On following her master’s commands she obeyed without question…. Until one day. During an attack on a lone village on Ryloth Delos ordered Seer to kill a family in order to strengthen her own abilities. Seeing them cowering to protect each other, especially their youngest daughter, had touched something in Seer’s soul. She could not bring herself to kill unarmed innocent people, even after all she was taught. She had killed a Jedi, a warrior and a Force User, but not poor peopke like these. She could not bring herself to do it and, in the heat of the moment, Delos struck her for her insubordination. He turned to kill the family himself but Seer, much like with Master Thoon, stabbed him in the back. After letting the family escape she too ran away from the Sith and her actions.
Barley managing to escape Seer felt lost. She ship jumped from planet to planet just trying to get as far away from the Sith. It was not until she reached Zeltros she was found by a Jedi of the Silver Order. Sensing her darkness but also her compassion and kinder nature the Jedi offered her a new place in the order. Without much choice Seer agreed, now unsure of what her future with the Jedi will hold.