Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seigi Kan

Seigi Kan

Masked Terrorist

NAME: Seigi Kan
RANK: Terrorist
SPECIES: Human or near human
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Appears and sounds male
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 175lb
EYES: Unknown
HAIR: Unknown
SKIN: Unknown
FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown (Has never shown Force ability)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Warrior - Seigi has trained in some form of sword combat, though he masks its origin during battle.
Mastermind - Seigi creates back up plans for his back up plans. In his mind, a battle is won or lost before the first shot is ever fired.
Unknown - Because he hides his idenity, most people do not trust him until he has proven himself. No one trusts a man in a mask.
Bad shot - While okay with a simple pistol at close range, Seigi has no marksman ability beyond this.

Seigi always wears his mask and full length purple clothing. While he might not always be wearing his cape, it is rare for him to go out in public without it. No one alive has seen him without his mask, yet at least.

Seigi appeared from no where, with lots of money and more influence than someone of unknown origin should ever have. He used that to quickly gather those with a similar mindset as himself, those wanting to dole out revenge to the large governments that ruled their lives. He set out to become Justice itself.



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