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Character Seilasi of Dathomir [WIP]


Wicked Witch of the Bog
(Biggest WIP under the sun)
Seilesi of Dathomir


NAME: Seilasi of Dathomir.

FACTION: Witches of Dathomir (Nightsister).

RANK: Spellweaver.

SPECIES: Dathomirian.

AGE: Thirty.

SEX: Female.

HEIGHT: Six feet.

WEIGHT: Approximately one hundred and forty pounds.

EYES: White.

HAIR: Dark grey.

SKIN: Porcelain white.


Strengths & Weaknesses
(+) Witch of the Wilds: Seilasi boasts a strong aptitude of control over the Force, or as the Nightsisters call it, Shadow Magic. In her years, the witch has learned a multitude of "spells" that she utilizes in and out of combat to wreak havoc.

(-) The Spirit is Strong, But the Flesh is Weak: While possessing a great amount strength with her magiks, Seilasi's body is frail, ill-suited for physical combat. She avoids close encounters for they tend to end badly for her, more often than not.

(-) Haughty in Her Ways: To a fault, Seilasi finds herself placed on a pillar above all others. She believes she can do no wrong, and as a result is rather stubborn in her ways. It can be very difficult, if not impossible to steer her off a path should she have set her mind to it, which can lead to some.. less than desirable outcomes.

Seilasi's appearance can be described as wild as the land she hails from. Her attire is rough and frayed, with leather in some parts such as straps around her wrists. The witch's silver-grey hair is kept in dreadlocks, bound by various scraps of fabric and leather. Her face is somewhat soft in contrast to her clothing, white as porcelain with black markings across her face, circling her eyes, across her nose and cheeks as stripes, and three shapes under her chin.





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