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Character Sekhari, Priest Queen of Ankhypt




NAME: Sekhari

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Priest Queen of Ankhypt

SPECIES: Anubian

AGE: 25

SEX: Female


PHYSIQUE: Athletic, yet Feminine.

EYES: Golden

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Black


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Master Sorceress: A powerful practitioner of dark side sorcery like many in the royal bloodline, Sekhari's heritage has granted her an extremely attuned connection to the force, far above even some of the most powerful High Priests of the Anubian Mortuary Cult. She can weave her magicks with minimal effort, and is capable of incredible feats.
Experienced Leader: Sekhari is a skilled ruler of her people, being both a formidable diplomat in times of peace and a ruthless general in times of war. She is not prone to cowering behind her gilded palace walls when times of trouble threaten her domain, and will readily take to the field at the head of her armies against her enemies.
Ego: Like most monarchs, Sekhari has an over inflated opinion of herself, and believes herself blessed by the gods. Whether that fact is true or not is irrelevent, for if she suffered a crippling defeat, it would no doubt greatly wound her pride, and may make her act rashly or leave her crippled with shock and self doubt, at least for a little while.
Soft: Sekhari is quite protective of her subjects, being the benevolent ruler she is, and will likely act to protect her people even if such may leave her at a disadvantage tactically, a fact that might be exploited by an unscrupulous foe.

The epitomy of Anubian beauty, Sekhari is truly a graceful ruler. Her black furred body is unmarred by any scars or marks, and her fur is remarkably well groomed and well kept. Her long black hair is silky to the touch, and usually kept in the Ankhyptian style. Her garb is minimalistic, yet regal, due to the heat of the desert. She'd commonly be garbed in an ample amount of golden, gem encrusted jewelery, ornate in design, with a regal Pharaoh's crown covering her hair while letting her long ears out free.

The sister of the former Priest King of Ankhypt, Ankharbis the Great, Sekhari ascended to the throne as the next in line after her brother suffered an untimely death from illness. She has proven to be a popular ruler with the people of Ankhypt due to her benevolent nature and reforms, illegalizing the slavery of the human populace of ankhypt and elevating them to the same citizen status as that of the much larger Cathar population on Ankhypt, while keeping the Anubian nobility placated by ensuring their status and power is still retained.

The usual status quo changed however, when the Bryn'adul invaded her world. Most of Ankhypt's cities were claimed and her people forced off world. A sizeable force of Mortuary Priests and their followers, led by the Queen, have hiding in the planet's vast deserts and oasises however, waging a constant Guerilla war to attempt to liberate their world from the genocidal Bryn'adul. Recent times have proven fortuitous, however, as Sekhari has recently made contact with new allies in the nearby Sith Empire, hoping to gain their assistance in liberating the world from the Bryn'adul and for her daring plan to achieve such a goal...



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