Homeless Warrior-Priestess

NAME: Sekhet-Ka-Nefer
FACTION: Sith Empire
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Priestess
SPECIES: Anubian
SPECIES: Anubian
AGE: 39
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 2.59 meters/8'6"
WEIGHT: 89 kg/ 198 lbs
EYES: Silver
HAIR: Dark gray
SKIN: Gray skin, dark gray fur
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
[+] Highborne Education -- Life is understandably good among the nobility and priesthood; she is bound to have enough pull in Anubian society to gain wealth, manpower, and materials with relative ease.
[+] Affinity for Sorcery -- Simply being a priestess for the Anubian pantheon alone doesn't grant one skill in the Dark Side; Sekhet's knowledge and prowess comes from a racial - perhaps even individual - affinity for the Force that naturally lends to her heightened status in Anubian culture. With training and experience, she will undoubtedly become a powerful vestige of the Dark Side.
[+] Breaker of Minds -- Owning slaves for her entire life has imbued within Sekhet a fine bit of know-how in the breaking of mind and will. In her hands, she can surely leave a psychological scar to remember her by.
[+/-] Pious Soul -- Although she is certainl a spoiled woman of the highest castes of society, Sekhet is still ultimately a religious fanatic at her core. Even if her wealth and status are stolen away or spat upon, she'll still have her beliefs to fall back on. Of course, such zeal will also give her quite the stubborn mind. Atheists and heretics beware!
[+/-] Anubian Physiology -- Her evolutionary traits are both advantageous and crippling for her. Sensitive hearing and powerful digitigrade legs come with a vulnerability to sonic weapons and simply being tripped up! She also isn't very keen to stick around whenever the weather is chilly.
[-] Acrophobia -- Heights are her bane. Interstellar craft aren't counted here, really, but being exposed to exceptional heights (such as looking down from a sky scraper) is an invitation for mind-freezing terror. It's a phobia of hers that she's never been able to control, sadly.
[-] Narcissist -- Even amongst the prideful numbers of her species, Sekhet is an incredibly self-centered individual. She isn't stupid by any means, but her unending belief in her status in life over the vast majority of others is guaranteed to influence her methods when interacting with others.
Standing at a fairly normal height for an Anubian, the egotistical priestess considers herself the example that all other members of the Priesthood should aspire to be - beautiful, charismatic, and equally skilled in the sorcery of the gods as well as the weapons of the mortal world. Training does not equate to real experience, of course; she's hardly a scar anywhere on her body! Either she is incredibly lucky, incredibly skilled for her age, or most likely has yet to really get into a situation that has left its mark upon her.
Being born in the highest echelons of the Priesthood caste had given Sekhet-ka-nefer many benefits. There was the obvious prestige that came with being the daughter of a Priest, including plentiful gifts and a near-innumerable amount of potential husbands coming to court her for her hand. As much as she enjoyed having her quaint little moments of fun with these gifts and suitors, none of it ever truly brought meaning to her life. It was like this for the first decade and a half of her life; wake up, attend some kind of public event or meeting, accept offerings, interact with those seeking to praise the gods, and play nice with the endless suitors. It all drove her up the wall, and she wanted a way to finally add some real thrill to her life.
So, she all but purchased a warrior to train her. He was an older man, long since past his days of chasing members of the opposite gender, which came as a relief to her. Yet, in his age, he still retained the strength and stamina of a man twenty years his younger while also holding the wisdom that naturally comes with age. He taught her a great many lessons in her training, but the ones pertaining to philosophy and the like were all but lost on her. She only wanted the old man around for a change of pace, not to disrupt her narcissistic ideas. It wasn't long before she eventually dismissed him in favor of another trainer - a sure sign of her future, no doubt.
As she grew older, she naturally became more independent as both a Priestess and a woman while her skills continued to only sharpen themselves underneath the Warrior's teachings as well as her own constant practice. Before long, the Warrior had passed away in his sleep, and Sekhet was left to her own resources when it came to continuing her training - and continue she did, all the way up until she went off to join alongside the warriors of the 1st Fleet to offer both blessing and spell in aid of those who fight for the supremacy of the Ancient Eye.
Then the Ancient Eye suddenly collapsed. The reasons for why and how are lost to her, seeing as she inexplicably lost contact with her allies following the defeat of Haven's beasts and spirits. For all she knows, she has been abandoned upon that world.
Standing at a fairly normal height for an Anubian, the egotistical priestess considers herself the example that all other members of the Priesthood should aspire to be - beautiful, charismatic, and equally skilled in the sorcery of the gods as well as the weapons of the mortal world. Training does not equate to real experience, of course; she's hardly a scar anywhere on her body! Either she is incredibly lucky, incredibly skilled for her age, or most likely has yet to really get into a situation that has left its mark upon her.
Being born in the highest echelons of the Priesthood caste had given Sekhet-ka-nefer many benefits. There was the obvious prestige that came with being the daughter of a Priest, including plentiful gifts and a near-innumerable amount of potential husbands coming to court her for her hand. As much as she enjoyed having her quaint little moments of fun with these gifts and suitors, none of it ever truly brought meaning to her life. It was like this for the first decade and a half of her life; wake up, attend some kind of public event or meeting, accept offerings, interact with those seeking to praise the gods, and play nice with the endless suitors. It all drove her up the wall, and she wanted a way to finally add some real thrill to her life.
So, she all but purchased a warrior to train her. He was an older man, long since past his days of chasing members of the opposite gender, which came as a relief to her. Yet, in his age, he still retained the strength and stamina of a man twenty years his younger while also holding the wisdom that naturally comes with age. He taught her a great many lessons in her training, but the ones pertaining to philosophy and the like were all but lost on her. She only wanted the old man around for a change of pace, not to disrupt her narcissistic ideas. It wasn't long before she eventually dismissed him in favor of another trainer - a sure sign of her future, no doubt.
As she grew older, she naturally became more independent as both a Priestess and a woman while her skills continued to only sharpen themselves underneath the Warrior's teachings as well as her own constant practice. Before long, the Warrior had passed away in his sleep, and Sekhet was left to her own resources when it came to continuing her training - and continue she did, all the way up until she went off to join alongside the warriors of the 1st Fleet to offer both blessing and spell in aid of those who fight for the supremacy of the Ancient Eye.
Then the Ancient Eye suddenly collapsed. The reasons for why and how are lost to her, seeing as she inexplicably lost contact with her allies following the defeat of Haven's beasts and spirits. For all she knows, she has been abandoned upon that world.
Nehksin-pattern Ceremonial Armor -