Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sekhmet Sarang


Sekhmet Sarang (Sec-h-met Sah-rang) is the oldest daughter of the Sarang family, born to the Chief of the clan of the same name, Tau, and his wife Asya. A fierce child, she was a sharp contrast to her younger sister, Bastet, who was noticeably quieter and gentler in her demeanour. The two were raised among the hundreds of other children within the Sarang clan, educated under the watchful presence of her mother alongside the Force-sensitive shamans, who picked out the young heiresses for their remarkable strength in the Force. While Bastet would enter their ranks as a celibate priestess of sorts, Sekhmet turned her focus to the ways of war and combat that many Saorsa enjoyed. Her father personally undertook her education as a fighter, sparring day and night with Sekhmet to ensure she had both endurance and strength. Sekhmet's life remained relatively passive in terms of life-altering events, except for when Bastet mysteriously and suddenly fled her post as a shaman of the Sarang Clan and abandoned both her duty and her family. This left Sekhmet heartbroken, as she didn't see the rift forming between the two sisters and was left wondering what had gone wrong in their relationship.

At the age of 22, nearly an adult, Sekhmet was issued an odd challenge, by an exiled Saorsa by the name of Amadi. He initiated one of the oldest Saorsa rites, declaring that if he bested her in single combat, she would be his wife. Amused by this, Sekhmet eagerly agreed and proceeded to 'mop the floor' with her opponent during their fight. This had the undue side effect of causing Amadi's clan life to crumble, but at the time, she was simply proud that she had managed to hold her own against such a strong combatant. Sekhmet never gave much thought to Amadi's fate following their fight, especially considering where her own path would take her.

During a routine night hunt that many Saorsa partake in, Sekhmet had been chosen to lead a group of formidable killers for the first time. Honoured by this she did so willingly, but their group strayed too close to one of the old Imperial mining fortresses. It was there that they found an escape-in-progress of the enslaved miners, and assisted them in fleeing the mercenaries looking to recapture them. Bringing the refugees back to their tribe, this was the first time Sekhmet was exposed to both the horrific conditions of the facilities and to the concept that her people were lax and uncaring about what was happening to their planet. Enraged, Sekhmet would sneak into the residences provided to the refugees as they remained with the Sarang clan, and received information from a Twi'lek escapee who told her where to go in order to get off-world. She planned to leave to bring outside help that could convince the lazy Saorsa to begin defending what belonged to them, and them alone.

Departing her tribe early in the morning, Sekhmet travelled day and night to reach the particular fortress that offered transport off-world, bartering with valuable trophies that she 'borrowed' from her father's hunting collection to buy herself passage off of Orenda, and to give her some credits to start out. Forced to learn as she went about the wider galaxy's operations and culture, she struggled greatly to fit into the galactic society for those first few years. But like all animals, she adopted, and soon began to bum around Wild Space in search of a worthy cause that would offer her people the relief they desperately needed...

(Still a WIP)

Full Name: Sekhmet Dayo Sarang
Age: 25
Species: Saorsa
Homeworld: Orenda
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Education: Educated

Aliases: Little Lion, Sekh
Occupation: Clan Member
Skin Color: Ashen White
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: White

Face Claim: X
Voice Claim: ?
Aesthetic Board: X
Physical Abnormalities: Prehensile Tail, Black Ringed Horns
Psychological Abnormalities: Force User

Favourite Weapon(s): "Thing one and thing two."
Favourite Item: Chunk of a Bantha Horn

Known Force Abilities: Force Sense, Force Speed

Armor: None (Clan Attire)

Ship: None Owned

Trained by her father in hand-to-hand and armed melee combat, Sekhmet holds little-to-no skill with blasters or ranged weaponry. Which is exactly how she likes it. Up-close-and-personal is how she fights, usually either with weapons that increase her lethality at that range or with her own natural weapons-- Her claws. Sekhmet's Force abilities have manifested in an uncanny talent for being able to move far more swiftly than other Saorsa, off-setting their genetic predisposition to being slow. Along with enhanced senses and strength, she's a force to be reckoned with.

Vice: Brutal
Sekhmet was raised in the violent nature of the Saorsa, learning how to fight-- And fight bloodily --at a young age.

Virtue: Assertive
In the event Sekhmet wants something, she'll make it known & take it before you even have time to process or protest.

Vice: Grouchy
With a temper like an explosive, it doesn't take much to set Sekhmet off. Little things, big things, if she can make a fuss over it she'll certainly try.

Virtue: Diligent
Attentive in all things, Sekhmet has been raised and trained to be a worthy leader for her clan. With such an enormous responsibility on her shoulders from even a young age, she has adapted and learned how to pay attention to even the smallest things.

Vice: Inflexible
The Saorsa have a saying, which roughly translates to; 'The tougher your horns, the stronger your opinion'. This is true in both cases for Sekhmet, who vehemently dislikes having to change her viewpoint, position, or side. Much like a great tree, once she takes root, you'll have to forcibly tear her out of her corner in a fight.

Virtue: Fidelity
Honour-bound to her promises and decisions, Sekhmet is almost culturally-prohibited to backstab or betray any ally, friend or lover. If she gives you word, it's as good as gold.

Vice: Malice
Reared in the violent culture of Saorsa has led Sekhmet to develop a certain relationship with pain. Nothing makes her happier than inflicting it on a deserving enemy, or to receive it in a worthy fight.

Virtue: Moral
A revolutionary, Sekhmet has long-seen the issues on her planet that others have turned an eye to, leading to her developing a keen sense for when things are right, and when things are direly wrong.

Vice: Vainglorious
Glory, glory, glory. The Saorsa sing songs of legendary warriors who could best a thousand men and Sekhmet is right up there with them. Well... She thinks that, anyway. And don't worry, she'll tell you all about why she deserves such a high status.

Virtue: Devil's Tail
The Sarang family is one of the few to be genetic carriers of the long-dormant genes that produce tailed Saorsa. Sekhmet is one of these few Saorsa to sport one, using it as a third limb in day-to-day life.


"There are times in every life, when one must step back and make a careful examination of their situations and decisions. Finding the Hermit in your spread suggests this is just such a time for you. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position. This retreat can be physical, or a search within. Only a deep and honest introspection will lead to a solution, however."

Represented by The Hermit in the major arcana deck, the application of this powerful tarot card to Sekhmet spells out her inner kitty that is often obscured by the untamable lion. Those under this card are 'old souls', and Sekhmet's just the same, though she's loathed to admit it. Through circumstance, Sekhmet has been alone for a good chunk of her life, and despite this not being her fault or her choice, she thrived in it; a loner never does really feel the loneliness, and a solitary nature is indicative of representation under this card.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum

Player Characters

'High Sovereign' | Varik Ice
"Finally, someone who listens to me when I say we need help."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Oh, Right, Him.' | Amadi
"Ha. He thought he could best me. I do feel a little bad, but I wasn't ready for marriage yet!"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ bruises | die trying | take me home ]

'Lost Sister' | Bastet Sarang
"How I miss you, and miss our childhood. "

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ the village ]

Non-Player Characters

'Mother, Our Red Moon' | Asya Sarang
"She leads our clan with grace and honesty. I hope I will do as well as her."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Father, Our Bloody Sun' | Tau Sarang
"Ask him how he lost his horn and he'll tell a different, beautiful tale each time. I miss him the most."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

The Sovereignty
Having sought out the Sovereignty to liberate her homeworld, Sekhmet has sworn loyalty to their cause.
Sarang Clan
Despite fighting for the Sovereignty, Sekhmet still belongs to her clan and family, and interacts often with them.
Personal Arcs
There is still time for private ordeals, even while being a badass...


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