Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seledite Colcolt

Seledite Colbolt


NAME: [SIZE=14pt]Seledite[/SIZE] Colbolt
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
EYES: Silver
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
Voice Sample: Travis Willingham

+Close Combat: Like all Echani, [SIZE=14pt]Seledite[/SIZE] thrives most in combat. It is a method of self-expression just as much if not more than it is a defensive mechanism.
+/- Oddly Talkative: While most Echani use combat as their main form of communication, exposure with others has left [SIZE=14pt]Seledite[/SIZE] a bit more eager to converse vocally. By Echani standards, he’s a chatterbox. By other sentients’ standards, he’s normal if not still a bit quiet.
+/- For Honor: [SIZE=14pt]Seledite’s[/SIZE] not the smartest person in the world. He’s accepted that. He’s also not one to take the coward’s route and retreat without specific orders to do so. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth, denying someone their victory when they have indeed bested him.
-Aftershocks: At some point enduring a perverted form of shock therapy, [SIZE=14pt]Seledite’s[/SIZE] memory is shaky at best. Combat has been drilled into muscle memory but new names and faces are a difficult thing to keep track of. Many a moon has Colbolt spent trying to recover what was lost, only to lose bits and pieces, especially when he’s exposed to more of the electrical disposition.

Standing tall and strong, [SIZE=14pt]Seledite[/SIZE] is a vision of physical superiority. Lean, yet not overly muscular, he’s got muscles, that’s for sure, but he’s not completely married to the gym. His hair is often unkempt, left to fall as it will. His face, for the most part, clean-shaven.

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