Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Self Appointed Mission

Galen had traveled the galaxy for many many rotations. He had met other Jedi, lone Jedi, as he was, he had tried to investigate an Empire, which turned into, and not by his hand, an Empire completely collapsing, fought Sith, Bounty Hunters and Underworld Bantha Poo-doo. Galen had pretty much done it all. Unfortunately, nothing had led to how or why he was awoken. Galen Paven had sat and thought. He had managed to scrunge up some credits and buy himself a domicile on Level 3500.

Level 3500 had a WIDE variety of different species who weren't poor but weren't rich either. With credits and the, which Galen did and was NOT proud of, use of the Jedi Mind Trick, got this domicile. It had everything he needed and then some. Galen had no worldly possessions. He had some change of tunics and about it. His Lightsabers were kept up on a shelf behind a a few books that he had purchased purposely to hide the sabers.

Galen had sat in the front room and faced the holo-projector. The "window" had a jungle scene. Galen had his eyes closed and just took a few deep breaths. Of course, the mission he was set on, had been put on the back burner for some reason. That was about to change though. Galen had put his own things on the back-burner for too long. Galen had made it his work now to explore the original Jedi Temple here upon Coruscant to get answers about his, well, existance.

Galen had opened his eyes and looked at the holo-projector scene and just shook his head. He was about half way tot he top and half way to the bottom. It wasn't great but whatever. Galen walked into the dressing area and essentally removed any sign of him being a Jedi. He come out with a smuggler type outfit on. It was black on black. The black shirt and black cloth pants indefinitely hid the fact that he was a Jedi. he had placed a holster for a blaster on his left leg. Inside the holster was a RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster. He felt it to be clunky and cumbersome BUT it was all part of the disguise.

Galen had opened the door to his domicile and out in the street. The vendors and various species walked about. This level was like the middle-class or Coruscant. There were shops, vendors, decent sized domicles and all sorts. Galen closed the door behind him and made his way towards one of the lifts. He was about to head to level 5100. This is where the lowest level of the Jedi temple was located. Galen walked down the street.

"Authentic Tattooine sand-glass sculptures!!!" one of the Vendors had yelled right next to Galen. Galen continued to walk and made his way to the lift. He had waited a second until the door opened. Three Bith musicians had already been on the lift. Galen got on and, well up it went. Galen had stayed quiet as the lift continued. One thing was for sure was that Galen hated the awkward silence of lifts. That DING had sounded and they had reached level 4981. The Bith musicians had exited and Galemn had managed to keep his composer. The lift doors had closed and continued. Galen was wondering what he was going to find in the Jedi temple or if he was even going to be able to get into it.

Of course Galen was not going to get in. The Jedi Temple had been ransacked by looters, the Empire (Back in the Day), the First Order (back in the day) and every other communistic type government that ruled or tried to rule the galaxy. Galen had even thought that the Jedi Temple standing was even an amazing feat. Galen definitely needed to get in there and figure things out.

Finally, the lift had stopped on level 5100. The door opened and Galen stepped off. This was the beginning of Galen finally completing his self appointed mission.
Galen had walked down the corridor. There was still vendors and such but nowhere near as many. This was the area of finer things being sold. Level 5100 was literally 27 levels away from the surface. The "hoity toity" area of Coruscant. This was the beginning, level 5100, where the Senator's stayed. Not all of them of course. Majority of them stayed in the senate building in their private suites and apartments with in the main building. Galen just shook his head as he proceeded closer to where the O.G Jedi Temple had been.

"Hey, You! Are you looking for a fine Bantha Skin rug? Or maybe even a Fire Rubie ring? Hmm? Anything?"

A vendor had spoke to Galen. Of course, Galen had just ignored him. The vendor kind of scoffed as Galen proceeded on with out a word. He was not there to buy luxurious items. No. Galen was there to complete the mission he was so eager to get finished. He had no idea what the Temple held in store for him. Could there be answers or just more questions!? Galen hadn't a clue. He just knew that he needed to find out for himself.

Master Yoda, before Galen was placed in hyper-sleep, explained that Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber held all the answers that were needed. Was it the Kyber crystal? The saber itself? What? Galen needed to figure all this out. Galen had also been told by Yoda, in a force premonition, that He was created from the Midiclorians of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. It had been a new technology that was being secretly used to create clone Jedi. Galen was one of the only ones that had survived the process and didn't deteriorate during the training.

Galen walked closer. The lights from the vendors and the "sun" generator simulating day was illuminating everything. People's garb, jewelry and everything in between had shined in this "light", Galen turned a corner and stopped dead in his tracks. There it was. The lower levels of the Jedi Temple.

The gold inlay had a slight glimmer through the age old amounts of muck that had built up on the walls. The entrances, from where he could see, had been blocked off. Dura-steel blockades had been placed in front of all entrances that he could see. He was still about 200 yards away but the lower levels were still massive.

Galen trekked on. He knew that it was not going to be easy and getting in was going to be almost impossible. He knew that something was going to have to work in his favor if he was going to get into the temple. Galen had started to become vary of the area. Boobytraps, guards, anything that would impede his mission. Galen got within 30 yards and stopped again, dead in his tracks. He looked up and saw a sniper. It almost looked as if it was a clone trooper, but the armor was a little different.

Clone Troopers? No, Galen didn't thing it was. Darth Vader, according to Galen's research, had eliminated the use of Clones and actually used various people. Volunteers. These people had volunteered to fight for what was called the empire. Years after that, the First Order had taken children and started them off with human conditioning. They were trained from birth to fight for their First Order. At the end of that the galaxy seemed to turn into sects. Various societies had become prevalent.

Now, Galen had stood in front of the lower levels of the original Jedi Temple on Coruscant and was slightly dumbfounded. It was almost what he remembered but of course now, it was in ruins.​
"HEY! You! What are you doing here?" Yelled a guard. Galen had looked up and blinked a second. Why would some sort of trooper be blocking the Temple? Is there still artifacts? Surely, the temple it self was stripped of anything Jedi artifact related after the fall. So, again, Galen thought to himself why?

"What am I doing here? I am just a lowly traveler, looking at such a massive structure. Speaking of, what brings such an armed force to such a ransacked structure"" Galen asked casually. He was genuinely curious why they had taken up shelter here as well as guarding the lower leveled entrance.

"What does it pertain to you scum? Get out of here before Rik Vondon has something to say about it!" The Trooper has spoke. Now Galen knew these weren't Storm Troopers, or Clone troopers, these were Bounty Hunters. Rik Vondon was the Bounty Hunter Galen had come in contact with, So Galen knew either this ewas a search mission for priceless Jedi artifacts or Rik was hunting Jedi trying to hid with in the temple. Once Galen had heard the name, He cringed and slowly backed away. He turned around and he made his way back towards where he entered the lower level court yard. He ducked into a small alley way type area and looked over the entrance to the temple.

"Why in the worlds is Rik Vondon here? I am going to have to do this smart like" Galen had spoke to himself. He knew Rik Vondon was trouble. He also knew that his crew were the worst of the worst and wouldn't rest until, if they knew who Galen was, he was captured and scalped. Galen poked his head around the alley way and kept a look out at thre guard overhead.

The lower level entrance had shown to be a not so viable entrance for Galen. He knew the jedi Burial Chamber was another 3 levels below but this was the lowest entrance the Jedi Temple had. This entrance is where the Non-Jedi personnel entered to work at the temple. Mechanics, Security, Lunch aides, all that entered here. The next entrance was 10 levels up and that is where the Jedi Temple Guards had entered. Maybe it would be better for Galen to enter there? He looked behind him and saw a puff of exhaust smoke.

"The vents! The exhaust could be a perfect way to enter. It would lead to the boiler room and from there, I could enter into the kitchen area and work my way from there. "

Galen made his way towards the vent. He waited for some exhaust to be dispersed, turned on his light saber and cut the bolts. He grabbed the vent cover and placed it slowly to the side. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. He knew the booby-traps the Jedi had placed with in the ducts, so Galen had to be cautious.​
Galen had managed to take his lightsaber and somehow, quietly, cut the duct open and jump into it. The duct itself was a little smaller then he though but he had to manage. Galen had shimmied himself towards where he needed to be; The Boiler room. Galen had made his way but for some reason the vent had taken a 90 degree turn straight up. Why? Galen had figured the boiler room was on this level.

Galen shook his head. Luckily, the vent had become wider. Galen grabbed a climbing hook out of his pouch and began to make his way up the tubing. Climbing up and up until suddenly voices could be heard what sounded like right next to him.

"Rik really needs to figure out what we are doing! We've been here for a few rotations now and haven't found anything! He keeps tearing apart these areas of this forsaken temple and finding nothing but old, outdated equipment, Clone War Era weaponry and old skeletal remains and torn robes. I have no idea what else could be found here!"

Galen stopped and listened. Was Rik Vondon looking for something extremely important. Could it of been Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber? Could it have been another lightsaber? Galen had shook his head. He took another reach and began to climb again. Where was this venting going to lead? Galen just continued. Then all of the sudden Galen looked up and saw light. Galen had poked his head out and he had been looking out over Coruscant.

Galen managed to get literally at the side of the temple. He had to be a few hundred meters above any walking lane and literally looking at speeder lanes. Galen looked to his right and he was attached to the temple itself.

"Great, Now, how in the world am I going to get myself up the side of this temple, not be seen and then get into this temple? " Galen said to himself. He looked down against the temple and saw some blaster points. "Maybe right there!" Galen had got himself on the edge of the venting and that's when it happened. The venting began to move.

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