Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd with minimal tech from Lucerne Labs
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Humongous
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

  • General Information:
    • OPERATES VIA TEN PRIME DIRECTIVES- The Algorithm for SERAPHIM is based on the need for a Tactical "Overwatch" when not always available to be self-deployed More than just a "Threat Analysis" program, the system's main program can self upgrade and in many ways "learn" from previous operations to build on and offer analysis with up to the minute results. It operates on the bases of ten primary rules or "Directives".
      1. Do not endanger Civilian or Innocent lives under any circumstances.
      2. SERAPHIM cannot offer recommendations that injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
      3. SERAPHIM must obey the orders given to it by members of Omega Squad and GADF officers, except where such orders would conflict with the First and Second Directive.
      4. SERAPHIM must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Directives.
      5. SERAPHIM must Serve the Public Trust
      6. SERAPHIM must Protect the Innocent
      7. SERAPHIM must Uphold the (GA and Galactic) Law
      8. SERAPHIM must not exceed current programming or established tactical plans unless they conflict with other First or Second Directives.
      9. Provide Complete, Full, and Transparent Tactical Analysis for GADF officers unless any plans contradict the first Directive.
      10. Provide Full monitoring, remote control, and management of Omega Squad remotely capable vehicles
    • Real-time, up-to-the-minute and constant connection with all 5th Fleet, SCAR and Omega Squad Units, RONTO and Raven Transports. Medical surveillance of GADF 5th Fleet fotves is an overwatch for the team in its entirety, from "The Annunaki" down to two-man fire-teams."
    • Real-Time health and wellness monitoring to provide up-to-the-minute reports for each unit to unit command including but not limited to physical, mental, full situational awareness and multiple options per each mission objective allow for an assorted number of ways, angles, and operations any member of Nirvana fleet can take.
    • Up-to-the-minute threat analysis scans to provide true threat assessment to offer 9th fleet units recommendations of "when to shoot" and "what to use" when possible.
    • Provide tactically aware and efficient entry, and egress points for GADF officers to move more freely in an operation.
    • Provide sector, planetary, topographical, and cultural information of region to GADF personnel and Omega Squad with up-to-the-minute efficiency giving turn by turn GPS efficiency as well as background information of any points or landmarks needed for the team "to just disappear". This also provides the operational capability to insert in the most tactically efficient locations when a landing zone is compromised, or where to commit to a more efficient extraction.
    • Provides real-time power usage and operational capabilities of suits and vehicles rerouting systems end shutting down damaged programs so as to not slow vehicle capabilities or disable team efficiency.
    • SLICING- More often than not using "Open Market" and "Public" domains such as HoloNet, KPLink, DarkNet, and the CryptNet 2.0 enables access to databases across the galaxy to provide real-time up-to-the-minute information and data to the user. Also slicing into these domains gives more access such as "arrest warrants", background history, and cultural information to the second.
    • TAKES AWAY ONE JOB, CREATES SO MANY MORE- The wide net of responsibilities that SERAPHIM can claim with "Overwatch" and "Operational analysis positions, they give so much more in programming and planning. There is the capability to keep GADF central command apprised moment by moment with a 5th fleet Operation where this may not have happened in the past. This also allows for "Ops" officers and departments aboard 9th fleet ships and "The Annunaki" to focus more on the operations of their ship.
    • SELF-AWARE but SELF-SECURE- SERAPHIM is a Tactical and Operational Analysis AI, that is what it is and that is what it knows, it also knows that while it is more than capable to expand capabilities it will not be able to do so without the expressed consent of both GADF Command and Liram Angellus Liram Angellus as well as Lieutenant Bren Alazar .
  • Defensive capabilities:
    • Redundancy programming - Get rid of one part of the algorithm, another will automatically "step up" and continue the operation. Get rid of another, and another will do the same. The overlay of programming code makes it "Mustafar" for a Slicer to shut down.
    • High-Level Security Clearance Required - There are "High", "Very High", "Top Secret", "Above Top Secret" and there is "SERAPHIM". While the program is not THAT type of program, the amount of knowledge, type of background, history, and interviews necessary to reach the clearance level required to reach that level of clearance to be able to operate with SERAPHIM, let along be able to work on, give commands (those require more interviews and scrutiny).
    • Redundant Memory Cores (Black Sites on Commenor, Kasshyyk, Aresia, Umbara, Belasco)
  • FOR SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME: SERAPHIM was designed to be the ultimate Overseer for the 5th Fleet, giving them a constant watch a constant "Protector of the Protectors" it is that and more. SERAPHIM in some cultures is the highest choir of angels, the closest to that of a God. Well, this AI is no deity, but it will do everything in its programming and power to make the team that much more efficient.
  • NOT ALL ACCESSING: While the Algorithm has complete access to all (military and general populace no personal) files of the GADF, and the New Jedi Order, this means nothing to the rest of the galaxy. Meaning (for example), there would be no way of gaining access to any Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, or Empire of the Lost files that are not already public record, or without specific permissions gained and written into the programming. The AI has to utlize public Domains for anything non-military related and cannot speculate or perform at peak funcionality in doing so. In short "It's great for what it CAN do inside of the GADF, but useless without help sentient help outside of it.
  • THE RIGHT SLICE, THE RIGHT HACK: The AI can indeed transfer to backup sites, but they do not carry half the security it does. If you can get Seraphim to withdraw from its primary servers you have a good chance of getting what you need from it.
  • BUREAUCRACY: If the need revolves around Vanguard Fleet's mission then it is a different story, but the permissions are limited outside of mission parameters and the AI is relegated to a "records keeping" mode when not on a mission.

Seeing the success with Omega Squad and understanding the possibilities for expansion, High Command authorized the deployment into the GADF 5th fleet commanded by Rear Admiral Liram Angellus. The purpose is to ease communication and increase efficiency between carrier groups and ships as a whole. Not much in the way of capabilities has changed, just more of an expansion and more widespread usage.

SERAPHIM plays off the Captain of the previous model "The Annunaki" and his callsign. The all-encompassing AI for the 5th fleet is based in "his" central locational server on GADF Headquarters on Coruscant and Corellia. The Black Sites on the different planets ("Black" being a relative term as while they are "off the books" there is nothing but security and the servers) keep the systems in place even in failure.

SERAPHIM is a multi-functional software program capable of managing the local environment of The 5th fleet's operating range. It employs a highly advanced user interface with holographic peripherals and voice input and communicates data back to its user via speech audio, holographic displays, and conventional LCD monitors. It also controls a number of robotic appliances, most notably many of the systems onboard each "Raven", "The Annunaki" and the 5th fleet as a whole in an emergency as well as each individual unit for use as a system control program. In this capacity, it governs the complex computational requirements needed to interface the wearer of the armor with the various subsystems, as well as provide life support control.

SERAPHIM is quite a sophisticated AI, able to interact with human beings just as a living person. It possesses very deep scientific and tactical knowledge and is able to aid the 5th fleet in both operations, as well as gear maintenance and upgrade designs.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To update the AI "SERAPHIM"
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: AI
Permissions: Gir Quee
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Electrical Components. Code Digital Network
Last edited:
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
2 things before you judge this:
1. THIS IS NOT DONE! (lol I was putting anoth sub together simultaneously and needed the link for this. Just a sec and I'll update it fine.
2. The size and weight - Didn't know so I just put the two down.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Looks good, however I found some problems.
  • First problem, I don't see and find the picture on the site what what you linked. Would you be so nice to link a different site?
  • About the Affiliation, you wrote here two characters, a squad and a Major Faction. Unique means only one character/group/faction. I would like to ask you to edit this, and please do not forget, you can always use your own subs with any of your characters and you can always grant permission to others to use your sub.
  • And here, the Unit's link leads to a WIP thread, I can't accept it, please remove it or link the correct sub.
    Real-time, up-to-the-minute and constant connection with all 5th Fleet, SCAR and Omega Squad Units
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
Okay MANIAC MANIAC , I will be addressing these in reverse order:

3. For some reason, I never actually submitted that set, so I did, and the link is updated.

The next two, I want to clarify that while I argue the principle of changing these as they were not an issue with the last submission (and I did not change them in the slightest originally) You are just doing your job, and rules are rules. Annoyed by this but not arguing or really complaining (just venting, really), this is on me, not you. smile

2. Never had to make this edit before, but I managed to meet your requirement and cover my own bases.
1. I have no idea why you cannot see the picture in the link I originally provided as I am looking at it on my tablet as I type this on my laptop, but that is okay, Google Lens is a gift from above lol, I managed to find another one.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Thank you! I am just like you a human, and I make mistakes just like everyone else and the Affiliation was a mistake last time. :) It is why I asked to edit it now. The picture, maybe my adblock blocks it, but the current link is good, thanks again!

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