Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Selina girard

Selina Girard

Selina girard

NAME: Selina girard

Voice sample

Sexuality: pansexual

FACTION: the great houses of alderaan / GA

RANK: noble/ jedi master

SPECIES: human

AGE: 22

SEX: female

HEIGHT: 5'6"


EYES: blue

HAIR: blonde

SKIN: fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :Strengths
force healing: Selina is one of the better force healers in the galaxy being able heal wounds in a short time

Force training: Selina has trained to use many force powers including force light.

Medical training: Selina was trained to be a doctor.

Nobility training: Selina was taught many things like diplomacy, history, politics as well as the best education money could buy.

Sentinel skills: Selina has learned many skills as a Sentinel which includes having computer hacking, and many other skills.

Heart: Selina would help anyone in need as long as they don't pose a huge risk for others even then she wants to help.

Dual Obligations: Selinas obligations to her family and the jedi on alderaan can sometimes cause friction.

Selina stands at 5'6" and has a petite figure with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes with clear fair skin betraying her jedi proffesion she looks purely like an alderaan noble

Selina was born to one of the higher noble families on alderaan. Even at a young age Selina wanted to heal and help others or animals that where hurt or just needed help she lived a normal life for one of her station. until one day she saw the family pet get attacked by a predator in her attempt to help the pet her force powers emerged repelling the predator away. one of the house droids seeing the event reported it to her father who had Selina go to the jedi temple and receive training which she excelled at and quickly became master at alderaans temple. Which she has a room assigned along with a room at her parents house.

a-24 sleuth
With a 0.5 hyperdrive
And twin laser cannons

  • A stock lightsaber for now.
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