Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Semi-LOA/Slow(er) Posting

Well life does like to hit you all at once. Luckily this time it's all good. I am beginning the process of moving into a new house, purging quite a bit of my own things along the way. So between my two regular jobs, the move, and a theatre festival that I will be Stage Managing a show for the last two weeks of May, my life is about to become very, very sporadic.

I will still be posting, but I cannot guarantee when or how often. I am striving on twice a week to the threads I owe, but I'm finding myself getting very worn out after long weekends of work, rehearsal, and now the process of packing and moving. So please bare with me, don't be afraid to poke me if I've let our threads sit too long, but know I'm still here and writing, just...randomly. :lol:

You can always find me lurking on discord :p

This will mostly affect my threads with the following on Ara:

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Farah"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"]​

As well as my threads with [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="The Major"] on Seph. (Don't worry [member="Itash Mecetti"] & [member="Cassandra Paige"], I still have plans to throw Seph in the deep end of the pool without any safety nets. Soon~)

((Apologies if I missed anyone...oops!))


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Ara Zambrano"]

Not to worry, our thread will still be there :) Break a leg with your shows! Stage managing is tiresome but fun. Enjoy :)
[member="Farah"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

I will absolutely still be posting, but just not in any sort of consistent manner :unsure:

I'm loving the easy-going stories we have :wub:

[member="Darth Morbian"]

YAAAS! It's the only thing keeping me sane this week. I might need a sunset walk on the beach too. Can I steal your wife for it? :p

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