Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Semi LOA

A messy combination of school, winter time arriving and real life generally being a schutta have roadblocked my muse and forcing myself to write hasn't worked to recover it. After some deliberation I'm taking a tentative two weeks off and partially putting RP on hold - I'll still write Evoros where I need to, but Aria, Lina, and Venus are getting their threads paused.

Sincerest apologies to the following:

Aria: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Imogen Daniels"], [member="Boethiah"], [member="The Matador"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Llevana Helas"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Jacob Crawford"], [member="Alm"]
Lina: [member="Calina Ovmar"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Madeline Roux"], [member="Catya Delarn"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Kana Truden"]
Kaila/Venus: [member="Whisper"]

I'll still be around doing Factory duties or the odd post with Evoros, and I'm on Discord if folks want to chat. If I'm really lucky, a few days of not needing to post to ten different things will be all my brain needs to recharge and then I can get back into writing straight away - but I'm expecting I'll need/want a bit longer. Sorry again for the inconvenience this causes to my fabulous writing partners, I'm hoping that after two weeks I'll be able to get back into my groove.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
[member="Aria Vale"]

take all the time u need b
A little while not posting did a world of good, but I missed writing. Posts will slowly be on their way, thank you to all of you for you awesomeness and patience <3

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