Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I know I just got back, but I figured it best to put up one of these, just in case. I am, after all, in school, and I am working. Right now, though, I'm not getting enough hours at work, and I'm not sure yet where things will go from here. Just know that if I disappear, it's either school-related, work-related, or both.

And know that I'll reappear. This is applicable to all my characters, listed below:

  • Ilias Nytrau
  • Tela Uolmi
  • Ferian Adair
  • Marselia Urstalis
  • Auswyn Nothrael
  • Greyhide
  • Jannik Morlandt
  • Meeristali Peradun
  • Siyndacha Aerin
  • Falcon Rekali
  • Ibaris Varanin
  • Maat'ul
  • Joanes Quez
  • Tes Dralyn
  • Cennika Hawk
  • Tadel Perris
  • Merrick Sato
  • Justinian Atreides
  • Stigr Nytrau
  • Izaszh Zambrano
  • Lyanie Quez
  • Nita Quez
  • Kelly Perris
  • Atasihd Zi
  • Eline Djo
  • Darth Hibou
  • Kastis Van-Derveld
  • Yuca Najwa-Keth
  • Yasmin Perris
  • Andrik Perris
  • Selinica Miriya Cailis
  • Emiery Athelon

Thank you for your understanding. :)

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