Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Due to sleeping 7 hours the past four days with only a half a plate of eggs and minimal food the last four days plus a annoyance the last two days that was worsened because of my current state, i am going on Semi-LOA. I will still be here to Roleplay but new threads will be limited and my posting will not be as numerous as well as limited to specific threads. I apologize if this inconvenience anyone but i need to figure out why i cant sleep or eat before i have another episode like i just had with Reverence.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Go and take some well needed rest/you time. The site will still be here when you return; your health and well-being is far more important than people getting their replies!

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Further lowering my posting, keeping to 5 specific threads, those being

My Trial on Alexandra, Solan meeting with [member="Darth Arcanix"], Solan's fall, Alexandra talking to Carliah, and Yusan Fenn's thread.

I apologize to all those that i do not have the drive to RP with, im still unable to eat and sleep and it is really taxing me so i must try to cut down on this and figure out a way to fix this problem. I promise if its pivotal to your story and you tell me ill try and get to it but idk if i can. Again sorry.

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