Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to post this, as this will likely reflect my Thursday posting schedule. The job I recently acquired is an early morning one. I went in at 2am PST and just got off at 6am PST (I stopped for some breakfast before heading home). Thursdays are also one of two boardgame/Pathfinder days (the other being Tuesday).
What does this mean you may ask, and why are you posting a semi-LOA?
This means that on Thursdays, depending on when I get home from work, I will be sleeping until about 2pm PST, at which point I'll be getting up, taking a shower and heading off for game night (which usually ends between 10pm PST - 1am PST). Posting will thus be minimal on Thursdays from now on.
I thank you for your understanding, and I request that the threads I am in do not get taken over and run away with (I just want to be able to keep up :p ). This mainly goes for those that I am currently involved in a thread with, as mentioned below.
[member="Feena Mason"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
[member="Armand Temi"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Kian Karr"]
[member="Lord Vyse Magrath"]
[member="Darth Venefica"]
[member="Jaira Jorel"]
[member="Mallory Pryde"]
[member="Ray Valerio"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]
... Whoops. Guess the thread did get a little carried away.

That's fine, everyones got a life. I was planning to wait until we'd finished our talk IC before posting again, if that changes really depends on what happens in the thread. For now, I'm able to wait :)

Thanks for warning us.

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