Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Semi loa

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Ill be taking some time away from posting for the next few days to maybe up to a week. I've been feeling constantly drained of all energy and I am struggling to pump out even small posts. I will however still be around the board if I'm needed to something.

In short a lot of stuff has been happening lately and I am just trying to hold together. But those are the struggles of rl.

To those I'm in threads with -

[member="Maxumus Corvus"], [member="Matsu Ike"], [member="Stardust"], [member="Gray Raxis"] and others pop me a message in a day or two as a reminder on skype and I will try post then but I can't hold any promises for a post until I've sorted out my energy crisis.

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