Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey all. Some of you already know, but after a long struggle for the last two months my Grandmother passed away Friday morning. My schooling waits for no man, so between trying to keep up with that and handling Gma's goodbyes, I'll be taking some time off.

I'll only be posting to Omega since it's a blast and simple fun. I expect to be back to my regularly scheduled posting to all other threads by the end of the week.

Thank you for the patience to anyone this affects.
[member="Reverance"] [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Llevana Helas"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Silas of Ossus"] @everyone in TSO

And now, have a picture of my beautiful Grandma with my Grandpa Jim - both somewhere looking this young and happy again.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

So sorry to hear about her passing! Gorgeous picture, they look wonderful together :)

Take as much time as you need, don't worry about posting in whatever the heck it is we're in together. Focus on you, girl.
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

That's a beautiful picture of your grandparents! I'm very sorry for what has happened, and I do hope you're okay.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Don't worry about posting to me. You know I have tons of patience. ;)

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