Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Semi return/ update

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
So I'm not sure how many noticed but I had took a 2-3 month loa without saying anything. I did so due to depression and the need for a job that actually pays rather than volunteering.

So in that time I've been on a training course to hopefully get me a job. Working hard as I could I not only gave the best interview out of the final 9 people on the course but I've been the only one to be offered a job so far. So this up coming Saturday I will be properly starting my job as it's also my last day of placement.

Now I'm on track of my smart target I feel like I'm in a comfortable position to return to rp. But now I face the challenge of working rp around 51h a week. So I won't be very active and thus I can't commit to anything big. Other than that I've threads to tie up and planning to commence.

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